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Dog losing his hearing Page 2 of 2
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Okay, I will do that. To be clear, I will continue the Natrum Salicylicum too?
krystalhaze9 6 months ago
I’ve had Brando on the Natrum Salicylicum and Petroleum for a little over a week… I have noticed a slight improvement, but it also seems to come and go… any suggestions for next steps? Should I keep doing what I’ve been doing or is there more I could do? Thank you!
krystalhaze9 5 months ago
An update - I do believe Brando is hearing me a little better as of late. Not always, but he’s been more attentive to me when I speak. Any additional suggestions, or continue as I have been?
krystalhaze9 5 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
I have been continuing to give Brando the same medications 3x daily for weeks. I forgot about providing weekly updates. He’s doing well though. I actually think his hearing has improved a tiny bit. Do you suggest continuing indefinitely?
[Edited by krystalhaze9 on 2024-11-19 00:03:14]
[Edited by krystalhaze9 on 2024-11-19 00:03:14]
krystalhaze9 3 months ago
Checking in - Brando is still doing well the with Natrum Salicylicum and Petroleum drops. What should I be addressing in terms of weekly updates here?
krystalhaze9 3 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Checking in - I’ve actually noticed improvements in Brando’s hearing in the last week! He’s perking his ears and tilting his head on occasion when I speak, which he always used to do but hasn’t since his hearing has declined. He’s certainly hearing me at least marginally better :)
krystalhaze9 2 months ago
krystalhaze9 last month
Checking in. Brando’s hearing seems to have improved marginally, though it’s somewhat inconsistent for some reason. Sometimes he seems to hear me fairly well, other times not as much.
krystalhaze9 3 weeks ago
♡ anuj srivastava last week
Because as per you there has been no improvement with the previous remedies.Will restart the old remedies after giving SULPHUR for a week.
♡ anuj srivastava 6 days ago
Okay, thank you. I had to order the sulphur so it will be a few days before I can begin with that. Should I continue the old remedies until then?
krystalhaze9 6 days ago
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