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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nasal congestion

Hi All,

I am having nasal congestion since last 2 months. As it became very severe doctors advised me to take a course of antibiotics(Ceftas CV) and Nasivion Nasal drops. But there was no improvement. Finally a short course of steroid gave temporary relief for 10-15 days.

But again after 15 days, I felt congestion in my nose which aggravated. There was throat congestion.

Then as per a doctors advise, I took antacids which gave some relief. He said that it is related to excessive gastric. Tehn as per his advise, I did a CT Scan of PNS was done and there was no problem detected in the scan report. Doctors have diagnosed it to be Allergic Rhinites.

Please advise.

  ask_med on 2010-01-08
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