The ABC Homeopathy Forum
fussy baby, continued
Okay, 9 months old, not crawling, not taking steps, very slow teething, has two teeth. Very content from birth until 5 1/2 - 6 months (around the time I started her on food). Had a eczema like rash and cradle cap, treated homeopthically at 4 months. Very attached to me. Does not take to strangers or even family whom she doesn't see often. Has a large head for size of body, looks chubby but is very light. Head was large at birth - 40cm circ. Ridge on top of head, from fontenelle to forehead, fontenelle very small and hard. Back to normal, content, good sleeper this weekend. What I did differently - schedueled her feedings, daddy home, took grain out of diet. Gave her a dose of Chamomila on Monday, Calc on Tuesday, I took dose of Sulfur on Friday. She got a small rash (pimple like) on back of neck and forehead after Sulfur dose.healthyliving on 2004-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
TO ALL WHOM READ --TAKE THIS FULL CASE- i prescribed by email calc-c and have dedicated much effort in helping--put much thought before ruining case--mother impatient
TOO healthy living
you jump remedy to remedy -worrying --allow calc to work--so all whom read will know--post the response calc gave--good response --you mislead for what reason --too impatient-- child health important--
and told you watch for calc-phos to come--not pulsatilla ---give all the facts to this case--no one can help without all detail
i will interfere again
sabra--take this case serious--maybe you talk sense in mother
john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
john stanton 2 decades ago
I don't really understand what happened.
We never made an agreement of any kind that I was not allowed to continue posting on the forum.
The forum is there for questions and answers, for learning more about homeopathy.
That is what I did. I posted questions in order to learn.
I agree that I bear some impatience, but then you would have to agree that you bear some impatience.
You became impatient that I toke a dose of sulfur, miscommunication you called it. You became impatient that I choose to look at differing opinions on homeopathy on the forum. You became impatient because I did not email you on my day of rest, assuming I was impatient with your advise and looking else where.
I believe you when you say that you excreted much time and effort into helping out my concerns about my children. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this.
I have not given our son or our baby any remedy other than the ones you advised and only the 1 dose you advised since our conversations started. I have been watching their symptoms as you advised me to do. I have only asked for other opinions on the forum, but I have continued to do as you advised only.
I disagree with your assessment that I am ill and impatient (which I call learning about different opinions on homeopathy instead of impatience).
What 'sense' should be talked into me, as you wrote on the forum? I have done nothing wrong. I have not overdosed my children. I have not given them remedy, after remedy, after remedy. I don't give them medications. I have been reading and learning.
I have never meant to discredit your knowledge. I believe you bear much knowledge that can help many people, and has helped my family. I have thanked you for this many times. I never meant to make you angry.
I do believe that I have the right, as any other, to post freely on the forum and be allowed to receive advise from any person on the forum, including you. It is then my choice to do with that information as I see best.
We never made an agreement of any kind that I was not allowed to continue posting on the forum.
The forum is there for questions and answers, for learning more about homeopathy.
That is what I did. I posted questions in order to learn.
I agree that I bear some impatience, but then you would have to agree that you bear some impatience.
You became impatient that I toke a dose of sulfur, miscommunication you called it. You became impatient that I choose to look at differing opinions on homeopathy on the forum. You became impatient because I did not email you on my day of rest, assuming I was impatient with your advise and looking else where.
I believe you when you say that you excreted much time and effort into helping out my concerns about my children. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this.
I have not given our son or our baby any remedy other than the ones you advised and only the 1 dose you advised since our conversations started. I have been watching their symptoms as you advised me to do. I have only asked for other opinions on the forum, but I have continued to do as you advised only.
I disagree with your assessment that I am ill and impatient (which I call learning about different opinions on homeopathy instead of impatience).
What 'sense' should be talked into me, as you wrote on the forum? I have done nothing wrong. I have not overdosed my children. I have not given them remedy, after remedy, after remedy. I don't give them medications. I have been reading and learning.
I have never meant to discredit your knowledge. I believe you bear much knowledge that can help many people, and has helped my family. I have thanked you for this many times. I never meant to make you angry.
I do believe that I have the right, as any other, to post freely on the forum and be allowed to receive advise from any person on the forum, including you. It is then my choice to do with that information as I see best.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
ok thank you
you have every right to post --make no mistake -about my intentions-
sorry -not intend to offend you -i have strong passion--and i over emphasize small things---
i will not bother you any more
john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
you have every right to post --make no mistake -about my intentions-
sorry -not intend to offend you -i have strong passion--and i over emphasize small things---
i will not bother you any more
john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
john stanton 2 decades ago
I also am sorry. Your passion to help is wonderful. I never meant to mislead anyone. I believe that you have helped my baby with your advise, the calc carb has help, and I continue to wait and see what happens. You also have helped out with my son's case. I do desire furthur advise from you on these cases, I only wanted to be able to post on the forum and see other opinions aswell in order to learn more.
Please feel free to continue to post responses to my questions.
Please feel free to continue to post responses to my questions.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
ok --i will
this better way --misunderstandings best made clear--we all learn if will to.
i thank you for allowing me to help.
this better way --misunderstandings best made clear--we all learn if will to.
i thank you for allowing me to help.
john stanton 2 decades ago
This is sounding better. May I say it is good to hear easier words between all concerned.
I lovingly suggest that every person remember that we are serving one another, and perhaps we need to set the "plates" down a little more gently.
I have a couple of calls out about "fussy baby," I will write again tomorrow. I am inquiring about certian allergies and also the cranio condition and it's possible ramifications.
God bless us all and to all a good night...Sabra
I lovingly suggest that every person remember that we are serving one another, and perhaps we need to set the "plates" down a little more gently.
I have a couple of calls out about "fussy baby," I will write again tomorrow. I am inquiring about certian allergies and also the cranio condition and it's possible ramifications.
God bless us all and to all a good night...Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
I am glad also. I only want to learn in order to help out my children. I am progressing, learning to used homeopathics, the better, safer alternative.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
Good morning, I have printed out all the descriptions and re-read everything over and over. I became suspicious of the peas and began to think the added foods coming at the same time of the distress contained some clues. I called a friend that knows more about food combinations than I.
First, peas are not such a good first food for tiny babies. Then, when one knows that they are connected to the peanut and bean family, this could be possible source of stomach distress. Also if mother has eaten some peanuts, or beans other than green beans, it could also be a source. This is not to say it is allergy, only a possible source of discomfort.
Then, Sweet potato is related to the white potato. Yams are another plant entirely. The squash, if yellow, is carbohydrate as is the sweet pot. (and wt. potatoes) This is too much sugar. When one adds the fruit...more sugar, babies can become dehydrated by having too much sugar. One symptom of dehy. is stomach distress. Green squash is better for a baby, even green beans. Carrots ok, as root veg. are also sweet.
Apples and pears are related, (core) and only one should be used to see if it causes distress. Apricot and peach are similar (Pit) and should be less irritating. Fruit juices, as they are, should never be used for babies without over 1/2 dilution. There is far too much sugar. A baby's taste buds are very sensitive and respond favorably to a "little" juice with the water.
AND too much sugar makes it hard for the teeth to develope normally. The sugar could cause black baby teeth.
Now, the cereals should be one by one, so if there is distress one will know immediately which it is. Oat is the wheat family and many are sensitive to wheat and glutens. When one is sensitive to wheat it includes oats, barley, rye, malt and hops. On the other hand, some are only sensitive to one or two.
One needs to know the "family" and then one by one learn if each is comfortable. And, of course, the mother must eat accordingly to see a possible result, or not, in the child.
On the Discovery ch. yesterday or the day before, there was a program on craniosynostosis. Look up the program and see if you can catch it on the next time around, or on the internet. If it was a nova production, you can buy the video, I have the number. I didn't see it-darn! I still have the word out to get information for you. My medical books only gave a discription of what it was.
Let me know how things are going with the baby's tummy. Blessings, Sabra
First, peas are not such a good first food for tiny babies. Then, when one knows that they are connected to the peanut and bean family, this could be possible source of stomach distress. Also if mother has eaten some peanuts, or beans other than green beans, it could also be a source. This is not to say it is allergy, only a possible source of discomfort.
Then, Sweet potato is related to the white potato. Yams are another plant entirely. The squash, if yellow, is carbohydrate as is the sweet pot. (and wt. potatoes) This is too much sugar. When one adds the fruit...more sugar, babies can become dehydrated by having too much sugar. One symptom of dehy. is stomach distress. Green squash is better for a baby, even green beans. Carrots ok, as root veg. are also sweet.
Apples and pears are related, (core) and only one should be used to see if it causes distress. Apricot and peach are similar (Pit) and should be less irritating. Fruit juices, as they are, should never be used for babies without over 1/2 dilution. There is far too much sugar. A baby's taste buds are very sensitive and respond favorably to a "little" juice with the water.
AND too much sugar makes it hard for the teeth to develope normally. The sugar could cause black baby teeth.
Now, the cereals should be one by one, so if there is distress one will know immediately which it is. Oat is the wheat family and many are sensitive to wheat and glutens. When one is sensitive to wheat it includes oats, barley, rye, malt and hops. On the other hand, some are only sensitive to one or two.
One needs to know the "family" and then one by one learn if each is comfortable. And, of course, the mother must eat accordingly to see a possible result, or not, in the child.
On the Discovery ch. yesterday or the day before, there was a program on craniosynostosis. Look up the program and see if you can catch it on the next time around, or on the internet. If it was a nova production, you can buy the video, I have the number. I didn't see it-darn! I still have the word out to get information for you. My medical books only gave a discription of what it was.
Let me know how things are going with the baby's tummy. Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
One thing I forgot to mention - John. Baby started having temper tantrums after Chamomilla dose. She only started this last week. Never noticed her do it before.
Throws herself back and screams when she doesn't get her way or is told no.
Throws herself back and screams when she doesn't get her way or is told no.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
this has contiued even after calc--??
still happening now?
notice any relationship between this and feeding?
eva--give a run down of all you observe occuring with baby at this time.please include skin condition.
still happening now?
notice any relationship between this and feeding?
eva--give a run down of all you observe occuring with baby at this time.please include skin condition.
john stanton 2 decades ago
remember --it important that you follow dietary restrictions as listed for calc--as well as baby---you are prime source of nutrition when breast feed--my guess is you not follow and affecting baby---experiment and find out what you eat-drink that maybe effect baby--coca cola--soft drinks high acid--read labels--phos-acid ..citric...-rember no cure if causation not removed.
now times no problem when baby totally breast fed--even when mother no follow guidelines and no remedy given----
my suggestion --follow avoid list --sweets also can aggravate.
now times no problem when baby totally breast fed--even when mother no follow guidelines and no remedy given----
my suggestion --follow avoid list --sweets also can aggravate.
john stanton 2 decades ago
Ok. The temper tantrums only started last week. I am not sure if it was from the chamomilla or calc carb or if it is just a stage. It started last week! She has never done it before. I do not believe that it has anything to do with my diet because she has never done it before.
She still has the rash on her thumb and few small light pimples left on her forhead.
She still has the rash on her thumb and few small light pimples left on her forhead.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
relax--when a remedy is given--certain foods will cause aggravation--if the foods are avoided --we can rule out this--if do not want to avoid--that is ok--just say yes i am eating ....whatevere and then it can be taken into account---
it is unnecessary agravtion--but if new remedy given because causation is food aggravation then---we are back to chasing symptoms----
details are important especially across internet--
it is unnecessary agravtion--but if new remedy given because causation is food aggravation then---we are back to chasing symptoms----
details are important especially across internet--
john stanton 2 decades ago
I agree with the calc-c recommendation. Also advize you not to keep jumping from remedy to remedy. I think you started food too early, but that's just an opinion. Are you still breast-feeding at all at this point? If so, when and how much and tell me about your own diet.
s.d.hall 2 decades ago
Ok. Yes I am eating grains, fruits, some dairy, and sweets. I have a hard time with giving up all these things, even coke and chocolate. I'm sorry.
I want to defend myself - the only remedies I have given her were by recommendation by a homeopathic doctor. I have not self treated her until now - with John's advice. I started food at 6 months. My parents thought I was starving her by starting so late. My father thinks that I am starving her by continuing to breast feed a 9 month old.
Yes I am still breastfeeding her - 4 times per day. She also eats 3 meals a day (each time 1/2 jar of baby food - fruit or veggie) and has 2 extra bottles (3 oz each) of eighter rice milk or water with 1/4 pear juice.
I want to defend myself - the only remedies I have given her were by recommendation by a homeopathic doctor. I have not self treated her until now - with John's advice. I started food at 6 months. My parents thought I was starving her by starting so late. My father thinks that I am starving her by continuing to breast feed a 9 month old.
Yes I am still breastfeeding her - 4 times per day. She also eats 3 meals a day (each time 1/2 jar of baby food - fruit or veggie) and has 2 extra bottles (3 oz each) of eighter rice milk or water with 1/4 pear juice.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
stop coke if you can
your not starving your baby--its ok
if i push hard its just my nature--read between the lines--i mean well.
indications are towards calc-phos but not sure.
baby cry only in reference to eating?
your not starving your baby--its ok
if i push hard its just my nature--read between the lines--i mean well.
indications are towards calc-phos but not sure.
baby cry only in reference to eating?
john stanton 2 decades ago
Cries when she wants food. Mostly just whines. Temper tantrums when told no or does not get what she wants (i.e. food). Temper tantrums - throws self back and cries.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
Any idea about what to do with the ridge on her head from the premature closure of skull?
According to the research I have done the older she gets the harder it is to fix.
According to the research I have done the older she gets the harder it is to fix.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
ok ---calc will address this --early closure of fontls..-all this i considered when prescribing calc--and giving restrictions--so allow calc work uninterruptedly---i do not limit the use of homoeopathy--but limitations are due to my lack only--
calc is the start of treatment of whole baby--everything about her---and restrictions are important---i know you have hard time accepting this--but if you went to DR. ALLOPATHIC and he said avoid acids and ...etc-or baby not do well at all--you would do it---maybe i am wrong --but what hurt if i am not--just stopping acids or milk--small donation to have mild cure---
if you trust in operations --follow your trusts--this is the very reason i give homoeopathic help--to create an option for those whom seek an alternative to drastic procedures--and homoepathy does cure --this a profess and dedicate to.but patience and some many other values are required to use and prescribe homoeopathically.
as far a crying still need something more strongly indicated to go on---
what has been sleep characteristics?
howabout sweating?please exolain
bowel movements? color ,odor..
calc is the start of treatment of whole baby--everything about her---and restrictions are important---i know you have hard time accepting this--but if you went to DR. ALLOPATHIC and he said avoid acids and ...etc-or baby not do well at all--you would do it---maybe i am wrong --but what hurt if i am not--just stopping acids or milk--small donation to have mild cure---
if you trust in operations --follow your trusts--this is the very reason i give homoeopathic help--to create an option for those whom seek an alternative to drastic procedures--and homoepathy does cure --this a profess and dedicate to.but patience and some many other values are required to use and prescribe homoeopathically.
as far a crying still need something more strongly indicated to go on---
what has been sleep characteristics?
howabout sweating?please exolain
bowel movements? color ,odor..
john stanton 2 decades ago
I'm sorry, my inpatience is getting the better of me again.
I have been focusing on her fussiness but would like to know turn my focus to her skull.
The metopic (fontenlle to forehead) sucture is closing.
She has a small forhead.
Larger head in the back.
Ridge on top of head - fontenelle to forehead.
Deep set eyes.
Eyes close together.
From my research I have found what I always believed, that her irritability is caused by this discomfort. It can cause irritability, headaches, pressure on brain, developmental delay, and potentially brain damage and eye sight damage.
I looked at all her photos, from birth until now. I can see a slow development from a round head to the long, narrow in the front/large and round in the back, head she has now.
So. Please. Let's focus on helping her head. Release the pressure. Open the closer (if possible), prevent her from having to go through surgery. Please help.
I have been focusing on her fussiness but would like to know turn my focus to her skull.
The metopic (fontenlle to forehead) sucture is closing.
She has a small forhead.
Larger head in the back.
Ridge on top of head - fontenelle to forehead.
Deep set eyes.
Eyes close together.
From my research I have found what I always believed, that her irritability is caused by this discomfort. It can cause irritability, headaches, pressure on brain, developmental delay, and potentially brain damage and eye sight damage.
I looked at all her photos, from birth until now. I can see a slow development from a round head to the long, narrow in the front/large and round in the back, head she has now.
So. Please. Let's focus on helping her head. Release the pressure. Open the closer (if possible), prevent her from having to go through surgery. Please help.
healthyliving 2 decades ago
always totality with grave symptoms-priorty concern--still totality of symptoms guide choice of remedy
i am here--i need symptoms from al aspect of child--anything unusal...all symptoms you tell help
i am concerned as well as you--not as deep but concerned--i have never fogotten her closures from strat --big consideration in choice-of remedy--but looking for guide to direction of cure--and symptoms are needed
how is her sleep?
sweat? where? when?
bowel movements?
urination? increase ?decrease? ..etc
just keep posting anything you notice --ill keep posting answes---no surgery--this is treatable--
i am here--i need symptoms from al aspect of child--anything unusal...all symptoms you tell help
i am concerned as well as you--not as deep but concerned--i have never fogotten her closures from strat --big consideration in choice-of remedy--but looking for guide to direction of cure--and symptoms are needed
how is her sleep?
sweat? where? when?
bowel movements?
urination? increase ?decrease? ..etc
just keep posting anything you notice --ill keep posting answes---no surgery--this is treatable--
john stanton 2 decades ago
She is urinating more, due to increase in amount she is drinking. Until a week ago she was nursing, eating, and taking a few sips of water every now and then. I introducted her to a bottle she likes Dec 31, now she drinks 2 extra 3oz each bottles per day.
Bowel - constipated, small ball at a time 1-2 times per day. Red around there from trying.
Sweat - sweat on head, in bed or under covers.
Sleep - Falls alseep well when tired (much better than last week - much crying then). Wakes during night 1 time.
Hope this helps. Please ask for more detail if needed to help her.
Question, I have an appointment with a homeopathic doctor today, should I take baby with to get seen by dr?
Bowel - constipated, small ball at a time 1-2 times per day. Red around there from trying.
Sweat - sweat on head, in bed or under covers.
Sleep - Falls alseep well when tired (much better than last week - much crying then). Wakes during night 1 time.
Hope this helps. Please ask for more detail if needed to help her.
Question, I have an appointment with a homeopathic doctor today, should I take baby with to get seen by dr?
healthyliving 2 decades ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.