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Male warts on Pubic area 2



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

{Urgent} Warts on Pubic Area


I'm 27 year male. I had 3 warts(didn't knew at that time) on my pubic area and I shaved the area. After shaving there was some blood from those 3 warts and now after around 2+ months the warts have appeared all over the pubic area and 4-5 on the base of my penis.

I knew about the warts after getting a check-up from the doctor last week. 3 days back I had Cautery and the doctor removed half of them but i'm in lot of pain after the procedure as there are holes in my pubic area. I'm using polyfax for healing of the wounds. I'll have another session with the doctor in 2-3 days and hopefully he'll remove the remaining warts.

I need medicine for 2 things:

-first and most importantly for healing the wounds quickly

-secondly, I've read on many many websites that these warts can re-appear, so I need some medication which will help me get rid of this virus

Also, please tell me if I can take the medicine for above 2 things simultaneously or should I use the medicine for getting rid of virus after the wounds are completely healed.

Hope to get a reply soon.
  sinner on 2010-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may take Calendula 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for a week for healing of wounds.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

When the wounds are healed, you may take three doses of Thuja 200c for only one day (not daily) and see whether it helps you as prophylactic to prevent recurring of warts.
kadwa last decade
thanks a lot for your reply. I'll buy the pills tomorrow and inform you of the results.

sinner last decade


I found the Calendula 30 in my home (liquid form) and have started taking it.

Hope it can will heal the wound quickly :)

sinner last decade
Are warts soft or hard like cauliflower?

Try not to eat food cooked in Aluminum utensils. Or use wooden spoon to stir the food being cooked.
girilal last decade

the warts are hard but most of them have been burned, the remaining will be burned tomorrow by the Doctor.

well, I don't cook food myself so that would be hard to do.

any other recommendation? :)
sinner last decade
Then try Antimony Crudum 200C once a day for a week.
girilal last decade
I'm already taking Calendula 30c, can I also use 'Antimony Crudum 200C' with it? (btw, what is this medicine for, when I google it, I also get results of 'Antimonium Crudum' please can u give some info of this medicine...)

and what about 'Thuja 200c' as Mr.kadwa recommended? :S

PS. I'm new to this homeopathy so I'm confused.
sinner last decade
Yep Antimonium Crudum.

calandula is for wounds, so stop if for the time being.
girilal last decade
thanks for ur reply but now i'm puzzled. i've wounds from cautery which I want to heal quickly and that's why taking Calendula. Plus, I'll be having another cautery session today to remove the remaining 4-6 warts.

Will 'Antimonium Crudum' also help in healing the wounds? I want that the wounds be healed ASAP so it not spreads the virus to other areas of the body.
sinner last decade
Yes, you are right. Ant Crud is for warts and not for wounds. You may take it in the same way as i asked you to take thuja. Please keep a gap of 15 days between Thuja and Ant. Crud. You were late in attracting attention of Girilal. You should have done that before exercising the surgical option.
kadwa last decade
well, I didn't knew if homeopathy could get me rid of warts but anyways I did not go today for cautery today :)

I would just like to know 2 things which are confusing me

1-should I continue using Calendua for healing of wounds as I can now see that they are healing

2-can I take Antimonium Crudum 200C for one day (is it daily or only once a week?) after the wounds have been healed.

I've not yet started taking Thuja, so should I also take a gap of 15 days between Calendula and Ant. Crud?
sinner last decade
1-should I continue using Calendula for healing of wounds as I can now see that they are healing
**You may continue using calendula until wounds are healed.

2-can I take Antimonium Crudum 200C for one day (is it daily or only once a week?) after the wounds have been healed.
**In my opinion it should be one day. There are no warts so no point in taking weekly doses or anything like that. But Giri may differ here, so he will clarify.

I've not yet started taking Thuja, so should I also take a gap of 15 days between Calendula and Ant. Crud?
**15 days gap between --
ant crud

ie between any two remedies.
kadwa last decade
Thanks kadwa but just to remind that there are still some warts remaining as I didn't go for the treatment today.

Hope Girilal will clarify about the dosage usage.
sinner last decade

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