The ABC Homeopathy Forum
frequent cold - 5 year old son
He has been earlier treated for primary complex at the age of around 2 with allopathy medicines. But now he is 5 years old and during the last 1 year he has been frequently affected with cold and cough.Symptoms:
Mind; easily weeps even for worthless confrontations with others
Expectoration; mostly watery but now gray but not thick.
Cough: most when going to bed : as soon as he put head on the pillow.
Cold and cough soon after eating fruits (apple),cucumber.
Mild fever 2 or 3 days after the start of cold and cough.
A lot of sweating in the forehead and the head even with slight exertions.
Appearance: not fatty (weight 12.5 kg)
Sleeps well; not wakes up during the night coughs.
Prefers cool than hot
A relative having some medical knowledge suggested to take treatment otherwise it will develop into bronchitis.
I am worried a lot and please help me with your advice.
saraji on 2010-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello again.
I think you should try a medicine called 'Drosera.' Give this medicine in potence 30C.
3 pills 3 times a day. Once you see improvement you need to stop, do not give more if or when this happens.
Do not take the medication with your hands, pour the pills right in the lid of the bottle and into your son's mouth, the pills must be located under the tongue to melt, then swallow. Take the medicine at least half an hour before or after food. Do not drink anything with caffeine, such as coca cola. Do not use menthol or camphor.
Please give me a report of developments, so that I can correct treatment if necessary. Pay attention to what happens in relation to your son's illness.
I think you should try a medicine called 'Drosera.' Give this medicine in potence 30C.
3 pills 3 times a day. Once you see improvement you need to stop, do not give more if or when this happens.
Do not take the medication with your hands, pour the pills right in the lid of the bottle and into your son's mouth, the pills must be located under the tongue to melt, then swallow. Take the medicine at least half an hour before or after food. Do not drink anything with caffeine, such as coca cola. Do not use menthol or camphor.
Please give me a report of developments, so that I can correct treatment if necessary. Pay attention to what happens in relation to your son's illness.
Parakletos. last decade
Dear sarji,to stop frequnt attacks of cough & coldi would suggest you to give BACILLINUM 200 every 15 days ,and soon you will notice reducing frequency of coughs & colds,moreover before beginning any treatment suggested by me or someother pl do an DIGITAL X-RAY CHEST of your child & blood reports which goes as follows: CBC WITH ESR,MT TEST, S.WIDAL ,URINE-R & M.
Welcomed for any help further,
Dr Abhishek Mukherjee
om sai clinic
Welcomed for any help further,
Dr Abhishek Mukherjee
om sai clinic
Dr Abhishek last decade
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