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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss

I am 22 yrs female.For the past 10 years i am facing severe hairloss. At the begining i tried many home remedies by applying shoe flower leaves e.t.c. I tries taking scalptone tablets and also arnica hair oil and shampoo. But nothing works.I use to feel(sometimes i even cry) a lot for it. recently i took ferroglob tablet as iron supplement. still i lose bunches of hair when i take bath as well as during adverse climate.
I have approached allopathy doctor they suggested its becoz of stress and pollution.. Kindly suggest remedy.
  shadav on 2010-05-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The condition of your hair and scalp is directly related to your diet and lifestyle.

In general the following nutrients are essential for healthy hair and scalp:

*Essential fatty acids
*Vitamins B(especially Biotin),C & E.

Take a natural nutritious diet rich in the above said nutrients.

Emotional/mental stress is a main cause for Hair loss.You can try Relaxation techniques to counter stress.

Regular exercise helps improve the blood circulation to your scalp
and supply the hair follicles with nutrients.

Homeopathic constitutional therapy and Bach flower remedies can help you.

Dr.Saravanan last decade
Sir can u Suggest me some food where i could get these nutrients in it? what is constitutional therapy and Bach flower remedies?Will exercise increase body temperature,Which inturn results in Hair loss? Kindly clear my Query sir.....
shadav last decade
Please type 'Hair Loss' into the Search box on every page of this forum and read the many cases that I have treated with:

Arnica 30 in the Wet dose taken twice daily
Arncia Q mixed into Olive Oil to make a 20% emulsion which is massaged into the scalp daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
To know more about Bach flower remedies, read my article by clicking this link;
Dr.Saravanan last decade
Homeopathic constitutional medicine is the remedy which matches your individual physical/mental make-up,personality and temperament.

Moderate exercise like walking is suggested for Hairfall.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
I have provided some sources of nutrients.

Diet-Nutrients and sources

Protein- rich in Soya beans,mushrooms, whole grain cereals.

Beta-carotene-found in yellow/orange vegetables,fruits, green leafy vegetables.

Essential fatty acids-wholegrain cereals,legumes,flaxseed and sff flower oils.

Biotin-Dairy products,wholegrain cereals.

Vit-C- citrus fruits,broccoli.

Vit E- eggs,fish,lentils,nuts,seeds.

Iron- Eggs,meat,cereals,dates,figs,raisins,green leafy vegetables.

Zinc-Yeast,milk products,shell fish,legumes,root vegetables,garlic,sprouts.
Dr.Saravanan last decade

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