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Shoulder blade
A couple week sage, I developed tingling off and on along back inner right shoulder blade. The tingling also is in my pinky and ring finger.At times when not tingling it feels like a catch deep inside next to shoulder blade - back inner right.
Feels like a pull all the way down back right at times to my buttocks.
Went for a massage and it gave only temp relief.
What to do?
new2town on 2010-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may take Rhus Tox 30c thrice a day for 2 days and see how it affects in the next 10 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
2 days of rhus tox did wonders...but 1 day off rhustox- pain back again ...shoulder blade at joint of arm(over armpit) and pull above buttocks. What to do?
new2town last decade
Please take Calc carb 200c thrice a day for only one day (not daily). If there is no relief within next 7 days, please take Rhus Tox 30c thrice a day for another 3 days after 7 days of taking calc carb 200.
♡ kadwa last decade
Your liver could be weak, if that is so...take Chellidonium 30...thrice a day for 3 days.
Weak liver is indicated by yellowness of skin, yellow in the white of the eye, yellow urine, constipation, heavy breathing etc.
Pankaj Varma
Weak liver is indicated by yellowness of skin, yellow in the white of the eye, yellow urine, constipation, heavy breathing etc.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Ofcourse, there is right shoulder pain, right sided headaches, pain extending to right arm and tenderness in abdomen on right side. rash appears too with itching.
Pankaj Varma
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I have no yellowness at all...but all the other right sided symptoms are there.So what do i do.
Now have only feeling of a catch at the bottom of mt shoulder blade near the bra line on the right.
Now have only feeling of a catch at the bottom of mt shoulder blade near the bra line on the right.
new2town last decade
If other meds are working for you...then don't bother.
However, if the problem persists...try Chelidonium.
Pankaj Varma
However, if the problem persists...try Chelidonium.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
As Mentioned rhustox now not working-so have taken calc carb as adviced.
Have all right symptoms- headaches, TMJ off and on on right, stomach tenderness on right, itching without rash off and on.All symptoms come independently, stay for a while then go.
Sometimes wonder if it is stress related?
So will definitely try out Chelidonium if Calc carb does not work.
?Only question - no yellowness at is it still ok to take?
Have all right symptoms- headaches, TMJ off and on on right, stomach tenderness on right, itching without rash off and on.All symptoms come independently, stay for a while then go.
Sometimes wonder if it is stress related?
So will definitely try out Chelidonium if Calc carb does not work.
?Only question - no yellowness at is it still ok to take?
new2town last decade
Cheled. is a good reliable remedy in case of should blade pain please try it as advised by dr. varma.
dr. mahfooz
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
After a day of calc carb...feeling much much better. So will wait to see if condition recurs to try Chelidonium.
Thanks so much to everyone for their kind help
Thanks so much to everyone for their kind help
new2town last decade
Pain recured today, after a night of sleeping awkwardly on right side. Tension so maybe clenched my teeth.
Pull waist down to buttocks, right TMJ and right shoulder pain...tryind chelidonium with a prayer for complete recovery!
Any more advice?
Pull waist down to buttocks, right TMJ and right shoulder pain...tryind chelidonium with a prayer for complete recovery!
Any more advice?
new2town last decade
I am a little concened about this medicine...I have right shoulder pain, right sided headaches, pain extending to right arm and sometimes tenderness in abdomen on right side, itching sometimes without rash...BUT NO YELLOWNESS at all!
Have a history of neuralgia on the face..diagnosed as TMJ related.
Have a history of neuralgia on the face..diagnosed as TMJ related.
new2town last decade
It is still ok to take Chel.
If problem persists for long without treatment, then skin begins to turn yellow.
For how many days have you taken Chel'dnm.
Pankaj Varma
If problem persists for long without treatment, then skin begins to turn yellow.
For how many days have you taken Chel'dnm.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Order..Chelidonium Q (mother tincture).
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
You will find many of your symptoms in this list from 'Drug Picture' of Chelidonium.
Pankaj Varma
Right-sided headache down behind ears and shoulder-blade
Neuralgia over right eye, right cheek-bone and right ear, with excessive lachrymation, preceded by pain in liver.
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forehead; extending to sides of head; right; ;
Dirty yellow color of whites
Sore sensation on looking up
Orbital neuralgia of right eye, with profuse lachrymation; pupils contracted, relieved by pressure.
Tears fairly gush out
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza);
Flapping of alae nasi ( Lyc.)
face; skin; discoloration; greenish (see iron deficiency anaemia (greenish-yellow discoloration));
YELLOW; worse nose and cheeks
face; skin; discoloration; red;
face; skin; discoloration; yellow;
face; skin; discoloration; sallow;
face; pain; right; ;
face; pain; tearing; right; ;
Pankaj Varma
Right-sided headache down behind ears and shoulder-blade
Neuralgia over right eye, right cheek-bone and right ear, with excessive lachrymation, preceded by pain in liver.
head; pain, headache; pressing (see bursting, pulling); forehead; extending to sides of head; right; ;
Dirty yellow color of whites
Sore sensation on looking up
Orbital neuralgia of right eye, with profuse lachrymation; pupils contracted, relieved by pressure.
Tears fairly gush out
nose; running or blocked nose (coryza);
Flapping of alae nasi ( Lyc.)
face; skin; discoloration; greenish (see iron deficiency anaemia (greenish-yellow discoloration));
YELLOW; worse nose and cheeks
face; skin; discoloration; red;
face; skin; discoloration; yellow;
face; skin; discoloration; sallow;
face; pain; right; ;
face; pain; tearing; right; ;
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks so much
Link posted as requested.
Shoulder/waist much better 80% cured after 3 days of chelidonium.
Claf muscle on right feels really hard and painful. What to do...left ok.
Some stiffness/tenderness in shoulder where neck joins the shoulder, some righ thand stiffness and pain and some right face neuralgic pain left.
What to do...left ok.
Hoping for a complete cure this time!!
Link posted as requested.
Shoulder/waist much better 80% cured after 3 days of chelidonium.
Claf muscle on right feels really hard and painful. What to do...left ok.
Some stiffness/tenderness in shoulder where neck joins the shoulder, some righ thand stiffness and pain and some right face neuralgic pain left.
What to do...left ok.
Hoping for a complete cure this time!!
new2town last decade
Will get Chelidonium mothe.
r tincure
took Chelidonium 30 for 3 days.
Now boring calm muscle pain on right, off and on righ tneuralgia- esp if I have slept on that side at night remainign and a bit of the pull near the waist...shoulde r blade much better, but still soreness a bit wher earn joins shoulder.
Appreciate all you replies...what do I do with next step?
Also am travellign next 20 days - what to take with me?
r tincure
took Chelidonium 30 for 3 days.
Now boring calm muscle pain on right, off and on righ tneuralgia- esp if I have slept on that side at night remainign and a bit of the pull near the waist...shoulde r blade much better, but still soreness a bit wher earn joins shoulder.
Appreciate all you replies...what do I do with next step?
Also am travellign next 20 days - what to take with me?
new2town last decade
Will get Chelidonium mother tincure
I took Chelidonium 30 for 3 days.
Now boring calf muscle pain on right,
off and on right neuralgia- esp if I have slept on that side at night remaining
and a bit of the pull near the waist
shoulde r blade much better, but still soreness a bit wher earn joins shoulder.
Appreciate all you replies...what do I do with next step?
Also am travelling next 20- 25 days - what to take with me? No access to homeo medicine shop then.
I took Chelidonium 30 for 3 days.
Now boring calf muscle pain on right,
off and on right neuralgia- esp if I have slept on that side at night remaining
and a bit of the pull near the waist
shoulde r blade much better, but still soreness a bit wher earn joins shoulder.
Appreciate all you replies...what do I do with next step?
Also am travelling next 20- 25 days - what to take with me? No access to homeo medicine shop then.
new2town last decade
Take Chelidonium Q (mother tincture)...7 drops in 1/4th glass of water ...3 times a day.
Continue for a week..and post feed back after that.
Pankaj Varma
Continue for a week..and post feed back after that.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
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