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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chainsaw injury-wound -sciatica crippling

I could really use some help if at all possible please. I'm a homeschooling mom of 3 and my husband is our only source of income and he is in bad shape! I have lots of remedies- just need some guidance. This is a bit more than my usual 'first aid'

My experienced outdoorsy husband put a chainsaw to his leg 4 weeks ago, severed 1/2 tendon across knee, lots of stitches in and out, opened whole knee up- deep wound but healing ok.

At time of accident for a few days I gave arnica 200c, hypericum 200c and ledum 200c, vit c, d, cleaned with h202 then he had to go back to wildnerness and driving all around in remote areas for 3 weeks!! He got stitches out on the road. He is home yesterday.

Prior to this injury he had Sciatica pain for 6 months out of blue (i tried with all my spare time and knowledge to help him- rhus 200c, nux 200c no improvement) now it is unbearable for him and he can't do anything! It was bad before but now he cannot cope and I'm exhausted being a single parent these last 4 weeks with 3 children and a nursing toddler and tonnes of animals and chores to handle on my own. I need him fixed asap! (we borrowed money and tried chiro, massage, accupressure, food elimination, inversion, etc no relief) although proper water hydration and lots of vit c/d really helped dull it

he's a 47 yr old male, normally runs hot- hates sun or too hot water- likes air conditioning, shade etc. but TODAY he was cold, needs covers. not talkative, HATES to argue. he knows better but eats junk food on road- craves milk. no thirst-have to renmind him all day. he resents being reminded about stuff from me, he forgets tonnes of stuff, can't multi task, no time management, not overly 'driven' especially at night wants to sit/do nothing, no talk, watches tv at night to cope with stress, no smoke, no drink.

can only sit in truck - nowhere else - no sleep, so much pain, painful to lie down, sit - very painful to try to walk anywhere- very grumpy, ice helps, left side into butt, hips and toe. He is tough man, never complains-now moaning- never take drugs ever till now to try to get sleep. Doesn't want to but pain is so bad he is now taking some.

lots of stress about money, job security now with leg, overwhelmed with paperwork things to do, wants to be left alone, in pain all the time.

Leg pain/injury - not bad at all- very deep wound healing really well- leg will not bend though- it is imobilized for 5 weeks in brace. Using ice. looks like leg injury area and ankles are slightly swollen.

i gave him arnica 200c last night and belladonna 200c this morning- he had slight improvement by noon but not sure if just time of day or belladonna.

any help on where to go from here would be greatly appreciated.

thank you

  wendypape on 2010-06-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To Wendy

I read your post yesterday and note that none of the classical homeopaths on this Forum has responded so far, possibly because they do not wish to take on the responsibility of a difficult case.

I am not a Classical homeopath and feel that there is some chance of help your husband. Please note however that I am only trying to help him and I hope that you will not blame me if he does not show any positive signs of progress towards a cure.

I note that you have given him Arnica, Hypericum and Ledum all in the 200c potency and presume that you have some knowledge of homeopathy as this will help

I believe that he would have responded better with a different potency in the Wet dose as follows:

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose to help increase the flow of blood in the body which will help the wound to be cured, taken thrice daily. This will also help him to sleep better. It will also help to reduce his swollen ankle.
Hypericum 200c in the Wet dose to alleviate the pain taken every 4 hours.
Ferr Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to help by increasing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood which will in turn help the wound to be cured.

Please follow the instructions copied below precisely but if you cannot get the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol you can use the standard dry pellets for the moment till you order the original product in Ethanol. You will use 6 pellets in a 500 ml bottle of spring water. If spring water is not freely available, you may use boiled tap water in separate bottles of course.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle which can be used as a dose.

Report his response in a week or earlier if you notice any difference in his condition.

He must drink plenty of fluids and move his leg as far as possible.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have just read your record of his Sciatica and feel that it is best to treat this condition later after we have stabilized his present problem.
Joe De Livera last decade
thanks Joe ;-) I have seen and read many of your posts here over the years, and I appreciate your willingness to make some suggestions.

However my concern IS the SCIATICA. His history was written at 1am so it was not done properly- my apologies.

Please note, almost all (except being cold) of the current symptoms were there prior to accident. Numbness in the left leg, pain to toe, hip pain, buttock pain, low back pain, all were there before but he could withstand the pain even though it was bad. However even before he could not get comfortable, broken painful sleep, could only sit in truck or lay down on bed all still with immense pain. THEN the chainsaw accident and having the leg imobilized for 5 weeks in a brace so it can heal (the knee) and trying to walk swinging the leg out has exasperated the sciatica to the point of having to take pain killers.!!!

Although there is slight swelling to the leg/wound site (I am icing and treating topically) 'IT' DOESN'T HURT.

The SCIATICA is why he takes the painkillers - not the wound.

Will wait to hear from you.

wendypape last decade
ps. leg does not bend, knee is still not healed and is still imobilized in brace so it doesn't rip open all stitches on knee.


wendypape last decade
I have got the picture now.

Let me start on his Sciatica with Colocynthis 200c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily for a few days after which we can see how he responds.

Leave a half hour between remedies.

I have got the picture now.

I do not usually give multiple remedies but judging by his condition I do not have any alternative but to do so.

Let me start on his Sciatica with Colocynthis 200c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily for a few days after which we can see how he responds.

Leave a half hour between remedies.

Remember that the Arnica is essential to help in the healing process.

Hypericum will relieve his pain and is usually effective for 4 hours.
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe, I have colocnthis 200c in pellets... to be honest, I have no room on my c/c just yet to order anything.

However, I have dropper bottles and distilled water, vodka that I use for tinctures, can we work any of that?

thank you.

wendypape last decade
Use 8 pellets in a 400ml bottle of spring or distilled water and follow my instructions for the Wet dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
ok, I followed the wet dose instructions for 3 days, there was not any huge improvement however the numbness in his foot is no longer there.

He has been going to physiotherapy for 2 weeks (for injured knee and also sciatica now) , he's now trying a 4th chiropractor. He tries each day to make it through without taking any pain medication, but is not always successful despite having refused them most of his life. At times even they will not relieve pain.

thirst - he rarely drinks, especially water. he normally CRAVES milk (as he was a large milk drinker when I met him) but it is awful stuff for him so I tell him not to drink it! ;-)

I have set the alarm on his phone to ensure he is drinking 8 glasses of WATER day! (no pop, no coffee, no pasteurized juices, just water or homemade spinach/kale/celery smoothies)

WORSE - 4/5pm EVERY day same time! After 6pm he HAS TO lay down. Trying to cook or do dishes is impossible (on hardwood floor) Elevating leg or fetal position on rhs is only way he can get 'some' sleep/partial relief. Getting very little sleep.

WORSE - all night long especially 2-3am, takes pain pills to get back to sleep.

BETTER - once he gets up in the morning and moves around

WORSE - carrying toddler even for a few minutes.

WORSE - doing too much- had shooting pains up and down a few days ago but only happens once in awhile.

WORSE - carrying, pulling, ie. manual work

BETTER - ice


STRESSED! (about money, bills, pain, job)

Cranky, furrowed brow, apathetic IMO, never laughs, depressed maybe? short tempered (but he's not an explosive guy) just quiet and grumpy, not complaining, just sits or lays and watches tv.

During the day though he will try to help out with meals, laundry, take out the garbage and to help his workers get the trucks loaded etc. Probably doing too much and then by nighttime he feels it?

Hope this helps.

I have gnaph 200c and I also have rhus in 30/200 & 1m. Although we did use rhus tox once a few months ago with no noticeable results.

I look forward to hearing your opinion when you have a moment.

thank you

wendypape last decade
'ok, I followed the wet dose instructions for 3 days, there was not any huge improvement however the numbness in his foot is no longer there. '

You have not indicated the remedy you gave him for 3 days. I copy below the therapy I prescribed on June 24:

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose to help increase the flow of blood in the body which will help the wound to be cured, taken thrice daily. This will also help him to sleep better. It will also help to reduce his swollen ankle.
Hypericum 200c in the Wet dose to alleviate the pain taken every 4 hours.
Ferr Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to help by increasing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood which will in turn help the wound to be cured.

Have you given any of these remedies to him and how did he respond.

You stated that you have Gnaphalium 200. Please give it to him in the Wet dose twice daily for 3 days and indicate his response.

Rhus T is not indicated.

I hope that he is taking the Arnica 30c as prescribed.
Joe De Livera last decade
Sorry Joe. I did the colcythisis 200c in the wet does.

I gave arnica 30c and hypericum 200c.

I did all for 3 days. BUT I forgot the Ferr phos! I cannot believe I missed that.

The wound itself appears to have healed fine, no swelling in the leg at all.

The children and my toddler have needed me over the last few weeks (We live in the country and have no family to help out) and I am still breastfeeding and quite exhausted. I am now able to concentrate on my husband again and he is off work now making it easier for me to help him.

The gnaph 200c was ordered by the hfs, I have to get to town to pick it up still. Will post back when I have given it to him for 3 days in the wet dose twice daily.

He has been given NO remedies for a few weeks now, can I give him the hypericum 200c again for pain?

thank you and I apologize for missing the ferrum phos.

wendypape last decade
Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose is a very good analgesic and I have many patients using it instead of the standard Paracetamol which is sold under various brands throughout the world and is known to cause extensive damage to the liver if used in the long term.

Hypericum is usually effective for about 4 hours after it starts to act in about 15 minutes after taking it. The patient can take it about 3.5 hours after first taking it and it will help to control pain.

Gnaphalium is best taken in the 30c potency for Sciatica but I OK'd it since you indicated that you have the 200c. If you have to purchase it, I would suggest that you stick to the 30c which is recommended.

I do not think that Colocynthis is indicated right now.
Joe De Livera last decade
In my opinion please use day 1st Arnica 1M, day 2nd Rhus tox 1M, day 3rd Hypericum 1M,

Report after 5 days
Dr Riaz last decade
Joe...still waiting on gnaph, it has not come in yet!
wendypape last decade

ran out of arnica, waiting for more to come in.

was only able to get gnaph 200c.

gave gnaph for 3 days as indicated.

current symptoms are as follows:


laying flat
nighttime - 8:30pm til and/or again at 3:30 am

-sometimes 3 in the afternoon too.


-laying on back with affected leg in the air resting on couch back. (floor is more effective then soft couch)

- morning
-morning when he awakens and gets up and moving.

no thirst- needs reminders to drink water (he drinks no juice, pop, milk, coffee or tea)

- it must be COLD water, HATES room temp water.

- wakes every hour and a half to urinate in the night.
(takes pain medication as a last resort late at night)

- does not seem as grumpy

-he has had to fire some managers at his 1 business and so is there 3 nights this week standing and/or walking around til 3am.

- no particular food cravings

- tired, no motivation,

- very frustrated with this ongoing problem, can't find answers or solution.

- still going to physiotherapy everyday.

- pain is/always has been focused/worse AT THE HIP....the low back is sore but nothing like the 'hip'. he says the rest of it changes (sometimes it goes down the leg, sometimes back of calf aches, sometimes shooting, not in his toes anymore)
wendypape last decade
How did he respond to the Gnaphallium 200 ?

List all the remedies you are giving him.
Joe De Livera last decade
there seems to be no response that I can see to the gnaph. I'm looking believe me, asking, all still seems the same-pain worse at night and standing etc.

no other remedies being given at present.

pain killers in the night if necessary so he can sleep/get to work.


wendypape last decade
Wendy, as an another opinion, i would like you to suggest an option of giving your husband, a remedy, Kali Iodide. If you're ok with this, give kali iod. 30c twice daily in wet dose (prepared in a water bottle and duly succused every time before every dose) for a week and report thereafter (while taking this no other homeopathic remedy shall be taken, otherwise it's hard to gauge the progress).
maheeru last decade
My 5 yr old slammed my laptop in the middle of August and I have JUST gotten it back from the Future Shop after having the hard drive repaired. oh my goodness!

So, I gave the kali iod. but only for 2 days. We live in the middle of nowhere and I had no access to my account here to double check instructions. Not sure if I should continue?

There was no change at that time. My husbands pain has gotten increasingly worse. He has an MRI booked for January, he is still doing physiotherapy, now he is seeing an osteopath as well and a new chiropractor. Each has a different opinion about his pain.

In the meantime out of desperation, I gave him arnica 200c several times as well as hypericum 200c the first week in September. It was at that time that the PAIN CHANGED. The 'sciatica' part of it changed so that it is 99% gone- the remaining pain is the HIP PAIN only. Once in awhile he feels it in his leg but very rarely.

He is really hobbling and nighttime is the worst. He is at best getting a few hours sleep, many times when I check on him he is face down on his knees rocking back and forth or flat on his back with his legs up on a chair.

He rarely takes any pain medication during the day, only at night. He refuses to take the narcotics (oxy) but is still taking the 'aspirin' which is very hard on his stomach. They don't take the pain away completely but make it 'bearable'. He finds 'tylenol' constipating.

He is urinating at LEAST 4x per night and he's not a big water drinker although I try to remind him. We thought it might be the pain killers, however the frequent night urination had begun prior to all of this.

His MD says his bloodwork came back not bad, (I am awaiting a copy as i was not there and our doctor is not very observant) although my husband is low in B12 (we have begun supplementation with a sublingual). 48 hours after beginning this and transdermal iodine he was feeling pretty good actually...then he went and cut and moved a gigantic tree one day and moved his brothers household contents the following day!!! VERY FRUSTRATING!!!! He basically crawled in the door that night! THEN he has been on his back again for weeks. He manages to get up, shower, hobble to town to do a bit of banking, bill paying, scheduling for his business, then he comes home and immediately lays on his bck on the floor. If he is standing he needs to lean over something. He cannot lay on anything soft and sitting only for a few minutes.

I am wondering if the immobilization of the leg for 5-6 weeks after the chainsaw injury 'ground' the hip?

Over the last 6 months I have tried the recommended homeopathics, reiki, transdermal magnesium, arnica oil, ice, castor oil packs, heat, st. johns wort, ginger for the inflammation, high dose vitamin c, d, oil of oregano, cal/mag, msm, etc. all in the hope of supporting recovery and healing for this injury and to help with the inflammation. I have encouraged him to stay away from wheat and dairy and fast food. He periodically will have a couple good days in a row but we have yet to figure out why. I tried to convince him to fast for a day or 2 to see if that made a difference but by 3 in the afternoon he said his head would explode (he rarely gets headaches), he was very tired and the pain was unbearable. He finally ate at 11pm (apples and bananas) so he could take some pain pills. For me, I feel amazing when I fast and my body seems to respond quickly, but not for him- without food he feels dizzy, cranky and headachy and the hip pain was off the chart.

He does not drink coffee/tea or alcohol, does not smoke, (he did live a VERY unhealthy first 20 yrs of his life though! He's 47 now) - the odd pop he tells me and if he is not at home he does not make good food choices. At home we have organic basic meals, when he is out he eats fast food. I know it makes him feel worse, many times causing diarreah and naseau, and I see a rash under his eyes too for some foods... he is so very very ANGRY... more in a wounded animal kind of way. He just wants to be left alone. He's grumpy and short with the kids, the dog AND me....

He is super stressed and I know he worries about the kids and I's safety since a burglar tried to break into our home at the beginning of August. He is not a talker and keeps it all to himself, there is little communication between he and anyone including me. He tries so hard to be a good dad and provider but I think I make him feel he never can do any right. He's never complained about anything I do, but I do find that I get frustrated with him alot because it's like he doesn't pay attention or it takes him weeks, months just to fix broken things on my list.

Anyhow, not sure if any of this makes any sense or where I should go from here. The fact that morning and getting up moving around makes me wonder about rhus tox again? I did use that way back in the beginning.... any input would be very much appreciated.

* one other thing that is interesting...my 9 year old has been complaining about spinal and neck/leg pain off and on for the better part of year. This kid is really in tune with his body and even at the risk of not getting to eat a certain food again, he is aware of what happens if he eats it. ie headache, backache etc. So I don't believe he makes it up. He landed on his neck one day while doing flips on the bed and it hurt really badly. 2 chiropractors have dismissed it and the alternative MD has him on a homeopathic remedy

** But I also have developed a severely sore right elbow that has become increasingly debilitating since August (the arm I carry the baby with) and in the mornings I wake up with such severe joint pain in knees and elbows I am worried.

anyhow, I am wondering if all this could be connected? (we got ducks, chickens, gerbils, rabbits and a new dog this spring/year....parasites?? infection???)

I don't know what to think

wendypape last decade
Oh my goodness I TOTALLY FORGOT!!!

My husband has little wart like growths on the backs of his hands and forearms AND his vision MASSIVELY deteriorated this year(he can't read ANYTHING without reading glasses!! )


I notice his hands shake, in fact yesterday when he was holding something up.

*he used to have herpes coldsores but after 3 months on oil of oregano 2 years ago, there has been no reocurrence!

I should also note that ALL of our hair analysis, have come back SUPER HIGH IN LEAD!! In fact my husbands goes right off the page. The kids and I are not quite that bad but unacceptably high. Also in arsenic and aluminum. (blood tests last year showed no lead toxicity there)

My husband also worked with explosives for a year (2 years ago) and that has shown up in his hair analysis as well.

He also had the 2nd half of his amalgam fillings replaced in January JUST prior to the orginal sciatica issue.

my apologies for forgetting those things!


wendypape last decade
Wendy, use rhus tox 30c in wet dose for your husband. Put 3 pills or drops in 250ml water bottle and let him take 3 drops from this bottle as a dose two times on a daily basis for 10 days and report thereafter. Just before every dose shaking the bottle up and down for 7 times is important.

For your son give him arnica followed by hypericum. If after these remedies he still gets those issues, start a new thread putting a lot more details about him.
maheeru last decade

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