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Ear Infection



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Recurring Ear Infection

My 15 month old son has recurrinf ear infections since last two months. We are giving him antibiotics but as soon as it gets over theinfection comes back. Till now doctor has tried 4 different anibiotcs And then sent us to a ENT who recommended putting tubes in the ear. Can you please suggest me any homeopathy medicine that i can give to my child to get rid of ear infections. He had ear infections in both the ears. There is no smell and no discharge. He has wax in one of the ears. He contineously itches his ears. He sleeps poorly in night and keeps waking up.
  nuser on 2010-06-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I read this article on the website about ear infection

Here are the details asked in the article

Age: 15 months

Gender: Male

Height: 33 inches

Weight: 21 lbs

Ear affected: both

my son does not have any discharge or perforation of the eardrum

Other symptoms he has

M. Boring the ear with finger
Q Hearing decreased
S: easy falling infact falling a lot.
P: Itching in the ear.

The ENT physician told us that he has fluid behind the ear drum.
nuser last decade
Please let me know how is his mood or temperament when he is ill or in general how is his character?
Please be descriptive so i can understant ur baby much better and can give him a remedy.

Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
In general he is a happy child. But i feel that he is very irritated and extremely hyper during the day.So looking at him no one can tell he has any infection. He has no cold no fever. He refuses to eat just 2-3 bytes and he is full.At night he cries and wakes up a lot.
nuser last decade
Please can someone help
nuser last decade
Yuo didnt tell how he behaves when he is sick or having pain ,
Does he needs 2 be carried?
Does he play when sick?
When irritated how does he cool down i mean to say in short what he desires to be done to him (Carried, Rocked, taken outdoors, carressed etc)

Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade

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