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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Another Pilonidal Cyst - 53yo Female in Pacific Northwest on WA State, US

Brief history of the pilonidal cyst.. Initial outbreak was at age 15, I was a runaway and so it was drained at an Emergency Room. A small flare up 20 years ago, and now.. I think I was sitting on the bed too much and it has returned with a vengeance. I am currently being treated with antibiotics and heat. On the second course of pills, it did stop hurting as much, but it does not seem to be receding (getting smaller), it is just not as 'angry' as before, not as red and hot. It has not drained at all, even with the moist heat 2-4 times a day (I do whatever I can).

I am very excited to find this web site and to possibly receive some assistance with this homeopathy remedy.

Can I do your remedy even though I am/was using the antibiotics? I will stop them as I feel this beast needs to drain to get the poisons out.

Please reply and say that I can do your remedy. If so, I need to purchase the items to begin.



The following treatment is generally suggested for pilonidal sinus

1. take myristica 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for few days. This should open the wound and drain out pus.

2. take silicea 6c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for a week or so until all pus etc. is drained out.

3. take silicea 200c thrice a day to wind up the treatment.

Mr. Pankaj Verma has done lot of research on this subject and he has come out with the above protocol.

The patient should follow homeo restritions during the treatment. (No Coffee, Smoking, Drinking, Onions, Garlic)


...And I am reading all the Pilonidal Posts tomorrow as it is very late here (2am) and I need to be more awake to really focus.

I am worried that with all this moist heat it is a stubborn pilonidal, is it too far under the skin? The area where I had it lanced at age 15 (38 years ago) is swollen, like a 'bridge' across the midline, and under that is very sore. The dimple is visible. I lay most of the time and can sit only while protecting the pilonidal area with a 'U' shaped contraption. Even then it is very uncomfortable .

I al praying to God you can help me as I am afraid I will lose my job over this as I am always jumping up every 10 minutes! I have no insurance and am bring treated at a local 'Community Clinic'.

If I can do your treatment, Please tell me how much of these to buy to begin:

myristica 30c
silicea 6c
silicea 200c

...amd what else to do to get started.

  SeattleGrandma on 2010-07-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sorry for the typing mistakes.
SeattleGrandma last decade
You may buy 30 ml of each of the remedies if the remedies are in liquid form or 30 gm if in pellets (pills) form.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

Please go ahead with the medication plan as you know the protocol well.
kadwa last decade

I am sensitive to sulpher containing drugs. Are one of these sulpha? If so, I want to do a sensitivity test so I don't end up in the ER for an allergy shot.

Reason I'm asking is I once took Mesalamine (Asacol) and got hives.

I quit taking it immediately and changed my diet per Naturopath: No dairy, reduced wheat.. and colitis has been gone for 30 years.
SeattleGrandma last decade
I am sensitive to sulpher containing drugs. Are one of these sulpha?
kadwa last decade
I have ordered the pellets today. As soon as they arrive I will let you know I am starting the protocol.

Order number 84424

1 x 80 pellets Pellets Myristica Sebifera 30C
1 x 80 pellets Pellets Silicea 6C
1 x 80 pellets Pellets Silicea 200C

UPS Ground Deivery
SeattleGrandma last decade
Good Afternoon,

I received my delivery yesterday afternoon. I just took my first 4 pellets of Myristica Serifera 30C at noon. I will repeat at Noon, 4pm, and 8pm daily and report something each day.

I did not touch the pellets, and I took them on an empty stomach 30 min prior and after.
SeattleGrandma last decade
I have been using hot compresses for about 5 weeks, no movement towards the surface so far, I am afraid it is deep, and, it feels 'big' as in wide/long, like it is shaped like a pancake or something.

QUESTION: Can I continue with the hot compresses 2-3 times a day?

QUESTION: I received another delivery - Furuncle-Med drawing salve.

Is it okay to use the Furuncle-Med concurrently with the homeoremedy? You put the salve on at night and cover with guaze in case it opens overnight. Here are the ingredients:

Furuncle-Med Salve ingredients: Kumarahou, Lobelia inflata, Wintergreen, Comfrey root, Aloe Vera, High active Carbon, Jojoba oil, Sodium Chloride, Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O.

Web site for Furuncle-Med, pilonidal cyst page

Please advise. THANK YOU.
SeattleGrandma last decade
QUESTION: Can I continue with the hot compresses 2-3 times a day?

QUESTION: I received another delivery - Furuncle-Med drawing salve.
kadwa last decade

Beginning of Day 2 - NO CHANGE

I have been reading and rereading the pilonidal posts here, and I have a couple more questions, concerns.

1) I am concerned that you might suggest another remedy and I will have to order it. Are there items that are likely to be needed that I can order in advance so I do not have to interrupt treatment? The possible remedies are not expensive, so I would like to have them on hand.

2) I ordered 2 each of the 3 remedies (from ABC), and 1 of the '80 pellets Myristica Sebifera 30C' has been back-ordered. I am afraid it won't come in time! Any idea when it will be shipped, should I email shipping dept?

3) I do not smoke cigarettes, I quit over a year ago. I do smoke bit of cannabis indica--3-4 lung fulls--per day. Must I stop that as well? I WILL, but do not want to unless it is necessary. If it is okay to continue, is there a better time of day? I usually indulge in late afternoon, and again after dinner.

Please Advise. THANK YOU.

SeattleGrandma last decade

I found the Boiron brand at a Supplement Store near me:

Boiron Products at 'Super Supplements'

...but I would rather support your web site because of the outstanding service you provide to people in serious need with this pilonidal disease. That is why I am asking what I can purchase in advance... so I can avoid buying from people that are NOT helping me with the protocol.

Thank you again.
SeattleGrandma last decade
Someone please post the complete questionnaire for this case.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
As you are already aware, I have helped the maximum number of Pilonidal cases through this site since 2003 onwards.

Pl. stop taking all other meds and allow Myristica 30c to do the work.

Hot compresses is okay.

Pl. note: the pus is lodged in 3 or 4 channels under the skin level in case of pilonidal sinus problem. It has to be pushed out on to the surface fully and completely.

Myristica works as a homeopathic 'doctor's knife'.

It might take 2 to 3 weeks for all this to happen. Just go through this and you will be rid of this problem for a life time.

Allopathic surgery is a solution only for a 6 months to 1 year and has to be repeated again and again. A bad option at your age.

Keep reporting progress twice a week. Will keep an eye on this thread for giving you guidance from time to time.

Also order Myristica 200c...might be needed.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Also order Calendula cream for external use as it hastens the healing of the wound and keeps bacteria away.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I will find and post the questionnaire. I want to do exactly as you recommend as I am very very upset at the prospect of this not going away! Even with a ' U ' shaped pillow, it is painful. I have already been through two courses of antibiotics. I will find the questionnaire now.
SeattleGrandma last decade


1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).

2. When did this problem begin? What happened in
your life around that time? What do you think
caused it?
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think
of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can.
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?

6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.

7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?

8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.

10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations?
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry?
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?
16. What fears do you have?
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life?
19. What was your childhood like?
20. What bothers you most in other people? How,
if at all, do you express it?
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about?
23. What would you need to feel happy?
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would
you like to do?
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?
27. What would you like to change most about

28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals? How do you feel if you go without a
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)?
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
What foods do you react badly to, and in what
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?

32. How is your sleep?
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?

35. Number of pregnancies, number of children,
number of miscarriages, number of abortions
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you
have gone through menopause, at what age?
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and
after menses?

40. What medications are you taking at present?
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty?
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated?

46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency?

47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people?
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it?
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?

48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both

49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?
52. How is your sexual energy?
53. How do you react to consolation
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
55. What are your hobbies?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Thank you!

This will take 2-3 hours, maybe more. I am working on it now, and will keep at it till finished, probably refine answers tomorrow.

My progress can be watched here:

SeattleGrandma last decade
I went as far as I can tonight on the questionnaire. My progress is posted at the link in my post above. Thank you Pankaj Varma and Jewish Homeopath for taking an interest in my case!

I also ordered:

Myristica 200c
Calendula cream

As far as changes, I did mention in the questionnaire, two things I noticed in the last 24 hours:

1) my right hip joint and muscle hurts. This hip has had surgery, but there is no reason for the pain. I am concerned the pilonidal poison is not encased and will damage my hip. I will sleep on the other side tonight and report tomorrow if any change.

2) a bit of fresh blood in my bowel movement, possible colitis - I had it many years ago, and the remedy was to give up certain foods, which I did. Might it be the poison getting in my colon? Scary.
SeattleGrandma last decade
Please list the questionnaire responses here also. For ease of case management.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I will when finished so I can keep it all together.

Also, I am starting over today with the treatment protocol because I was ingesting the pellets wrong! I was swallowing instead of letting dissolve under the tongue. I have enough time remaining today for the 3 doses, so I will consider today Day 1.

I will post the whole Questionnaire when finished, but progress, and a photo can be viewed here in the meantime:

ABC Homeopathy
SeattleGrandma last decade
Wow, I would like to comment that this is a gut-wrenching questionnaire, it is bringing up a lot of emotion. Is that normal?

I am almost done with it.

I do not understand this Homeopathic process, but I am with it 100%. I want to move _through_ this and not get stuck here.

I want to note that when I took the four pellets under my tongue, I had the weirdest sensation that they were trying to 'get away' - I had to keep my mouth closed so they didn't jump out.

Is that normal?
SeattleGrandma last decade
Age: 53
Height: 5' 4'
Weight: 184


. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).

--Wow, okay.

The worst part is I cannot sit comfortably, at all. The pressure is very intense. I can barely drive with a 'neck pillow,' and certainly not very far. My daughter and her family live 63 miles away and I am devastated, I cannot drive there, it would take several stops! I miss them terribly. I am emotionally devastated over this, it is as if I went my whole life in fear of this returning, and now my worst fear is upon me, I am living it.

In the beginning of this flare up I did nothing as I have no medical insurance, I adjusted my body to compensate until I could stand no more, I went to the neighborhood clinic. I had two courses of antibiotics, all they did was take away the inflammation, the pilonidal area is not as red and swollen, and much less hot to the touch.

Physically, I feel incredible dense pressure in my coccyx area, my tailbone, above my anus inside the crack. I feel like it is elongated, I feel creepy crawly sensations, I feel aching constantly and when I move about too much, drive it throbs. I feel like it is pulling my skin from just above [the backs of] my knees--mid thigh--to my waistline where it pulls down. Every thought of every day is about this pilonidal and when it was really bad before the antibiotics, suicide did enter my mind briefly, but now I am ready to fight.

I also feel the edges when I attempt to sit. It feels like it wraps around my coxxyc and also I feel it against the pelvis bone on the left. Up top, I feel it horizontally as well, all the way side to side on my buttocks, a weird sideways sensation, no idea what it is going across.

In the last 24 hours my right hip joint, and the surrounding muscle has been aching, and hurting while walking. I am concerned this cyst is not contained and is infecting my hip area. I will sleep on the other side tonight and report tomorrow.

(It's tomorrow, it did improve a bit, I will sleep on the opposite side again)

MY CONCERN: I have had surgery on this hip in 1988, from a auto accident, I had a broken back (5 lumbar) pelvis was in 6 pieces, and right hip, head of femur was sheared off. Surgery to repair hip. Also torn/severed ligaments in right knee. I had permanent (so they said) nerve damage in my right hip causing 'foot drop' --it gets a bit better every year - I am fearful of the new pain in my hip as I have two titanium screws in the head of my femur from the surgery to put me back together in 1988.

Also in the last 24 hours I noticed fresh blood streaks in my bowel movements. My movements are lighter in color, they are loose and fall into a pile, I think because of the antibiotics, they were fine until I took those. I want to take some probiotics and get the flora right again to return my stools to the proper shape and consistency.

I don't seem to be very hungry, and very odd, but I think I have more energy, but it might be fear and adrenalin, or the bargain I made with God to quit being a recluse, also, since I can't sit for long, I am constantly jumping up and doing small tasks around the house that I would normally put off for a day or three.

2. When did this problem begin?

6-7 weeks ago for this episode.

Age 15, I was a runaway and it got so bad that I went to the ER and the head was 1 inch across, it was lanced and packed. At that time the fluid was yellow and it was the most foul odor I have ever smelled.

Age 33 or so - I had insurance, caught it early, went to a colon rectal specialist, he 'poked a hole' into it and told me to do sitz baths. It went away. Fast forward to today.

What happened in your life around that time? What do you think caused it?

Metaphysically, I believe this pilonidal is the physical manifestation of all my fear combined with too much sitting, as I spent the last 2 years researching conspiracies to see if there is any truth to some of them, --researching online, sitting, in all my spare time. I became very afraid and fearful of what I learned, and all the while a little voice in my head was saying STOP STOP DO NOT FOCUS ON THIS NEGATIVITY but I was addicted and mesmerized.

The pilonidal literally snapped my awake to how I was hurting myself. I literally got the 'kick in the ass' that I needed to break away from that addiction, ...and physically, I was being waaay too sedentary. I had forgotten about the last two episodes with this and that sitting for long periods is bad bad bad.

Since I have learned the spiritual lesson, I am now ready to excise this pilonidal from my consciousness on every level. I have learned my lesson. I pray I get another chance for a normal life without this problem. I am extremely motivated to follow instructions.

Writing that was very emotionally for me as I accept responsibility for this. I feel ashamed and guilty I did not listen to my inner self that was screaming at me to STOP viewing and reading that negativity.

3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?

Sitting is the worst. There is no escape from this devil right now as it is large and the pressure is intense and constant. Aching and throbbing when really bad.

I can get relief from a moist hotpack, but only while it is on there. Sleep is the only relief, so I like to fall asleep with the hotpack. I do not move while I sleep so as top get some relief.

4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the worst? Specify an hour if you can.

For this response, note I have a circadian rhythm disorder. I had this diagnosed by western medicine many years ago as a result being paralyzed in my sleep, unable to move during a house fire, I barely escaped. My 24 hour clock is shifted by about 4 hours. It's called 'Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome' - so that means I naturally fall asleep around 3-4am, and awaken 8 hours later. I don't fight this any more, but if this could be fixed after the pilonidal I am game as I would love to function at the same time as the majority of society.

It is definitely the worst just before I go to sleep. Which is very early AM. If I was to pick a time I would say 3am.

5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?

This is 24/7 constant intense pressure. The longer the day goes on the more it hurts in that day, until I can't take it anymore, grab a final moist hot pack and go to sleep before it cools down.


6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.

I live in Puget Sound. 100 miles from the Pacific west coast of the U.S., but 2 miles from Pacific Ocean salt-water. The climate is moderate. Some winters we do not get snow, some we do. HOT is 90, unusual here, maybe once hot spell a year. The area is humid. the thing we are known for in this area is all the overcast days, over half the year we cannot see blue sky because it is overcast and grey. I take a lot of vitamin D.

Being born in a city with literally hundreds of miles of waterfront, I love the water. I love freshwater lakes, and the salt-water of Puget Sound. I especially like the sound of water.

I also like the sun, but don't get much of it. I work online, on the computer, at home,'in a cave' so to speak, with 4 chihuahuas. The room is about 16' x 20'. I have a king sized bed, and yes, the dogs sleep with me. I keep the pilonidal covered with a nightgown or underwear. I also have 3 dressers and my work area. There are wall to wall closets, and the bathroom is shared. I was ** a recluse (in practice), but I am not agoraphobic, I leave the house easily, but I do not like crowds. I also do not like shopping of any kind.

** In my bargaining with God in regards to this pilonidal cyst, I am no longer going to be a recluse - I will participate in life when I am done working and not sit on the computer and scare myself all day, every day. -- However, right now, I am in transition. I am holed up here in the house and totally 100% focused on a remedy, and living the remedy experience. I work at home and can still support myself. With two laptops, I float between the bed and the chair. Even now I am making a huge effort, and successfully so, getting out and about more, consciously choosing activities to keep my end of the bargain. My greatest hope is that God will not forsake me and will show up with his knife and assist me in excising this devil.

That made me cry.

I do run a window version of an AC unit for comfort, I am post-menopausal, and the only way I know I was in that stage of my life was my period went away over the course of 4-5 years. It was easy for me, I bought the AC unit for hot flashes, then never had any. I also use the ORECK Air Purifier in the room where I work and sleep. I work at home.

7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?


8. a) Do you tend to be chilly or warm?

I tend to be warm. I dislike the cold.

Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you?

The [right] foot of the leg with foot drop tends to be a bit cooler.

Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer?


b) Do you perspire a great deal?


9. Describe what your tongue looks like.

It is pinkish, looks natural (now that I am a non-smoker!). There are a couple weird 'dents' or painless 'gashes' in it near the front. Never noticed that before, and I don't think they were there the last time I looked at it closely.


10. What do you worry about?

Money. I live paycheck to paycheck.

How do you deal with worries?

Keep on doing what I can. Right now this pilonidal is interfering with my ability to work at the computer so I am really upset about that.

11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?

I rent rooms in my home so I keep all the common areas clean. Dishes are always done, laundry clean, but the laundry is not always put away in a timely manner...I am not a dirty person, but there is clutter of things in use. My closets and drawers are all organized and very neat, the visible mess is things I am in the middle of, or things not put away from use, or things I am going to do next.

12. How easily do you cry?

Not easy unless it is a child's pain or a heart-tugging movie. I cried when I called my brother to tell him I wrecked the car he bought for me, that I was making payments on. I cried a lot when at my Mother's deathbed, holding her hand, guarding her dignity. Funny, after she passed, I was all cried out and over 15 months later I never cried AFTER she died.

13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?

I need to be alone to come to grips with any extreme negative emotion. I look for the reason I am angry to look for the hidden message. I might smoke a bit of marijuana. Sleep is good, as it puts time between the event and the present, time to dream and reflect. If I am not all in control--if I don't catch it in time, or if it catches me off guard, I might have 1 or 2 shots of vodka. That is all. I do not abuse marijuana or alcohol and I do no other drugs.

14. What makes you angry?

Wow, that's easy! I will show/tell you exactly what makes me very very angry. First, long term burning anger and rage:

Database of Publicly Accused Priests in the United States
That is the worst anger and hate I feel about this. It makes me crazy mad. I have tears in my eyes just posting it. What makes me angry about it, besides the obvious acts of rape and molestation is the Catholic Church policy of denial and secrecy, and the fact the priests are never held accountable, they are shipped from one unsuspecting city/town to another, all the while they are raping and molesting children. Rape of an adult is bad enough, but this is beyond my comprehension and ability to 'understand.'

Another recent example -- a 'flash of anger' episode.

A renter brought over all her brothers clothing to do in my washer and dryer, my electricity, my laundry soap, my water, my water heater, --all without asking. I saw the car, packed to the gills, as she was taking the last load to the car. She could barely get it in the trunk. The car was FULL of clothes, I mean, the the whole car, front and back seats to the roof of the car, including the trunk, full. I could feel myself getting angry as I put it all together, hearing the washer and dryer going A LOT for the last couple days, etc, I blew up! I slammed the door on her and told her to find another place to live and gave her 20 days notice. This is a door-slamming type of angry.

What do you do when you're angry?

See above. I get so angry about the pedophile priests and the church hiding them, I cry like a baby, sob at the UNFAIRNESS when I have that type of anger. This should not happen to children, ever. I do not understand.

15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?

Depression, Fear, an all pervading Hopeless feeling, because I can never get ahead financially. Really, I have ZERO savings. If I lose my job I cannot pay rent and I am homeless. At age 53, it is fairly hopeless that I am going to find a high-paying career and that my life will magically get better. So, I focus on my family relationships, because in the end, that is all that matters. Money will not hold my hand when I am on my deathbed.

16. What fears do you have?

I am mostly afraid of what the US Federal Government in Washington D.C. is doing or planning, as I now have come to understand that the U.S. Federal Government in Washington D.C. are criminals. I could write a book about what I researched and the truth about some of the conspiracy 'theories' but I won't give that line of thought any more time inside my head, THAT is why I am having this pilonidal problem. I refuse to be afraid of the government any more, even though I am certain they are evil and systematically stripping 'the people' of rights, liberty and health.

I am afraid of all the things poor people are. Paying the rent, utilities, getting sick and not being able to afford a Doctor, afraid of bad health in general, and right now the overwhelming and constant fear is that this pilonidal cyst will not go away.

17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?

After my accident, I was hospitalized for 3 weeks and in the most incredible pain. All you can do is lay there and wish for it to go away. I mean, I had a broken back, pelvis and hip, 2 severed ligaments in my right knee and a hairline skull fracture. I was lucky to be alive. I nearly died and in fact, I had an out of body experience while in the ER.

18. What are the greatest joys you have had in your life?

Children - what else is there? Ok, laying on the beach in Hawaii, white sand, blue water, palm trees swaying, with the kids nearby. I have done that and the feeling of peace and contentment was incredible. I wanted nothing else but for time to stop.

19. What was your childhood like?

Horrible. I was the focus of a bitter custody battle at age 6, and when my Father got custody of me, he proceeded to ignore me by working long hours, I virtually never saw him, even worse, when his new wife had her first child, I was sent to boarding school in Canada. I felt rejected for many years.

20. What bothers you most in other people?

Closed minded people. People that cannot listen to a new idea and be open to learning something new, outside of their box, that is different than what they currently hold as 'right' or 'wrong.' People that are rigid in their beliefs. People that jump to conclusions and do not listen till the person delivering a message is finished.

Example: I told my brother I was trying a homeopathic remedy. He asked what it is, I showed him the pellet container, he asked if they are 'pills' and what is in them, I said I am not sure what is in them, they are natural substances, I think they are derived from plants...'

He rolled his eyes and said I needed a new 'Doctor' -- I could tell by his condescending look and mannerisms that he has zero expectation of this working.

21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?

I feel I am not living up to others expectations for me, so I feel guilty and 'less than' others, and so I isolate myself. I have actually lied to all members of my family about what I was doing for Christmas so I was not expected to bring gifts. I told person 'A' I was going to Person 'B''s house, and visa-versa. Then I would stay home alone. When I called them both to say 'Merry Christmas' I would lie to bothe sides and say I had just left and had a wonderful time. I have never told anyone this. You are the first to know. They always say I do not have to bring gifts, but I feel bad when they are opening presents so when I cannot afford to buy any gifts, I beg off politely.

22. Do you have any recurring dreams? No, not since childhood What are they about? As a child, I had the typical 'chased by a monster' dreams..

23. What would you need to feel happy?

Good health. I do not require a lot of money, but the absence of worry about money would help me find happiness.

24. What do you do for work?

I do computer work for various companies, I guess you could call me a Virtual Assistant. I am also a Professional Internet Researcher and a Content Writer with over 400 published articles on the Internet.

Ideally, what would you like to do?

I would like to find a way to help those even less fortunate than myself to find self-sufficiency. My son was homeless for a few years as a heroin addict. he is doing well now, although he has venous stasis ulcers on his leg as a result of his intravenous drug use. We have talked about how we can help others get on their feet. Helping others stay out of the cold winter weather would make me very happy. My son currently lives with me, and I also rent my finished garage to a former homeless person. I do what I can to help others!

25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?

I would immediately tell the American people the god-awful truth about the corrupt government, and return the country to constitutional law/common law.

26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about?

I must not be a good listener, because I have no idea what I am criticized about, so, I asked my son and very good friend Dave to write down their top 3 criticizims about me. Here is what they said:

a) Lack of exercize.
b) I yell when not necessary.
c) I am too direct with people, sometimes I need to soften what I say.

Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?

Same here, I asked my son and Dave to pick 3 items that they know I am complimented about.

a) I am smart.
b) Very open-minded.
c) Direct in a good way (frank).
d) My choice: I always get compliments on my big blue eyes and beautiful smile.

27. What would you like to change most about yourself?

I have a pronounced receding chin, I would like a bit more of a chin!
I would like to lose about 25 pounds.
In hindsight, if I could have a do-over, I would never have left home at age 13.


28. How do you feel before, during and after meals?

For the last year or so, It seems as if I have a hard time deciding what to eat. I enjoy eating, but for some reason, I don't ever feel like I am actually eating what I want.

How do you feel if you go without a meal?

Fine. I learned a long time ago that you will not starve from missing meal or two. I have been known to actually not eat for a whole day. Not because I am dieting, -- I just don't feel like preparing a meal, or nothing looks good or strikes my fancy, or I don't feel like leaving the house to pick something up. I see people 'famished' for a meal they 'missed' and I just laugh. I really don't feel hunger much until the next day, then I look back and try to remember if I ate yesterday, and the food I rejected before starts to look better..

29. What would you most like to eat (if you did not have to consider calories, fat, anything you've read about the right way to eat)?

I love salads of all kinds green salad with Raspberry Vinagerette, BBQ ribs, prime rib (medium rare), potatoes, fresh fruit at room temperature, blackberry pie with gourmet vanilla ice cream, avocado smoothies. Wow, I want one right now and I have the avocado. Be right back!!

30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?

I am not fond of Lima Beans, although I am getting over that because they are high in both protein and potassium which I am supposed to eat more of per recommendation from clinical nutritionist..

What foods do you react badly to, and in what way?

I had 'food sensitivity tests' done in my early 30's. As a result I avoid (not 100%, just mostly) dairy, and specifically milk. I do not drink cows milk at all. I do eat cheese. I use real butter not margarine. I avoid egg whites--I cut them off a fried egg, but do eat the occasional omlet or scrambled egg. I also avoid mushrooms per the text results, as well as wheat. I do eat wheat, but I do not eat the great tasting 7 or 9 grain whole wheat breads any more. I buy breads made from oats, spelt, etc...

When I eat those foods in excess, I ger the symptoms of colitis. Loose stools, bloody stools, mucus in the stools, cramps. Milk is the absolute worst, I cannot tolerate it.

31. How much do you drink in a day? Include sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water. How thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?

I tend to be a lot thirstier at age 53 than I was when I was younger. My main beverage is artesian well water. Here is a local celebrity getting water from the well.


32. How is your sleep?

Well, that is a loaded question. Actually, as long as I do not try to conform to regular hours, I sleep like a baby. I have, however, been diagnosed with 4 sleep disorders. None of them are giving me problems because I quit trying to change my circadian clock....and I now know that sleep paralysis is not dangerous - except in a house fire, and the best thing to do is .... go back to sleep.

a) Sleep paralysis - several years since an episode, which started with electrical ZAP feelings over successive nights, then I would have a sleep paralysis episode.
b) Delayed sleep phase syndrome (circadian rhythm disorder)
c) I am a 'long sleeper' - I sleep 8-9 hours minimum, if I have a 'sleep debt' I may sleep up to 12 hours.
d) Hypersombulism (can fall asleep quickly, virtually anywhere,not to be confused with Narcolepsy) - this is a great thing to have with this cyst. I can fall asleep very quickly, before the hot compress cools off.

33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak, laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)

Before menopause, I used to orgasm in my sleep. I have been told this by every significant man in my life. Evidently it was much more often then I remember. I would wake up at the point of vaginal contractions, but only occasionally.

34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? No. See above.
What keeps you awake? Very loud noise.
Do you wake always at a certain time? Usually 8-9 hours after I go to sleep. Never at a specific time.
What causes you to wake up? Slept out. I do not use an alarm unless I have an appointment to keep.
What position do you sleep in? I sleep on my side with a pillow between my legs for comfort.

As a side note, I prefer to sleep with my head to the north, but the layout of my current residence prohibits that so I am sleeping with my head to the south. I suppose I could just turn around and sleep with my head at the foot of the bed,but I think that would feel weird..


35. Number of pregnancies 2 -
number of children 2 -
number of miscarriages 0 -
number of abortions 0

This is a good place to note I gave birth naturally, no epidural or pain medication, both times.

36. At what age did your menses begin? 12

If you have gone through menopause, at what age? 48-49

37. How frequently do they (or did they) come? monthly, although never 100% regular.

38. What about their duration, abundance, colour, time of day when flow is greatest; any odour or clots? N/A

39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and after menses?

I had cramps and mood swings back then that always went away at the onset of my period.



40. What medications are you taking at present?

I really try not to take prescription meds, so I will also list all supplements and natural remedies I take.

Osteoporosis - I take supplements to try to build bone ( I have osteopososis, details below) I dislike western medicine and only see traditional western Drs. when no other choice. I was helped by Naturopathic Medicine for colitis many years ago.

I am supposed to do this daily...I can't keep up. I manage 3-4 days a week:

Minimum daily protein intake should be about 70-75 grams, never less than 60 grams.
Minimum potassium intake (from food) 4,000 mg.

With first meal:
Now Foods Super EPA Double Strength either of which are just five (5) per day.
Country Life Daily Multi-Sorb (1) may change this later
Country Life Target Min Total Min (1)
Solgar Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol 1,000 IU Soft Gels (6)

With one other meal a day:
Country Life Daily Multi-Sorb (1) may change this later
Country Life Target Min Total Min (1)

Lichen Sclerosus - Auto-immune disorder affecting the skin of the vulva including around the anus. It can go up the crack, but that is not so in my case (Thank God!!) so the two conditions are literally 'next to each other.' I feel I triggered the lichen sclerosus when I put a cockatiel (bird) in the area I work and sleep. After a couple months I could not enter my room without my nose fillimng up, I was allergic. I immediately found a new home for the bird, I cleaned the room from top to bottom with anti-bacterial and bleach, and purchased the ORECK Air Purifier. Wow, made a huge difference, but shortly after that I started getting the symptoms of lichen sclerosus. I think I developed an allergy to the bird, and that triggered the lichen sclerosus.

For lichen sclerosus I take:

1 Loratadine tablet per day - over the counter anti-histimine. - THIS KEEPS THE LS AT BAY, and it would be a hardship to go off it as the symptoms of LS are intense itching, and of course I am not supposed to scratch the area.

I use a VERY SMALL amount of a Clobetisol - steroid cream. This also helps with the intense itching.

41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?

Rarely. Only when I enter a different climate and stay for a few weeks. Otherwise I almost never get sick with a cold or flu. I do not believe in flu shots or vaccinations, and worse, I believe they do harm.

42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice, or in a very severe form, or after puberty?


43. Have you had any vaccinations since the standard childhood ones?
Have you ever had an adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?

44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?
1983 - Tubal ligation after the birth of my second child.
1983 - Rectal-vaginal fistula repair (fistula resulted from a poor episiotomy repair from my 1981 childbirth).
1988 - Right hip surgery described above, 2 titanium screws are counter-sunk into the head of my femur..

45. Have you had at any time (mention year): warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated?

My whole life, I was plagued by facial 'cysts' - I have had many many injections of cortisone, taken antibiotics, etc, and over the years I get less and less. Most recent was about 2 years ago, a facial cyst that dried up. When I squeezed it there was no pus, it had turned into 'whitehaead' looking stuff and was easily removed with no further problems.

46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal, vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency?

I had an episode of numbness in my face in 2008 and had an MRI. At that time I was told I had a 'low-grade' sinus infection.


47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people? No
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others, or have a hard time coming out of it? No
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? No
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast, dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.? No

48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father, mother, sisters, brothers and grandparents on both sides.
Brother was accidentally poisoned when my Mother was pregnant with me
Father dies in 1991 at age 68 from pulmonary fibrosis
Mother died in 2009 of Lung Cancer, although she had a host of issues, diabetes, atrial fibrillation (she had a pacemaker) high blood pressure...

49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events (emotional and physical traumas, heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events, diseases or traumas your mother had while being pregnant with you, family stress, death in the family or of friends, disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms experienced at those moments or which you can date to those traumas.

In utero - my brother died, as a baby I was ignored and neglected by my Mother.
Age 5-6, my Mother left my father
Age 6 Custody battle, my Dad won
Age 10 Sent to boarding school in Canada when Dad's second wife had a baby
Age 12 I lied my way out of boarding school
Age 13 I ran away from home, Much trauma for several years, I came home at age 17
Age 15 My initial pilonidal episode
Age 20 I married first husband
Age 24 First Baby
Age 27 Second Baby
Age 31 I left my husband
Age 32 He sued me for custody and won, triggered next item:
Age 33 Massive depression, suicidal, I sought out help, saw a psychotherapist for 18 months
Age 33 Second pilonidal episode, I was on Federal Disability for mental health so I had health benefits.
Age 35 Married again, big mistake, he was abusive
Age 36 Got that divorce
Age 37 Started a business
Age 39 Moved to Nevada for some sun and started 2nd location of business, failed down there.
Age 44 Married another loser
Age 45 Left him, Returned to Seattle
Age 48/49 Menopause
Age 53 body starts falling apart, Osteoporosis, Lichen Sclerosus, Pilonidal

All in all I have had a pretty sad life when I look at it. I hope to feel better next time around!

50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?

Fine. I don't stress about the small stuff. Heavy traffic also does not really bother me, unless it is really hot and I am in a car with no AC.

51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?

It was my Mom. I was there when she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in the hospital. She lasted 9 days. I went home and got a suitcase and stayed with her till the end. That was the thing that helped me quit smoking. I quit 6 weeks after my Mom died.

This might be a good place to mention my 'other-worldly experience' - I was praying to my dead brother to 'help Mom pass over easily' and low and behold, I kid you not, the most incredible thing, I heard angels singing for 17 hours. I looked all over the hospital for an explanation, no one heard it but me. Then, when I went to my brothers grave to say thank you for sending the singing angels, another MORE INCREDIBLE thing happened. I got PROOF of the hereafter! No longer do I have to wonder, or read others stories and hope for my own experience. I got it! I had someone take a photo of me sitting by his grave. Later, when I looked at the photo, I noticed some very cool light beams coming from behind me over my shoulder. They looked like rainbow beams. Then, I looked at the bottom of the photo....more light beams, these COMING FROM THE GROUND RIGHT WHERE MY BROTHERS CASKET IS, and those light beams CROSS the light beams from the sun over my shoulder. See for yourself:

(You will have to click the link as it probably didn't transfer to the forum)

52. How is your sexual energy?

Sex? Seriously, With the lichen sclerosus and menopause, my sex drive is minimal.

53. How do you react to consolation

Ok, but I never feel comfortable when others console me.

54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.

My lot in life sucks. I want a do-over.

55. What are your hobbies?

Computer, Internet, reading, cooking, writing
SeattleGrandma last decade
I forgot to go back to Question 31 about beverages. I wasn't finished:

31. How much do you drink in a day? Include sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water. How thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?

I tend to be a lot thirstier at age 53 than I was when I was younger. My main beverage is artesian well water. Here is a local celebrity getting water from the well.

I drink about a half gallon of the well water a day.

I like all my beverages at room temperature.

I do not drink soda pop.

I like coffee with those new liquid non-dairy flavored creamers in the dairy section, and if I was not on the program I drink about 2 cups a day.

I do not drink cows milk at all.

I tend to be fairly thirsty these days.

I make nutritious smoothies out of fresh fruit and the occasional vegetable. I own a Vita-Mix!

When I drink alcohol I like vodka drinks, as when I drink the colored liquors like bourbon, whiskey, some rums, etc, when I drink those I become an ANGRY drinker, not happy, so I stick to vodka which is fine with me, very happy. I do not drink all that much. Maybe 2-3 times a month.


I left several questions inside the questionnaire... I think I should go back and recap them to make answering easier?!

(I will go gather them later, it's hot pack time)
SeattleGrandma last decade
i think that Lachesis should help you.
kadwa last decade
Thank you Kadwa, I will get some of that also. Are you thinking that might help the Lichen Sclerosus---or...? Should I take that at the same time as the Myristica 30C? What strength...you didn't mention that.


I have been taking a crash course in Homeopathy in the Internet and am getting a better understanding of how and why it works. This document helped me a lot:

What In The World Is Homeopathy

I now understand, for instance, why it is important to stop all other medications.

Knowing that, I want to give Homeopathy the best possible chance to work and I will be stopping these medications as of today:

LORATADINE 1mg per day (Anti-histimine, for the Lichen Sclerosus)

CLOBETISOL ointment (topical steroid for Lichen Sclerosus)

It is virtually guaranteed that the L.S. symptoms will return in full force, but I will just report those as they appear. If it gets too bad (the itching) then I can always resume use.

I will use a couple other natural creams I have to help with the symptoms as they appear. Also, perhaps after the Pilonidal is gone we could address the Lichen Sclerosus in a new thread.

QUESTION: Can I continue with my supplements 3-4 times per week? (Listed in my Questionnaire) I will skip them until you say it is okay to continue.

QUESTION: Is it necessary to quit smoking marijuana? I normally take 3-4 lung-fulls per day, late afternoon and evening. I will stop unless I hear that is is okay to do so.
SeattleGrandma last decade
I agree that Lachesis is an excellent recommendation for this case!

With homeopathy, one uses only one homeopathic remedy at a time. If you begin Lachesis (Lach.), that is the only homeopathic medicine that you should use for some time.

I'll let Kadwa recommend the potency (LM/C) and amount, etc. You're in very good hands.

Please understand that external cremes and applications are very harmful. Homeopathy is opposed to all external applications, and views external applications as the cause of many advanced pathologies. All external cremes and treatments should be avoided as soon as possible.

I'm not as concerned about the coffee, alcohol, etc., as the cremes.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.