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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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Hi - keep in touch with how you get on with the Staph!

Re Metamorphic - there is some information on websites - over here the main training school is in London. I cannot remember the explanation of how the technique was developed but basically the therapist strokes hands and feet and around head aura to gently release pent-up energy and balance the energy flow along meridians. It is very good for people who are ready to 'move on' and get rid of this old energy. During treatment it is very relaxing and you often begin to talk about things you did not think you would be talking about as the energy is released. I have had this done for me and found it wonderful, felt very strong in myself after treatment. If you type metamorphic technique into google you should come up with the metamorphicassociationdotorg for a better description and therapist info.
erika last decade

Thanks for info.

Just an update. Still have not gotten Carc in mail. In meantime, I had the infection in my finger and stopped taking the Staph because I was taking the Silcea and Echin. I went back into my old way of feeling, not wanting to do much, etc., not feeling right. I'm on the antibiotics for finger now (unfortunately) so I thought it would be okay to take Staph again. I took about an hour ago and already I feel better mentally. I really think the Staph is helping me. Before I got the infection I was feeling extremely well emotionally, better than I had in many months before starting Staph.

I'm angry about this set back. I feel almost certain that this infection in my finger was an old symptom returning unless I'm just prone to getting an infection in the same finger every couple years. Why would I get an infection in same finger, same type infection every couple years? Now I guess because of the antibiotics this would be considered a suppression. I tried my hardest not to take the antibiotic, but even with the antibiotic now for 2 days, my finger is still in bad shape.

How long does Helios take to send a remedy? Do you know? It's been about 10 days now. I'm not sure if I should even take the Carc now. Maybe just wait a while and see what happens with Staph?
maryo last decade
I expect the remedy will arrive soon - not sure how long it will take from helios but they are very quick within UK. I guess it may be down to customs when sent abroad....?
Altho the antibiotics may suppress you had already moved on so it is not total suppression - and if the infection got bad it had to be dealt with...
glad the staph made you feel more yourself again - how is the thumb now?
erika last decade
Thumb is still in pretty bad shape, but I see improvement.

Are you in UK?
maryo last decade
glad there is improvement. Yes I'm in UK.
erika last decade

Was just reading some interesting articles about Carc. It is often confused with Staph. Interesting. It's at lyghtforce.com. Thought you might be interested.

Still no word or confirmation from Helios on my e-mail.

I'm in US.
maryo last decade
Thank you I will read this.
Carc does have some comparative symptoms with Staph - they both deal with long supressed stuff and have some similar symptoms but they also have differentiating symptoms. For example Staph is very passionate and can suffer if their need to be intimate (sexually) is repressed - this is not to say that Carc won't but it is often more of a central issue with Staph. Staph is thought of before Carc in cases of e.g. rape victims. There are other differentiations - too many to write down here.
Folliculinum is another remedy that is much closer in symptoms to Carc. and is even more indicated if there is a history of the contraceptive pill - this may work in cases where Carc. is indicated but does not a lot for the patient!

One of my much used booklets on Carc. is a compendium of references compiled by R D Micklem - interestingly in this compendium there are some notes that symptoms of Pulsatilla or Staphisagria may be thrown up consequent upon the use of Carc. Also the aggravation after taking carc. is most likely to show as irritability and anger, for a short time, lasting 10-15 days at most - in your case as you experience this anyway it is more likely to be relieved by the carc than aggravated...
Carc. is used more frequently than Staph for chronic fatigue and post-viral syndrome and can be the main remedy needed,or can 'clear' symptoms so that a truer picture of the indicated remedy can be seen.

I thought you were probably in the US as Helios deliver within a day here in UK - perhaps you should email and check they are processing your order?
erika last decade
I just received the Carc in the mail. I did take a dose of the Staph this morning. Please advise. Also, finger still bad. I'm on the third day of the antibiotic. One more tablet tonight and one tomorrow is left. Should I wait with the Carc or go for it?
maryo last decade
Also, will look into Micklem's booklet. Where did you get this?
maryo last decade
One more thing - I did take the pill but for probably less than a year about 25 years ago.
maryo last decade

Since I took the antibiotics I feel like I had a bad relapse with the fatigue, etc. I was feeling real good the month before all this.

My finger is not totally better but I am eager to try the Carc. I must admit I've been taking the Staph because I was feeling so desparate with the fatigue and my mood. It's not doing anything at this point at all.

I have taken 8 days of the antibiotics so far. I have 2 pills left.
maryo last decade
It is best to wait until your thumb is completely better before taking the Carc., otherwise if the thumb gets worse again neither you nor I will know what is happening remedy-wise!
As the thumb improves so should your energy - it may not be the case that you have gone totally back to where you were with the fatigue, you should find you are still slightly better than you were once the infection has completely gone.

I got the Micklem booklet through a bookstore in London (Minerva) but it should be widely available. If it is out of print it may be available through Amazon books?
How was dinner with your father? Ok I hope!
I will be away from tomorrow for 3 or 4 days.
erika last decade

Dinner with my dad was as good as could be expected. Thanks for asking.

Thumb is almost all better. I took Staph this morning, and it seems to be having no effect at all. Fatigue seems worse than it has in a long time. I'm thinking a side effect from the antibiotic. For the last five days I'm on the couch. It's very angering. I've got alot I want to be doing.

Most likely I'll try the remedy in another day or two. Will post you when you get back. Have fun. Thanks.
maryo last decade

I took the Carc 30C in water on 6/3. I have not noticed much difference. I've been feeling pretty good energy-wise. My appetite seems to have decreased a little which is good for me. I don't know if this is due to warm weather which happens with me or the remedy.

One symptom that I do have that I haven't ever had before is for the past four days I've had very much pressure over my chest area. I was so concerned that it might be my heart that I even went to a cardiologist. He did an ekg and said he didn't think so, that it might be acid reflux.

I'm still feeling slight irritability, not too bad though.

Can you advise on where to go from here?
maryo last decade
Hi again - when did you take the dose of Carc. 30c? and when did you start feeling good in yourself?
when did the chest pressure feeling start?
erika last decade
I took Carc 30 split dose on June 3.

I was feeling pretty good in general but after a week started to get the heaviness on the chest. That lasted 4 days. It might have been acid reflux, but it felt like a heart attack.

Today I'm feeling a little irritable and rushed. The chest pressure feels okay today though. I don't see anything else very significant. Thanks, Erika. I appreciate your help.
maryo last decade
when the chest pressure sensation has gone if you still feel well in yourself don't take any more doses for now.
However, if, after the chest pressure sensation has gone, you begin to get more irritable or less well in yourself take another dose.
If the chest pressure remains come back and see if you need something else.

Is it possible that you are very keyed up in your shoulder/neck and back muscles and that osteopath/massage could release this tension and the chest pressure? Otherwise maybe some food/drink is causing acid reflux?
erika last decade
Just wondering what is the general path for nosodes like this in liquid? I was reading don't take another dose for no reason, but if and when do I take another dose?

I'm not really sure how I feel right now, but all in all, I would say I feel better with the Carc. I didn't have any fatigue since I took it, and I was very pleased that my appetite seemed to decrease. I'm not so sure that was the Carc though. I saw in the repertory it has ravenous eating which I've had throughout my life.

As far as the chest pressure, it is gone today. I think it might have been acid which I have never had before. If I did, it wasn't like that, right over the heart.

Can you give me any tips on what to look for next?
maryo last decade
look out for how you feel in yourself - you can probably guage this on your fatigue and temperament.
If you begin to lose your energy and feel more frayed at the edges once more then try another dose.
It is possible the acidity was just coincidental so don't worry about this. However, wait until it has passed before you take another dose just in case it was a remedy effect.
If the acidity returns let me know.
erika last decade
From your post, Erika, after rereading it, I guess I have an answer to my question.

Aside from the chest, I was feeling good this past week and was just hoping this would just last, a life without fatigue.
maryo last decade
it may actually be ages before you need another dose - some people are better for several months after just one dose of carc. 30c, whereas others need it weekly for a few weeks.
However - the repetitions are usually advised weekly when a patient is seeing the homeopath frequently.
As you are self-treating with a nosode I would advise that take the next dose whenever needed but come back for advice before taking a third dose. Happy new energy :))
erika last decade
Thanks, Erika. Will check back with you as needed.
maryo last decade

I did take another dose of Carc 30C plussed on the 16th, a few days ago. Last night I was at a wedding and had three glasses of wine. Will this affect the remedy? I got caught up in the moment
maryo last decade
The remedy will be fine - wine, or other alcohol, will not affect it. Sounds like you had fun!?
Cheers! erika....
erika last decade

It is four and a half days since I took the second dose of carc 30C plussed two times. I put teaspoon in cup from mother batch stirred, put almost another teaspoon in another cup and took about 3/4 of a teaspoon out of that cup.

I'm not getting the same effect as I did the last time. I'm feeling irritable and on edge. Just wondering what might be going on. Is it too soon to tell?
maryo last decade
Carc. can be slow-acting so wait a few days to see if this improves.
erika last decade

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