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Anal/rectum smells 6


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has anyone come up with a solution
talktherapy last decade
Hi everyone
I live in Australia and I have this problem(malodorous anus)from 7 months ago, Befor this time I have never had any bad smells.. nearly 3 years ago my problem started with tear in my Anus and unfortunately I did not get it serious and by passing time it got worse but again I did not go to
the doctor until 7 months ago when my bad smell has been started already.
I went to doctor and he told me that I already had ANAL FISSURE (tear in Anus) and I got Anal FISTULA(Glands around Anus bieng infected and got Abscess and pus)by the time I saw doctor. my Anal fissure is gone
by using medicine after 7 month but my Anal Fistula and bad smell is there yet.
Ok, I am 95 percent sure that we have all the same problem which is ANAL FISTULA disease(infected glands around Anus)

I wanna ask you something, why your mouth gets bad smell?
yes because of Bacterias and Germs in there, and sometimes it gets worse
because your teeth get Abscess and it has too much Pus in there
ok I think now you can amagin better what is happening around
your Anal(Anus) and why it is smelling bad.
I myself looking for a permanent treatment for removing Germs and Infected glands around anus as well to treat this problem
befor last option which must be an operation(I do not know it works or not)..but I as a simple person have some Ideas to give:
1- I think as doctors use Antibiotic for removing Abscess and bacteries for teeth, there should be suitable Antibiotic for
Anus Abscess as well to remove all Bacteries there.
2- I think if the smell is there yet after using
Antibiotics, Scientist should invent an ABSORBENT PANTIE which can absorb the smell from Anus and avoid it to spread around and bothering the other people.
3- should be an Operation, to remove this problem and after that bieng very carefull to keep it clean and not getting Glands
infected again.

Thank you all plaese search more and give us your idea too.
I think doctors should be here as well to give us more

P.S Sorry about my lack of English language

God bless you all
roberto_m last decade
Hi everyone
I am reacently using Salt and Water mixed in a bowl and I try to sit in the bowl for 20 minutes, 2times a day and after few days now I fill much better and I think the smell gone by 80 percent, I think it is because that the salt works as a powerfull natural Antibactrial and anti infection which are the cause of anal bad smell.
roberto_m last decade
Hello everybody, I'm from India. As many have said earlier, even I thought I was alone suffering from this problem (dont know whether to call it a disease or not) of bad smell from anus.I'm suffering with this problem since 18 months or so. To be more precise on my problem, throughout the day some bad smell comes out of my rectum but dont have any indication of passing wind (gas). Above all, the worst thing is, I cant detect any foul odour but people around me complain about it (very few directly and most of them indirectly). In general they would like to keep away from me as much as possible. Initially I didnt notice this at all, but slowly observed people feeling uncomfortabe when I'm around, then I realised something is wrong with me.
Actually the problem stated with excess wind (gas), which I used to pass around 50 - 60 times a day, and more if I sit. With this problem I went to Doctor and after initial tests (Colonoscopy, ABD Scanning & BMFT) he said it was 'Functional Constipacy'. Even after medication for 2 month nothnng improved and hence shifted to Homeopathy. After 3 months nothing improved and slowly this problem of contineous smell started (once this has started, the old problem of excess wind has reduced). Now the problem was more worse than earlier, atleast earlier I used to know when the smell was coming and it was occasional with passing of wind. Now the only way I can detect is, pain in anus, Most of the day during day time I get pain in the anus and I feel the smell is more during pain, I consider this as bad state. The worst state is, when I feel like some contineous heat is coming out of my anus, this is the stage where people around me cant resist complaining about it (not to me directly) or just move away from me. When I say about the heat to doctors, they say that is not possible. How can I convince them, dont know. The heat and pain is more when I sit. I reduces when I stand.
Since Homeopathy was not effective, I have shifted to Ayurvedic and Naturopathy including Yoga, this treatment has not improved the overall situation much but my existing problem of Constipacy was reduced. When I say Constipacy, its not like others say about it - for 3 to 7 days- I used to pass stools daily once and missed some times. Now I pass stools daily twice definitely and thrice some days (but always feel incomplete). Since my main problem was not solved, I once again went to a doctor for all tests (Colonoscopy, Blood, Urine, Stool, ECG, ABD Scanning, Sigmoidoscopy). Everything was ok, except Sigmoidoscopy, he said I have 1 degree haemorrhoids & small anal fissure, but said this may not be the reason for my problem of bad smell.
During this 18 months period I have visited may doctors and gone through many medications ( allopathy, homeopathy, ayurvedic, naturopathy) but nothing has cured me.
B'cos of this problem I had to quit my job 15 months back and cannot afford to join another until I get cured. Sometimes I feel wexed with this life, no mixing with people, no outings, no parties, nothing. Literally I can say, my regular life has stopped 18 months back. I 'm married and have 2 kids, feel very sorry for my wife and kids as I'm not able to do justice to them. I never expected there would be a problem like this, every doctor say, I 'm perfect but the problem persists. it looks very strange to me. During these 18 months I have lost 10 kgs of weight ( presently 61 kgs). Apart from this problem I have no other physical problems, feel healthy and life is normal in general.When I'm alone/outdoors feel better, but if I'm in a group/indoors the situation gets worse.
What should I do? Can anybody tell me, what exactly is this problem and how to get rid of this dirty problem. Another question is, when everybody around me can detect the smell, why cant I make it?
ubask last decade
I been having the same problem, when ever i sweat my ass will smell like i just sh*t on my self, or sometimes it smells like rotten egg. I tried dieting, and alots of fiber still did not work. I am 23 years old and have 2 kids, and it justs ruin my life. btw sorry for my english
E.murallo last decade
btw if you ever go to IRC visit me at #stink DALNET
E.murallo last decade
Try reading ' The Maker's Diet' by Jordan Rubin. The diet he recommends just might heal you.
insite last decade
This also might be the answer -
a condition called Trimethylaminuria (TMAU)

'Symptoms may include foul body odors, halitosis and/or dysguesia, which can produce social embarrassment and can be temporarily relieved by normal hygiene procedures. Further, the unpleasant symptoms are often sporadic in occurrence and seemingly subjective, and when coupled with a lack of knowledge of the disease and its etiology among health professionals, may lead to diagnosis of poor hygiene, psychiatric problems, and/or referrals to other specialists. The latter has been financially draining many patients.'

It has to do with the liver actually and it not being able to break down a specific enzyme.

I can't post the url's to help in the forum it doesn't allow it. But google 'TMAU testing' or the full name above to find out to see if you can be tested for it in your area.

May God bless you and heal you all.
insite last decade
Surferdude here. You mentioned that the doctors, had tried all different things for you and that, in the process, you are now rectum odor free. That's great! I am happy for you, but I did have a couple of questions for you. What, if you can say, did the doctors recommend to you, to help with this rectum odor problem? What different kinds of medications, led you up, to being free of this awful condition? Were any of them all natural pathic medicines? Have you been on the Royal Agaricus yet? Is it helping, stopping these rectum odors, etc? Please let me know, as, I am desperate for some help and a cure to this annoying problem! Let me know, what you come up with. Thanks. Take care.
Surferdude27 last decade
im an asian male and ive been suffering from this problem for like 10 years now.It has caused me to lose friends as well as my social life because im too embarassed to even meet or get close to people. In my case its so bad that people can actually smell me coming even before they see me. Its really depressing and I really dont know what to do. All this time i thought i was a freak n that i was the only one having this problem.I would appreciate it very much if someone who has/had this condition can tell me how they got cured/current treatment. Pls help thank you.
needhelpbadly last decade
I been suffering with this for almost 12 years now and i have tried everything and went to so many doctors and even more different tests and everything is came out clear so i dont know what is the problem but its really ruining my life as well and i dont know where to go to seek help. I have started drinking green tea after every meal and its certainly helping me get rid of odor, make sure green tea is 100% organic. i am also using sitz bath and using Epsom salt in it and its somehow helping it out. smell didnt go all the way but its helping me alot to keep going with daily routine.

hopefully, this post will help you!

I harly leave my house because of this situation and i had to quit my job :-(
Health786 last decade
Hi Survivor,

I have exact symptoms as yours. Can you please guide me. I have undergone so many tests so far just to get worse. Lost hope and willing to try homeopathy. My mail problems are foul odor from rectum area,pressure on rectum. Cant walk more than few metres. If I walk odor will be worse and the feeling of bowel movement/as if my rectum is falling down. If I lay down in certain positions odor will be more. I have internal hemorrhoids also. I am not able to live this life. I am planning to go homeopath, but I want to know how you got cured so that I will also follow the same path. Please help me. I am so desperate. Thank you.
rectalprobs last decade
Hey, Im not sure if anyone on here has found a solution yet but I too have had the same problem for about 6 months. I cant imagine how hard it must be for those living with this for over years. Ive been to many doctors and they all had nothing to tell me. I cant smell myself as often as I think I smell (coworkers comments and whispers). I recently came across something called candida albicans. Its a lot to explain so just google it. but its basically when your body isnt producing as much good bacteria to counteract the bad bacteria. It's also if you have a high carb/sugar/fermented food diet, your body cant break them down. Ive started taking acidophilus pills and changed my diet and so far have seen pretty good improvements. Its hard to stay on the diet because its very restricted but im hoping one day this problem will go away completely and itll all be worth it. good luck to everyone on here.
stomachpains last decade

Has anyone been able to contact Survivor about resolutions to this problem. That is the only person who has conquered this terrible beast. I do not claim disease, but I can relate to everyone who suffers from the battle of living life and trying to solve a problem that is over the professional (the doctor's) head. I REALLY NEED A LEAD ON WHAT CAN PUT AN END TO THIS BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO HOLD UP MY FUTURE. Survivor, please send me a reply so that I can get some closure to how I can help my doctor by showing her I am not mental and someone has survived this. Thanks.
Diamond in a Ruff last decade
This problem is mostly caused by the Psora/Tuberculosis miasm. Remedies such as Sulphur, Psorinum & Tuberculinum can antidote it.

Take Sulphur 30 one dose daily in morning & Nux Vomica 30 one dose daily at night for a week(7 days).

Review symptoms in 2 weeks. If smell is no more then no need to take anymore remedies.

However,If problem is not solved after 2 weeks, you may take one dose of Nitric Acid 200.

Review in 2 weeks. If problem is still there then take ONE dose of Psorinum 200 or 1M potency.

Review in 2 weeks time. If problem is still there, take ONE dose of Tuberculinum 1m
jerryacu last decade
If problem still persists you may need personal consultation from a competent Homeopath.

Many chronic diseases are caused by the miasms and can be simply antidoted by the respective nosode or indicated remedies like Sulphur, Thuja, Mercurius, etc.

If your problem is more constitutional in nature or caused by some emotional trauma, etc, you may need assistance from a professional Homeopath to take the indicated remedy.
jerryacu last decade
Thanks so much, jerryacu. I will research and experiment with this.Why my body should need this for such a short period of time to correct the problem? The advice that a holistic specialist gave me was to stop cooking and eat raw fruits and vegetables (Daniel Fast). Everyone should check their Ph level and start from there. I was told that cooked food makes you acidic. Also, drink the recommended amount of water. I drink 4- 16 Fl oz of water 3 times a day. This should help clease you as well. I am claiming victory over this!
Diamond in a Ruff last decade

Thank you so much for the info. I just researched the TB condition; and I believe I am on the right path. Like I stated earlier, I have increased my water consumption and began a raw fruit and vegetable fast. I will purchase my remedies today; and I will update everyone in a couple of weeks (or sooner). It is worth the try, because I want to become more sociable, healthy, and enjoy life. I plan to start a full-time job soon as well as be in a wedding next month. I want to feel confident that I do not smell. God bless you!
Diamond in a Ruff last decade
Hello dear,

Please do not take coffee when taking the Homeopathy remedies.

jerryacu last decade
If I go to the doctor, what test should I request. The smell still has not gone. I am goinf to do a kidney cleanse because the odor smells like burnt bread and urine. I am going to continue to eat better and drink more water. Does anyone have and suggestions of what to buy or take?
Diamond in a Ruff last decade
user678 last decade
I am 22 years old male also suffering from the same symptom since last 7 years. I was in a HSC when I felt irritation and inflammation in my anus. Whenever I hv stool a stickly white or yellow mucus dischrge with fishy odour comes fom my anus. If I sit for long time I experence some wetness in my anus followed by fishy smell. I am not alcoholic neitther I take coffee still I have this problem. Even my best friends fom school tease me indirectly by passing comments about it and so do my college classmates.
When I go to class people around me experience some fishy smell fout of me. I stopped thinking about it. But as soon as i visit class or college people experienced same thing and passed weird comments about it.The problem is still there nw i completed my graduation. I also visited plenty of doctors and they told me its in your mind. Even my parents tell me same thing that u r perfectly fine. But I knw what the problem is as it has been 7 years. I also tried many medicines but none helped me. I also used Diltiazem hydrochloride cream it helped me little. I also take sitz bath but it is also nt useful. Yesterday I took saline sitz bath it helped me a lot I dint xperence smell bt i m nt sure it may come. I also had a barium enaema and colonoscopy test done both were negative. Recently I visited a doctor and he diagnosed me with anal fissure. I am very depressed PlZ HELP ME in sorting out this things and suggest me some medicines to cure this
user678 last decade
In the work of Dr. Geerd Ryke Hamer (German New Medicine), one cause of hemorrhoids is a 'female identity conflict; not knowing where to to belong or where to go; not knowing what decision to make (decision conflict)'
During the stress phase, ulcerative widening of the rectum would occur to facilitate more defacation, in order to 'mark one's position'. We are told that we don't have anal scent glands, like other mammals. We do have secretory glands in the rectum and it is my suspicion that under the given stress, they assist in marking the territory or boundaries, with the odor that you are experiencing.
WillH last decade
I'm so glad I came across this page. I am a 20 year old college student and I've been battling with this for about a year now. When it first stated I was so embarrassed and my grades started to slip because I would miss class to avoid being around people. I was really in a depression but I'm working to overcome that now. I have seen some of the remedies you guys have posted and will be trying a few to see if they will help. Glad to know I'm not the only one going through this because my dad and other people who don't have to deal with it makes it seem like it's not a big deal and it's just something I should just suck up. Wish I would have came across this months ago
Mo_love 8 years ago

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