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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stone

Dear Doctor Mehfooz.
I m suffering from Stone problem from last 4 years,at that time stone was 11mm in right side,but now before some days 10-Aug 2010. i got know through Ultra sound that i have more stones. in Left And Right.in Left Kidney there are 4 stones as 11,7,6,6mm. and in right side as 6,7mm.and i m using medicine of homeopatyhic from last 4 year but no any good result i got.before i was using alone BERBERIS Vulg Q with 10 drop three time a day. but from last 1 year my doctoor advise me to ADD SARSAPRILLA OFFICINAL-SMILAX Q with 10 Drops, Plus Lycopodium Q 10 drops with some water.it mean i m using now BERBERIS Q, SARSAPRILLA Q, LYCOPODIUM Q, 10+10+10 drops in some off water, but still i am in problem.i request you all doctor deeply request that please advise me which kind of medicine i should to us now.and still no Stone passout to get know about the type of stone. please help me as i am in great problem.
  naeem51 on 2010-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please visit 'How Joepathy expelled another Kidney Stone on:


If after reading this record. you wish to have more information please feel free to ask.
Joe De Livera last decade

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