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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Remedy please Re. Mild acne

I have a very localised area of mild acne on my left cheek and on side of my right chin. Tiny cluster of spots that I can feel under the skin - they don't actually look that bad. The interesting thing is that in the morning they're practically gone, in the evening I feel them - so worse at night. Worse in heat, better in cold, although I prefer hot weather. Worse nearer menstruation.
I eat a good diet, but have noticed they seem worse when i eat citrus fruit. Have had bouts of acne before that has responded well to sulphur (both homeopathic & msm) and silica + vitamin/minerals. Am 27yrs old . Any more info am happy to divulge. Can anyone help????
  carlotta on 2005-04-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
it would be good to know more about you - always more characteristic to you symptoms help choose.....
please tell - do you touch these particular areas a lot with your hands during the day (i.e. when thinking, listening) - if so, then do you work with photocopiers, papers or any products that could be on your hands when you do this???
erika last decade
Yes i do touch these areas a lot as they cause me anxiety, i suppose. I don't work with photocopiers or paper but I'm sure it's not a good idea to be touching them! The cause feels to me quite deep rooted. I'm a great believer in the skin reflecting the toxicity (on every level) of the person. Emotionally i'm pretty receptive to negativity. Sensitive person in general. Easily affected by atmospheres/environments.Work as a healer also. Any other info just ask. Thanks Erica
carlotta last decade
could well be deep rooted. do think more about what you may be touching tho as it could be a contact reaction if your hands touch these areas......otherwise it would be good to know what you mean by deep-rooted? do you feel a connection to some events untold here....when did the eruptions start to appear?
erika last decade
do your eruptions itch? can you describe them so that we can see them as tho we have a photo of them? are they worse before or after menstruation? are they worse when you are emotional at all? you like the hot weather but are they worse in sunlight or better?
erika last decade
No, no itching. And they don't ever erupt, they just kind of linger under the skin - they're are really tiny - pinhead pustules which could go cystic if i was to pick at them , so i leave them but they come and go. Always in same place though. I can't think of an emotional correlation. Worse before and during menstruation. Better in sunlight - dry out completely.
carlotta last decade
do you have any problems with your ears or teeth/mouth?
erika last decade
Teeth strong - no fillings, used to be prone to mouth ulcers/cold sores but not now. Mild tinnitus which am aware of in bed at night and on rising.
carlotta last decade
you could try graphites.
erika last decade
Really? Could you please give me a little more info on this remedy ? Is it constitutional or based on symptoms, i'd be interested to know ? Many thanks for your help and time Erika.
carlotta last decade
based on symptoms - it's the one with the most symptoms matching yours given here so is worth a try before considering others.
Without a lot more knowledge about you I couldn't work out a constitutional remedy.
erika last decade
Great - thanks. I'll give it a try. Do you think it may make them worse before better? Worried that they may turn into full blown spots. Sulphur does this to me, in a very urgent detoxifying way.
Also what potency/dilution do u recommend?
Thanks again!
carlotta last decade
start with 6c or 12c. You may be very sensitve to remedies if you are a sensitive healer, so would suggest just 1 dose every other day to begin with - if it improves on this you can reduce the dose further.
If you aggravate on this dosage then reduce to 1 dose on 3 days each week (or even less). If you continue to aggravate on even less then you should consider another potency or another remedy.
If this dosage does not aggravate and also does not improve then you could try increasing the dosage.
In all cases reduce the dosage if there is an improvement.
erika last decade
also feel you may need to wear some tourquoise (jewellery or colour) to protect you from outside energies?
erika last decade
I will try as you recommend. Am v. sensitive to the correct remedy, you are right, but i feel in such a positive way as opposed to allopathic. Any recourse to conventional treatment has pushed the problem deeper in for me, don't know if this is a common thing. Was put on roaccutane for a while by doc and i flushed it out as quickly as I was taking it. Had no lasting effect.
Thanks for tip about turquoise. Will do. Big believer in crystals + vibrational med. Fringed Violent (bush flower remedy) is superb protector too.

Will report back if need arises.

Thank you Erika.
carlotta last decade
thank you also - I will look into fringed violet for this.
erika last decade
I'm in my late 20's and have mild acne (blackheads in T Zone and then occasional random cystic zits). Dermalmd Blemish Serum really seems to improve my skin, and it doesn't irritate it even though I use it morning and night.
GraceQuintero 7 years ago

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