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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My mother is suffering from leg arthritis from around 10 years.

So want to know the treatment process in Homeopathy.

She is currently taking homeopathy medicine so wanted to know further treatment.

Kindly help in this matter
  Ram_1980 on 2010-11-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please state his full case history and the medicine she used or being used and their affects.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
A small brief history of my mother

She is 60 Yrs old ,she weighs 70 Kg and height is 5 ft.

20 Yrs back she had fracture in her right leg ankle,and it got cured but still swelling is there in her right foot ankle.
Arthiritis problem started around 6 yrs back for both the leg nees.
She is taking homeopathy medicine from around 2 yrs,since medicine is provided by doctor we are unable to know the name.
She takes lot of tension.
Ram_1980 last decade
Can you please provide a update based on the above details
Ram_1980 last decade

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