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I seem to detect some rudeness in your statement:
" Why the heck would you wanna know that"
Coming as it does from a 17 year old I feel that it is indeed an insult. However I presume that this is the level of youth in the world which was so different from what it was when I was your age which was 60 years ago.
The reason why I inquired where you live is simply because I thought it strange that your posted your ailment on a Homeopathic forum and I presumed that you were able to get supplies of Homeopathic remedies which are available in almost all countries throughout the world.
If you had informed me that you lived in say, the Middle East where remedies are not always available, it was my intention to send you these remedies by post free of any cost to you.
However I do not think that you deserve any such consideration from homeopaths like me who wish to help anyone in distress which in my case I do completely free of charge in Sri Lanka where I live.
I am glad to note that you have at least taken my advice and have saved yourself from an early demise by taking liberal doses of analgesice which would have affected you fatally.
" Why the heck would you wanna know that"
Coming as it does from a 17 year old I feel that it is indeed an insult. However I presume that this is the level of youth in the world which was so different from what it was when I was your age which was 60 years ago.
The reason why I inquired where you live is simply because I thought it strange that your posted your ailment on a Homeopathic forum and I presumed that you were able to get supplies of Homeopathic remedies which are available in almost all countries throughout the world.
If you had informed me that you lived in say, the Middle East where remedies are not always available, it was my intention to send you these remedies by post free of any cost to you.
However I do not think that you deserve any such consideration from homeopaths like me who wish to help anyone in distress which in my case I do completely free of charge in Sri Lanka where I live.
I am glad to note that you have at least taken my advice and have saved yourself from an early demise by taking liberal doses of analgesice which would have affected you fatally.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I meant no disrespect by that, I was just scared or something I don't know, its just that I was afraid that I might be in big trouble and my stomach pains are getting worse, but I have been watching myself and drinking lots of water. I would like to use the homeopathic remdedy that you suggested though, could you tell me where to obtain these remedies?
Any help would be appreciated, I think I may have taken too many advil one day I had 2.2 grams of Ibuprofen on friday and my doctor said that I will be okay. I have taken ibuprofen before for stuff and it didn't present a problem for me.
Again, I am sorry if I sounded disrespectful adn now I think I would like to use the remedy you suggested, live in the U.S, Michigan.
Thank you again, and I apologize for any disrespect I may have prtrayed in my last post.
Any help would be appreciated, I think I may have taken too many advil one day I had 2.2 grams of Ibuprofen on friday and my doctor said that I will be okay. I have taken ibuprofen before for stuff and it didn't present a problem for me.
Again, I am sorry if I sounded disrespectful adn now I think I would like to use the remedy you suggested, live in the U.S, Michigan.
Thank you again, and I apologize for any disrespect I may have prtrayed in my last post.
Zach Bartnick last decade
OK. Apology accepted. No hard feelings. But I would advise you to be more careful in what you state especially on a public forum like this, which is read by thousands.
You still have a chance of a full recovery if you follow my advice and do not take any more Ibprofen, perhaps for life. I feel confident that Homeopathic remedies can help you to turn a new page in your life and you can get the remedies that I prescribed from any health food store or a homeopathic pharmacy in Michigan. I remember there was a health food store about 3 blocks from the University of Michigan. There are many downtown.
Keep in contact and report response in a few days after you start on the therapy.
You still have a chance of a full recovery if you follow my advice and do not take any more Ibprofen, perhaps for life. I feel confident that Homeopathic remedies can help you to turn a new page in your life and you can get the remedies that I prescribed from any health food store or a homeopathic pharmacy in Michigan. I remember there was a health food store about 3 blocks from the University of Michigan. There are many downtown.
Keep in contact and report response in a few days after you start on the therapy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Has anyone suggested to Zach a remedy like Nat Mur to help him with his loss/grieve?
Pat2006 last decade
I ordered some of the remedys offline today and they will come in about 24 hours. But I am still concerned, lately my stomach feels upset all the time and I am developing stomach cramps and my chest feels like it is burning. Can anyone tell me what this is and how to deal with it?
Zach Bartnick last decade
Hello zach
With all of those pills you took, you might have caused your digestive system to create too much acid/gas.
A natural home remedy you can try while you wait for your remedies is lemonaid with real lemons and watermelon. In my experience this works wonders.
Make sure you take a homeopathic remedy to help you with your grief. Nat Mur is an example of a remedy for that.
Hope you feel better soon.
With all of those pills you took, you might have caused your digestive system to create too much acid/gas.
A natural home remedy you can try while you wait for your remedies is lemonaid with real lemons and watermelon. In my experience this works wonders.
Make sure you take a homeopathic remedy to help you with your grief. Nat Mur is an example of a remedy for that.
Hope you feel better soon.
Pat2006 last decade
If we are talking about grief then Ignatia 1M is the thing to use
walkin last decade
Found this for you at
(copy/paste to your browser)
(St. Ignatius' bean)
Emotions grief, anger, fear; effects- insomnia, colds, lump in throat feeling, fever, empty feeling indigestion.
Thanks walkin.
(copy/paste to your browser)
(St. Ignatius' bean)
Emotions grief, anger, fear; effects- insomnia, colds, lump in throat feeling, fever, empty feeling indigestion.
Thanks walkin.
Pat2006 last decade
Alright, thank you for all of your help, but is it 100% safe to take these things alltogether, I'm not sure what medical allergies I have and what if I am allergic to one of them or something?
Zach Bartnick last decade
Always trust your intuition.
The lemonaid of course is not going to hurt you nor the watermelon as they are food. Better than coffee or soft drinks.
Others here will hopefully guide you as to how to take the remedies.
The Nat Phos 6x will help your stomach repair itself from any damage you may have caused yourself.
And the Ignata will help you with your grief.
homeopathy has no known traces of chemicals so there is nothing to be allergic to.
The only thing you may experience is something called aggrevation which can last up to 5-7 days.
You might want to take one remedy at a time especially if you are new to homeopathy
The lemonaid of course is not going to hurt you nor the watermelon as they are food. Better than coffee or soft drinks.
Others here will hopefully guide you as to how to take the remedies.
The Nat Phos 6x will help your stomach repair itself from any damage you may have caused yourself.
And the Ignata will help you with your grief.
homeopathy has no known traces of chemicals so there is nothing to be allergic to.
The only thing you may experience is something called aggrevation which can last up to 5-7 days.
You might want to take one remedy at a time especially if you are new to homeopathy
Pat2006 last decade
Sorry, didn't finish explaining aggrevation.
If you take the Ignata while experiencing symptoms of grief, it may aggrevate them and make you feel like the grief/headache is just getting worst; but when the period of discomfort passes, you will no longer get the headaches you've been experienceing.
If you take the Ignata while experiencing symptoms of grief, it may aggrevate them and make you feel like the grief/headache is just getting worst; but when the period of discomfort passes, you will no longer get the headaches you've been experienceing.
Pat2006 last decade
The lemonade and watermelon hurt my stomach more, I forgot to mention that no matter what I eat, I get a stomach ache, the food determines how bad the stomach ache will be, but I will always get a stomach ache when I eat, its been like that since I can remember and I am experiencing some pretty severe stomach aches since I took that advil, Im just not sure what to do. Any comments/suggestions are appreciated, thank you so much for your help.
Zach Bartnick last decade
The only other thing I can suggest is that you continue to drink a lot of water as has been suggested by the other people here until you get your remedies.
In other links I have read here from other people, that nat phos 6x has helped them quite a bit with their digestive system.
You may also have to try some colon cleansers. One that has been recommended here is Ultimate Cleanse.
Visit your local health food store for help also. Ask them what other people have claimed to help them.
DGL Licorice available in tablet form at the health food store may also offer temporary relief.
In other links I have read here from other people, that nat phos 6x has helped them quite a bit with their digestive system.
You may also have to try some colon cleansers. One that has been recommended here is Ultimate Cleanse.
Visit your local health food store for help also. Ask them what other people have claimed to help them.
DGL Licorice available in tablet form at the health food store may also offer temporary relief.
Pat2006 last decade
When you go to your local health food store ask about the DGL Licorice by Nature's Life. This is a brand that I have experience with.
The DGL Licorice creates a coating of protection in your digestive system so it is not aggrevated by food.
But HOMEOPATHY REMEDIES will create a much quicker and more permanent result.
When you go to your local health food store ask about the DGL Licorice by Nature's Life. This is a brand that I have experience with.
The DGL Licorice creates a coating of protection in your digestive system so it is not aggrevated by food.
But HOMEOPATHY REMEDIES will create a much quicker and more permanent result.
Pat2006 last decade
Do you have a history of taking antibiotics? And if so, did they ever cause you stomach problems?
Do you have a history of taking antibiotics? And if so, did they ever cause you stomach problems?
Pat2006 last decade
I have never taken anything except Zantac, Prilosec, Nexium, these medications never worked and ususally made my stomach hurt worse.
Zach Bartnick last decade
Stick with homeopathy and don't give it up. If one remedy doesn't work totally for you, try another and another. They will each help you in their own way until you reach a state you can live with or get a complete cure.
Sometimes the first remedy we take creates plenty of miracles.
Let us know how you are doing and how those remedies you ordered work out for you and try the Ignatia 1M for your emotional health.
Stick with homeopathy and don't give it up. If one remedy doesn't work totally for you, try another and another. They will each help you in their own way until you reach a state you can live with or get a complete cure.
Sometimes the first remedy we take creates plenty of miracles.
Let us know how you are doing and how those remedies you ordered work out for you and try the Ignatia 1M for your emotional health.
Pat2006 last decade
Alright, when they arrive I will take the medicines and doses that you prescribed, and hope for the best.
So I shouldn't ever take ibuprofen again?
Thank you,
Zach Bartnick
So I shouldn't ever take ibuprofen again?
Thank you,
Zach Bartnick
Zach Bartnick last decade
If you stick with homeopathy, you will find that you will have no need for ibuprophen.
The Ignata 1M should help you with the headaches.
I note that walkin didn't give instructions on how to take the Ignata. You might want to ask her.
Some people find taking homeopathy under the tongue works for them, but I personally do better if I dissolve them in a cup of water and take a sip or a teaspoon.
The Ignata 1M should help you with the headaches.
I note that walkin didn't give instructions on how to take the Ignata. You might want to ask her.
Some people find taking homeopathy under the tongue works for them, but I personally do better if I dissolve them in a cup of water and take a sip or a teaspoon.
Pat2006 last decade
I have received my homeopathic remedies and I am begining to take the doses that you have prescribed, thank you for all of your help.
Zach Bartnick last decade
Pat2006 last decade
Did you get both Nat Mur 6c and Ignatia 1M?
It occurred to me that Joe suggested the Nat Mur 6c wet dose, which can also help you with your grief. If you take this one, you may not need to take the Ignata 1M at all.
Hope you are doing better.
Did you get both Nat Mur 6c and Ignatia 1M?
It occurred to me that Joe suggested the Nat Mur 6c wet dose, which can also help you with your grief. If you take this one, you may not need to take the Ignata 1M at all.
Hope you are doing better.
Pat2006 last decade
I just got the ignata and im not sure if it is working yet, could somone tell me how often Ishould take these please.
thank you
thank you
Zach Bartnick last decade
I think with the Ignata you are suppose to take 3 pellets under the tongue only once and wait and see how you feel.
Check with walkin before taking any more.
Check with walkin before taking any more.
Pat2006 last decade
If you have got the Ignatia 1M you are advised to use it in the liquid dose by inserting 3 pellets into a 500ml bottle of spring water and after shaking it hard which you must do before each dose, sip a teaspoonful just once daily preferably at night.
Please note that you cannot use your own discretion to take homeopathic remedies as they all have to be used under guidance.
Please note that you cannot use your own discretion to take homeopathic remedies as they all have to be used under guidance.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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