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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Knee Injury

Hallow Dr. kadwa
Plz reply me immediately
My daughter was fall while practicing foot ball. her right knee ligament was badly damaged before 50 days. she is not normal know.RICE treatment and Allopath tretment follows but not fast progress yet. she can not walk easily
detailed profile as
Age: 20 years
Health: normal
other disease : NO
Mental: afraid and worries about study , tension tates easily, less speaking
Allergic: cold and cough when wheathe changes
No any other abnormality
Present problem: Right Knee injury on 27/09/2010
Treatment: ICE application, Massage, rest, Bandage application, Light exercise
recently today MRI Scan
Report as follows
1.Contusion/intrasructure substance partial tear of Arterior crucide ligament (predominentaly colse to the femoral attachment
2. Grade II sprain of Medial colateral ligament
3.Moderate synovial effusion/hemarthrosis
4.cotusion with diffuse marrow edema in the lower femur(predominanantly in the lateral conyle & upper tibia (involving both condyles & intercondylar region)
Homepath treatment given: 1. Arnica -200
Rhus tox -30
ruta gravia -30
Bellis perennius-Q
please advice me homeopath treatment to avoid surgery
  kisnrao on 2010-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her the following remedies daily twice a day in the morning and evening until there is substantial relief...
rhus tox 30c
after one hour ruta 30c
after one hour Argentum Met 30c

Also give her one dose of syphytum 200c once in every 3 days.
kadwa last decade

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