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Boiron Arnicare ® Arthritis:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arthritis and ...

My 52 year old sister in law is suffering from pain in her knees which was diagnosed as Arthritis.
She has Borderline blood sugar and hypo thyroid. Her BP is normal. Mentally she has always been under stress.
Can any medicine in homeopathy help her. She is taking allopathy medicine for her thyroid problem but she is not willing to take any drug for her pain/arthritis.
  Nkjaya on 2005-04-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If she is taking thyroxine then this will upset homeopathic remedies .

BUT you could try 3 doses of Ruta 1m at night for three nights .
passkey last decade
Thanks Passkey for your medicine. My sister-in-law said that her pain is much better. She also has sent her thanks.
Nkjaya last decade
Dear Passkey,
My sister-in-law today again complained that her pain seems to be re-emerging. There is stiffness in her knees. So what do you suggest now? She took her medicine on 22nd April - 24th April.
Nkjaya last decade
Its the thyroxine--- suggest you go up a potency to 10M and give three tabs as before,

Advise in due course.
passkey last decade
I am an M.Sc. Psychology student and am interested in studying psychosocial stress and depression in Osteoarthritis for my project work.If you are interested to help me please reply positively and I will email you some questionnaires.It is self explanatory you just have to mark the answers to how osteoarthritis has affected your life and send it back to me. The information given to me will be used only for research purposes and will not appear on the Internet or else where . I will just tabulate the data and use it for my project. The data will be confidential.
Could you help me I am living in a rural village where women don't venture out that much so much of my research needs help and from saviours like you.Please help me if possible. This study will help very much to study effect of osteoarthritis on one's life.Awaiting positive reply from you.

thank you,

Rahimah Fakhruddin
rahimah last decade
My sister-in-law is not here at present and I cant help about her sickness. I am really sorry.
Nkjaya last decade

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