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Thuja Occidentalis:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I took a dose of 5 pills of thuja 200x (which I read somewhere takes care of melasma) 1 dose a week for 6 weeks, however the first dose caused me an extreme upset stomach that came on very slowly - the first two days seemed more like the dose acted as one for constipation and then turned over the next 4 days into extreme diaroeha. I am in day 5 now, and had to use the toilet at 2am. nothing since. the doc (allo) gave me antibiotics and something to stop the toilet... + electrolyte. am wondering if I can attribute this to the thuja - it seemed too much for 5 little pills. not sure if I should take the next dose; + what is the antedote for it if it does cause adverse reactions. thank you. I tried 'sos', 'rescue', 'detox'none of them made any diff.
  venetiam on 2010-12-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First, don't take any more Thuja, you've used far too much.

Find the new patient homeopathy intake form and present your complete case.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Homoeopathy is extremely powerful. It really should be used with caution and only under the guidance of an experienced homoeopath.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
thank you for the responses; if I have used too much Thuja what does that mean? how long does it remain in the system? will it go away? will it continue to cure the melasma? I wont use it again and in fact will throw it away, its too dangerous to keep around the house.
thanks again. is there any antedote to balance things out in my system? I have not used the toilet since I took some allo pills to stop; so not sure whats going on inside now.
venetiam last decade
It is a bit of a mess, especially using orthodox medication to control the homoeopathic reactions.

Usually symptoms will fade in a few days to a few weeks. If they do not, it means that your own chronic disease has been aggravated by the remedy and selection of a more suitable remedy must be done.

Antidoting, if necessary, should always be done on the basis of the symptoms showing.

Go to these sites to learn more about how homoeopathy works.


brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I know thats why I waited 4 days before I went to see a doc. it was becoming a bit scary that everything I ate came out like water.... I had to find something to control that. I feel normal today but am waiting to use the toilet to be able to tell for sure. thank you for your response.
venetiam last decade

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