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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

4 year old with frequent urination

Over the past 2-3 days my son has been having to pee constantly. At home (or at a restaurant or store) he will sometimes pee several 3 times in a 30 minute period. He claims to have no pain, stinging, or burning anywhere in his body, and he never asks to pee when we are in the car (even on 1.5 hour trips) and he doesn't wake to urinate at night. His urine looks normal, very slightly yellow, no strong odor, but it's very scanty.

I've been looking for a remedy that fits him for cystitis problems, but everything talks about the pains/burning being severe, or at least noteworthy, and my son has none. This seems like an important distinction. Any advice on this one?

  happyvegan on 2005-04-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is possible that Arnica 30 can help your son. I have used it to help frequent urination in adults and it has helped those who have used it but I have no experience with using it for children.

I do not think that it can do any harm and you can check the response if you use it after the first dose in a few hours.

The dose I would suggest is 2 pellets Arnica 30c under the tongue taken twice daily.

From what you have observed it is unlikely that his condition is due to any infection but this should be checked with an analysis of his urine.
Joe De Livera last decade
Arnica is a very versatile remedy but not for frequency .

Has he been vaccinated recently?. If so thuja may fix it .

Equisetum is often useful.

Otherwise you need to give details about
Hot/cold. Any problems breast feeding?. Wants food little and often . Woollens make the skin irritate. etc etc
passkey last decade
He's never been vaccinated, and he breastfed until he was 3 years old. Now he only drinks water (no sodas, juice or milk) and eats small amounts of food almost constantly. He loves bread with vegan butter, also fruit (he'd eat only bread/butter and fruit if we'd let him). He is warm-natured but likes to be covered with clothes (not blankets at night, though).

He does tend to get a little obsessive-compulsive about things, although these things change often. We always manage to redirect him until he relaxes again. His father and I even wondered if that's what his current problem is with urination. If you need to know anything else, let me know.
happyvegan last decade
Almost there -- does he have a limp listless down period about 4 o/c in the afternoon -- not serious but just a bit off.
passkey last decade
I've never noticed a specific time, but he does get droopy in the late afternoon. Lately we've been letting him play outside around that time every day, which seems to help with the droopiness, and he perks back up until bedtime.
happyvegan last decade
My 6 year old son frequently urinaties and will not tell us when he needs to go. He goes in his pants about 4 to 5 times a day what can I do to help him.
merlynda1973 last decade
You can begin by making your own post so you do not get lost in the shuffle.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Yes , well I think that settles it.

We need Lycopodium 1m potency give one tablet last thing at night for three nights and then wait at least a week to judge results.

After cleaning teeth wait 20 min , tip tab into lid of container, transfer to mouth , under tongue and wait to melt .

Go to sleep.
passkey last decade

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