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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Age 72 yrs, I live in New Delhi.I am a retired civil engineer, worked on dam construction projects.
Problem : Suffering from tinnitus for about 1.5 yrs
It started in my left ear and became worse over a period of time. Now I feel it in right ear too though less intense.I have hearing impairment too more in the left ear.The sound is like that of a cricket, non stop day and night and bothers a lot at night or when surroundings are calm.
Treatment taken:Tried homeopathic treatment for 3-4 months but it did not help. Names of medicines not known as the doctor kept the record with himself.
I did use i-pod for some time but have stopped when i got tinnitus.
Health : I am diabetic and hypertensive for 25 yrs on allopathic treatment ( pills only) and am in good health.
Food Habits: Essentially vegetarian but do take eggs. Hard drinks once in a while.Not fond of very spicy food and junk food.
Will be glad if someone suggests a good homeopathic treatment that can relieve me from this debilitating condition
  tender on 2010-12-13
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