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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 weeks infant with GERD/reflux

Sabra/Passkey et al..

I have sent an email about the case at a1remedy(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Please respond any way you would like to.

  homeopathbuff on 2005-04-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am interested in what you have to say, but couldn't get to the site you mentioned
erinvd last decade
Please send me your email address and I will send you the details. Regards
homeopathbuff last decade
OK guys, lets stick to the forum posting. If someone writes me at a1remedy, this doesn't mean the postings suddenly reside there.

If a bunch is going to my email to see the "list" of "your" symptoms, be sure they will be deleted.

"homeopathybuff" I will continue as per your request, but do not "direct" others to switch there to see your list of symptoms. I have more than I can handle now.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Sorry Sabra. Will stick to the forum now onwards.

With regard to your question about child's weight gain, here is the answer.

He is weighing in at 7 lb now after 7 weeks of his birth. He was 3 lb 14 oz then.

Regarding mom's vomiting and acid problem during pregnancy, she used to have clear(transparent) mucous vomiting every 3-4 days and that made her feel very better. Until that vomiting used to happen, she would feel like acid/burning sensation in her ears/temple area and also in her sides of the head. Once vomited, the symptoms used to go away and slowly build up again in the next 3-4 days until then next vomit.

I hope my answers are clear enough. If not, please do not mind being assertive and interrogative again.

And once again, sorry for getting back to you late but I am going to keep my replies on time from now on.

Thanks and Regards.
homeopathbuff last decade
Sorry missed one thing on your question regarding any signs of yeast infection for the mom. The answer is "No". Thanks and Regards.
homeopathbuff last decade
OK, working....

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
One more symptom that I might have overlooked when I first sent the email.

The baby curls up his leg towards his abdomen and keeps making grunting noise.

homeopathbuff last decade
For Passkeyothers:
I have posted this earlier for Sabra only but she may be a bit busy and since I saw your reply to another infant's same problem, I am also writing this for you. My son is now 8 weeks old gaining good weight.
I wrote a detailed email for Sabra outlining the history of the mother and child. Here its again in short.
Mom used to have acid reflux during her pregnancy. She used to vomit very clear(transparent) mucously liquid after which she felt at ease. This used to happen every 3-4 days after the build-up in that time. After which, she was completely relaxed. She was prescribed some pre-natal vitamins which did not suit her so she stopped taking them after a week and she was only on lacto-vegetarian with no eggs during her entire preganancy. We eat all different kinds of vegetables, mostly cooked but not very cooked.
The baby boy was born at 34.5 weeks vaginally with natural labor. Everything was fine with the baby except that he did not have enough body fat to keep him warm so was in the hospital for a week without any support. He did lose temperatures a couple of times but not anything to worry about. The first two feeds were formula milk because he was not sucking really good. Of those two feeds, the second one was thru tube and in the third feed, he started taking from bottle again and the tube was removed subsequently. Fourth feed onwards it was mother's milk and since then it has been mother's milk all thru either thru bottle or direct. Now he is feeding directly all the time from his mother.
The baby used to make grunting sound during sleep also and then it became really bad during 5th week when he vomited and became extremely restless and nursed more often. The doctor said its acid reflux and he prescribed Prevacid which controlled his reflux in 3 days time and also his feeding and sleeping also became very regular. He looks much happier now. Looking back, I found the doctor's diagnosis perfect as the baby wanted more mil all the time to cool his acid in his stomach and oesophagus.
In the meanwhile, I gave him Robinia Psuedoacacia 30c which I had at hand 2 times a day for 3 days but found no change and decreased his Prevacid dose to half of his prescription. Nothing looked better so I gave him Robinia 6c when I got it in and continued for 3 days but his symptoms started going to where they were before Prevacid. he felt better at night because thats when we gave him his prevacid(half the dose) and it weaned off by morning so he was very restless during the day.
Yesterday onwards, he is back to full one tab of Prevacid and he is much better now, again smiling.
One more symptom is that curls his back a lot when he has reflux and is red in face and stretches his towards his temples(the same symptoms that his mom had during pregnancy).
I also read your prescription of Silica and have given 30c to Mom last night along with Prevacid for now. Will continue this for 3-4 days and then reduce his Prevacid again. I gave her 30c because thats what I had with me. If you want me to give 6x, please let me know and I shall purchase it immediately.
Thanks and Regards.
homeopathbuff last decade

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