The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Returning UTI - Cantharis & Sepia did not work out-Please help
I would appreciate if any one could help,I am a 28 year married female.4 years ago (after marriage) I got the first UTI, it cured by antibiotics. Then the UTI came back every 6 months and then every month. Now I have UTI for more then a month and antibiotics are not helping anymore, so this time I decided to cure it by homeopathic medicine.
Symptoms: cloudy or milky color of urine and fuel odor that is worse in morning after waking up. Feeling discomfort in bladder but no burning or considerable pain. Started after intercourse. Urine test is showing E.Coli.
My homeopath asked me to take 4 times a day sepia 30 c (one tablet each time) and Cantharis 30 c (two pellets each time) and more water. After 2 weeks there is a little improvement in odor during the day and I feel more comfort in bladder, however the milky color and fuel adore is still there after waking up in mornings. Now she told me to replace Cantharis 30c by 200c. Moreover, she told me I can start Medorrhinum 200 (one dose per week).
I would appreciate if you have any idea about this situation whether to continue as what is mentioned or there is any other suitable remedy. To help to find the suitable remedy, I filled this questionary :
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
UTI, type of bacteria : E.Coli
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Discomfort in bladder like pressure or little itching at the end of urinal track. A little pain at the end of my spine that is not related to UTI and happened after a severe cold weather near 5 month back. Moreover, most of the times my hands and feet are cold but it is not disturbing.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
I feel a little depressed and try to get help
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
After marriage and intercourse
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Morning after waking up that the fuel odor and cloudy color is the worst
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
not going to toilet for a long time aggravate my UTI and drinking more water improves the color and odor.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)? No
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? I like not very cold nor hot and prefer humid weather.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I have normal mental condition and since I am meditating I feel quite and relax.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
If I am in home, not outside, I enjoy the beauty.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
I love them all
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
I like every thing which is clean and healthy. And hate old remainder foods
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? Less
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type? Normal
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? I sleep very well and I have no particular posture of sleeping
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general? No, because my sexual feeling is reduced due to the UTI
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all? I am like others
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
First Antibiotics that cause me feel my body is draught Second Sepia 30c (4 times a day) and Cantharis 30 c (4 times a day, 2 pellets each time) that caused me sleepy in first days of taking
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
I am 170 cm and 62 kg and looking healthy
Finally I should add that I have regular but painful periods.
Thank you in advance
Honar on 2011-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Nux Vomica 200 as follows and report back after 7 days.
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
Please stop taking sepia and cantharis.
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
Please stop taking sepia and cantharis.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
Thank you very much for the reply, I will start this instruction from Thursday (because I can get the medicine on Wednesday night) and will stop Sepia and Cantharis but, I should add that I have taken 3 pills of Medorrhinum 200 last night. I will not continue Medurrhinum anymore but is that affecting the new remedy?
Thank you very much for the reply, I will start this instruction from Thursday (because I can get the medicine on Wednesday night) and will stop Sepia and Cantharis but, I should add that I have taken 3 pills of Medorrhinum 200 last night. I will not continue Medurrhinum anymore but is that affecting the new remedy?
Honar last decade
Hi Dr.Kadwa, m 25 yrs old and recently married, the problem, i ejaculate even before entering into vagina, because of very low serotonin level in the brain, if any homeopathy doctor or you could tell me that what homeopathy medicie i can take before sex to have my serotonin level up and excitement level under control so i be able to remain cool and control my ejaculation.
Any help I'd very thankful to you. Thanks!
Regards Wasiq.
Any help I'd very thankful to you. Thanks!
Regards Wasiq.
wasiq_abc last decade
Dear Honar,
Please wait for few days for Medorr's resposne. If there is no response please go ahead with nux.
Please wait for few days for Medorr's resposne. If there is no response please go ahead with nux.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
The Medorr's did not help and I started the Nux. Thank you for the wonderful remedy, the pain at the end of UT and the feeling of discomfort in my bladder are disappeared. But the foul smell and the cloudy/milky color (nontransparent) especially in mornings after waking up are still there.
Currently I am not using any remedy and waiting for your reply.
Could you please advise me what to do next?
Thanks a lot in advance.
The Medorr's did not help and I started the Nux. Thank you for the wonderful remedy, the pain at the end of UT and the feeling of discomfort in my bladder are disappeared. But the foul smell and the cloudy/milky color (nontransparent) especially in mornings after waking up are still there.
Currently I am not using any remedy and waiting for your reply.
Could you please advise me what to do next?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Honar last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
Please give answers to the following Qs in full details.
The more information you can give us, the more accurate our homeopathic recommendations can be.
Is there any discharge coming from anywhere?
Is there any pain (Pain appear suddenly and disappear suddenly etc)?
Is there any itching or burning at any time?
Is there burning stinging after urination?
Is there frequent urge at night?
Is Urine cold on passing?
How is the constipation?
What is the color of the urine (Odor, Colour, flow, quantity) in detail?
Please tell me in detail about the Energy Level and State of Mind?
Thirst in detail?
Is there any Restlessness Anxiety?
Is there any fear (like death, height etc)?
What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Your like and dislike in foods (Fat, Milk, Meat etc)?
Any other information?
Rida Qureshi
The more information you can give us, the more accurate our homeopathic recommendations can be.
Is there any discharge coming from anywhere?
Is there any pain (Pain appear suddenly and disappear suddenly etc)?
Is there any itching or burning at any time?
Is there burning stinging after urination?
Is there frequent urge at night?
Is Urine cold on passing?
How is the constipation?
What is the color of the urine (Odor, Colour, flow, quantity) in detail?
Please tell me in detail about the Energy Level and State of Mind?
Thirst in detail?
Is there any Restlessness Anxiety?
Is there any fear (like death, height etc)?
What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Your like and dislike in foods (Fat, Milk, Meat etc)?
Any other information?
Rida Qureshi
ridha89 last decade
I hope I covered everything, but if you need any clarification please let me know.
Is there any discharge coming from anywhere?
At the time of starting this UTI (more than 1 month ago), there was a little watery discharge (probably from urethra) that caused itching as well. After I started taking homeopathic medicine as I described before, the discharge stopped but the itching comes back whenever I can not drink enough water (more than 1.5 liter per day)
Is there any pain (Pain appear suddenly and disappear suddenly etc)?
Some times, there was a tolerable pain in and around urethra and continues along the urinal track and it was more severe in urethra. It is less after taking Nux Vomica. But it came back once I had the problem of constipation and the pressure during the excretion made the pain in urethra worse.
Is there any itching or burning at any time? Yes there is a little itching in outer part of urethra when I drink less than 1 liter water per day but no burning.
Is there burning stinging after urination?
There is a tolerable stinging sometimes starting from urethra as I described in the previous questions that improved after taking Nux Vomica, but I should add that 4 months ago I got a UTI with the same pain but very worse (I had very stressful time) and every second I was feeling that I should urinate and after going to toilet there were nothing but only severe continues pain.
Is there frequent urge at night?
When the UTI started, the pressure in my bladder used to cause me wake up (1-2 times) in mid night and go to toilet, but currently this is happening less. And I am careful to take less water before sleeping in order not to wake up at night.
Is Urine cold on passing?
The temperature of urine is normal like before.
How is the constipation?
Sometimes I get constipation but currently it is ok.
What is the color of the urine (Odor, Colour, flow, quantity) in detail?
The color is not transparent like before, it seems a little milk is mixed within. It is cloudy and the same (steady) all over the urine. The odor is foul or sometimes like musty fish or meat or it is like a dirty place animals are kept (stable). After urinate and using water for washing, inside the bowl I can see (hardly) a very thin layout is on tope of water that is shining like fat)
Please tell me in detail about the Energy Level and State of Mind?
Currently I am very peaceful and very patient with my UTI and other problems. I feel someone is taking care of every thing. Maybe this attitude causes the UTI symptoms to reduce!
Thirst in detail?
My thirst feeling is adjustable with the amount of water I am drinking. For example since the time I started to drink near 2 liter water per day, I feel thirsty until drink that amount. But usually if I dont receive water every 2 hours, I feel fatigue and thirsty.
Is there any Restlessness Anxiety?
Not this time but I should add that 4 months ago I got a UTI with the same symptoms (pain and stinging inside and around urethra but with normal color and odor) but very worse and I had very stressful time and every second I was feeling that I should urinate and after going to toilet there were nothing but only continues pain.
Is there any fear (like death, height etc)? Nothing at all.
What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Drinking less water and not going to toilet for more than 2-3 hours aggravate the suffering. Moreover constipation is making the pain inside and around urethra worse. Drinking too much water ameliorate the suffering but temporary.
Your like and dislike in foods (Fat, Milk, Meat etc)?
I do not like red meat and winter fruits (like orange). I like chicken, fish, shrimps, vegetables, fat, sour and salty foods. I dont like milk but I like yogurt, cream and cheese.
Any other information?
When the UTI is worse, I feel the urethra is open and even when I am washing myself, water is going inside. Even once the UTI started when I had the same feeling after intercourse and after washing myself.
. Sometimes when the symptoms are more, After urinate I feel the bladder is completely empty but the same time I will find out that there is a considerable amount of urine remained. It is like a part of urine was hidden somewhere in bladder.
Generally I always feel my hands and feet are cold. Currently I had cold but not using any medicine and trying to cure myself by resting, gargling salted water and using vitamin C.
Is there any discharge coming from anywhere?
At the time of starting this UTI (more than 1 month ago), there was a little watery discharge (probably from urethra) that caused itching as well. After I started taking homeopathic medicine as I described before, the discharge stopped but the itching comes back whenever I can not drink enough water (more than 1.5 liter per day)
Is there any pain (Pain appear suddenly and disappear suddenly etc)?
Some times, there was a tolerable pain in and around urethra and continues along the urinal track and it was more severe in urethra. It is less after taking Nux Vomica. But it came back once I had the problem of constipation and the pressure during the excretion made the pain in urethra worse.
Is there any itching or burning at any time? Yes there is a little itching in outer part of urethra when I drink less than 1 liter water per day but no burning.
Is there burning stinging after urination?
There is a tolerable stinging sometimes starting from urethra as I described in the previous questions that improved after taking Nux Vomica, but I should add that 4 months ago I got a UTI with the same pain but very worse (I had very stressful time) and every second I was feeling that I should urinate and after going to toilet there were nothing but only severe continues pain.
Is there frequent urge at night?
When the UTI started, the pressure in my bladder used to cause me wake up (1-2 times) in mid night and go to toilet, but currently this is happening less. And I am careful to take less water before sleeping in order not to wake up at night.
Is Urine cold on passing?
The temperature of urine is normal like before.
How is the constipation?
Sometimes I get constipation but currently it is ok.
What is the color of the urine (Odor, Colour, flow, quantity) in detail?
The color is not transparent like before, it seems a little milk is mixed within. It is cloudy and the same (steady) all over the urine. The odor is foul or sometimes like musty fish or meat or it is like a dirty place animals are kept (stable). After urinate and using water for washing, inside the bowl I can see (hardly) a very thin layout is on tope of water that is shining like fat)
Please tell me in detail about the Energy Level and State of Mind?
Currently I am very peaceful and very patient with my UTI and other problems. I feel someone is taking care of every thing. Maybe this attitude causes the UTI symptoms to reduce!
Thirst in detail?
My thirst feeling is adjustable with the amount of water I am drinking. For example since the time I started to drink near 2 liter water per day, I feel thirsty until drink that amount. But usually if I dont receive water every 2 hours, I feel fatigue and thirsty.
Is there any Restlessness Anxiety?
Not this time but I should add that 4 months ago I got a UTI with the same symptoms (pain and stinging inside and around urethra but with normal color and odor) but very worse and I had very stressful time and every second I was feeling that I should urinate and after going to toilet there were nothing but only continues pain.
Is there any fear (like death, height etc)? Nothing at all.
What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Drinking less water and not going to toilet for more than 2-3 hours aggravate the suffering. Moreover constipation is making the pain inside and around urethra worse. Drinking too much water ameliorate the suffering but temporary.
Your like and dislike in foods (Fat, Milk, Meat etc)?
I do not like red meat and winter fruits (like orange). I like chicken, fish, shrimps, vegetables, fat, sour and salty foods. I dont like milk but I like yogurt, cream and cheese.
Any other information?
When the UTI is worse, I feel the urethra is open and even when I am washing myself, water is going inside. Even once the UTI started when I had the same feeling after intercourse and after washing myself.
. Sometimes when the symptoms are more, After urinate I feel the bladder is completely empty but the same time I will find out that there is a considerable amount of urine remained. It is like a part of urine was hidden somewhere in bladder.
Generally I always feel my hands and feet are cold. Currently I had cold but not using any medicine and trying to cure myself by resting, gargling salted water and using vitamin C.
Honar last decade
I forgot to write that I had a feeling of discomfort and pressure in my bladder at the start of UTI and before taking Nux Vomica. But now this feeling is almost gone. Moreover, I can scan and email my urine test result if it helps.
With thanks and warm regards
With thanks and warm regards
Honar last decade
When did you take last dose of Nux 200C.
Yes sure you can write here your lab reports as soon as possible.
Yes sure you can write here your lab reports as soon as possible.
ridha89 last decade
I have taken 3 doses as Dr.Kadwa instructed on 20-21/01/2011. After that, except the color and odor, the other symptoms almost disappeared. Then, for the second week on 27-28/01/2011, I repeated the 3 doses again.
Till now the cloudy color and foul odor are not improved but other symptoms are completely gone (like feeling of discomfort in bladder and pain in urethra & bladder neck). I should add that at the first day after taking the NUX(29/01/2011), the odor was normal but it became foul again today.
Now I am spending the second week to see whether the color and odor will improve or not.
My urine Cultural test result:
Culture yielded : >10^5 CFU/ML E.COLI
(and it is resistant to several types of antibiotics.)
Till now the cloudy color and foul odor are not improved but other symptoms are completely gone (like feeling of discomfort in bladder and pain in urethra & bladder neck). I should add that at the first day after taking the NUX(29/01/2011), the odor was normal but it became foul again today.
Now I am spending the second week to see whether the color and odor will improve or not.
My urine Cultural test result:
Culture yielded : >10^5 CFU/ML E.COLI
(and it is resistant to several types of antibiotics.)
Honar last decade
For Dear Mrs. Honar,
Dr. Kadwa, you know, is a most senior doctor in the field and the medicine suggested by him Nux 200 was the proper one.
Now, please take Acid Nit 200c & Arsenicum Album 30c .
Also request Dr. Kadwa to please keep an eye in the
Day 1 morning
Acid Nit 200c 1st dose after 1hour of meal.
Day 1 night
Acid Nit 200c 2nd dose after 1hour of meal.
Day 2 morning
Same repeat as 1st day.
Day3 Morning
Acid Nit 200(once only after 1hour of breakfast)
Day 4
Arsenic 30 one dose(after an hour of dinner only.)
Day 5 to 7:
Arsenic 30 thrice a day after half an hour of each meal.
Report progress after 7 days.
Many prayers for your good health and peaceful life.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
Dr. Kadwa, you know, is a most senior doctor in the field and the medicine suggested by him Nux 200 was the proper one.
Now, please take Acid Nit 200c & Arsenicum Album 30c .
Also request Dr. Kadwa to please keep an eye in the
Day 1 morning
Acid Nit 200c 1st dose after 1hour of meal.
Day 1 night
Acid Nit 200c 2nd dose after 1hour of meal.
Day 2 morning
Same repeat as 1st day.
Day3 Morning
Acid Nit 200(once only after 1hour of breakfast)
Day 4
Arsenic 30 one dose(after an hour of dinner only.)
Day 5 to 7:
Arsenic 30 thrice a day after half an hour of each meal.
Report progress after 7 days.
Many prayers for your good health and peaceful life.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
ridha89 last decade
Dear Ridha,
Thank you very much for your kind attention. I am very hopeful to cure my chronic UTI by homeopathy with presence of such nice people like you and Dr.Kadwa who takes care of others problem. Since NUX was very helpful to eliminate all the symptoms (except foul odor and cloudy color), so before stopping it and starting a new remedy, I want to make sure that NUX can not help anymore either in higher doses or in any other way.
Therefore, I would like to request Dr.Kadwa to advice me about continuing or stopping NUX based on my report after 7 days for the second week, I would be appreciated if you can follow the case as well.
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
I would like to request you to advice me about the next step base on my report for the second week of taking NUX.
In second week during the first 3 days, All the symptoms like feeling discomfort in bladder and pain in urethra were gone except the color and odor. I should add that only in the first morning, I noticed the foul odor is less and in between the smell is like normal urine.
However, in Tuesday a little pain and stinging feeling started in urethra (this could be due to being exposed to strong perfume and camphor accidentally)
Today morning, I felt a little itching in urethra also.
Please let me know what to do next?
Thanking you,
Thank you very much for your kind attention. I am very hopeful to cure my chronic UTI by homeopathy with presence of such nice people like you and Dr.Kadwa who takes care of others problem. Since NUX was very helpful to eliminate all the symptoms (except foul odor and cloudy color), so before stopping it and starting a new remedy, I want to make sure that NUX can not help anymore either in higher doses or in any other way.
Therefore, I would like to request Dr.Kadwa to advice me about continuing or stopping NUX based on my report after 7 days for the second week, I would be appreciated if you can follow the case as well.
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
I would like to request you to advice me about the next step base on my report for the second week of taking NUX.
In second week during the first 3 days, All the symptoms like feeling discomfort in bladder and pain in urethra were gone except the color and odor. I should add that only in the first morning, I noticed the foul odor is less and in between the smell is like normal urine.
However, in Tuesday a little pain and stinging feeling started in urethra (this could be due to being exposed to strong perfume and camphor accidentally)
Today morning, I felt a little itching in urethra also.
Please let me know what to do next?
Thanking you,
Honar last decade
Please repeat 3 doses of Nux Vomica 200 and see how it goes for the current week.
i think that Sepia and Nux are your remedies. Sepia is acting internally and Nux is accentuating it's action.
i am very impressed at the politeness of Ridha. But let me tell Ridha and other friends that prescribing by consensus is not possible in homeopathy. Arriving at a homeopathic remedy is always a subjective decision and there is always scope to believe that the right similimum has not been suggested. But it is true that we get enlightened when we try to understand the basis of remedy suggestions made by others. So i do find merit in the suggestion made by Ridha.
May God bless you both Ridha and Honar.
i think that Sepia and Nux are your remedies. Sepia is acting internally and Nux is accentuating it's action.
i am very impressed at the politeness of Ridha. But let me tell Ridha and other friends that prescribing by consensus is not possible in homeopathy. Arriving at a homeopathic remedy is always a subjective decision and there is always scope to believe that the right similimum has not been suggested. But it is true that we get enlightened when we try to understand the basis of remedy suggestions made by others. So i do find merit in the suggestion made by Ridha.
May God bless you both Ridha and Honar.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I have a couple of questions now:
1- I have been taking sepia for about one month, but it did not reduce symptoms. How long does it take for a suitable remedy to work?
2-If it helps in combination with Nux, shall I start it again? If yes, what dose is ok and how often?
3- The first morning after taking Nux(in second week), I felt the odor is improved, but the next days it became worse like before. That is why I thought if I take Nux in daily basis it could help more. If this assumption is correct, shall I take the Nux daily? If yes what dose should I take and how often?
Warm regards,
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I have a couple of questions now:
1- I have been taking sepia for about one month, but it did not reduce symptoms. How long does it take for a suitable remedy to work?
2-If it helps in combination with Nux, shall I start it again? If yes, what dose is ok and how often?
3- The first morning after taking Nux(in second week), I felt the odor is improved, but the next days it became worse like before. That is why I thought if I take Nux in daily basis it could help more. If this assumption is correct, shall I take the Nux daily? If yes what dose should I take and how often?
Warm regards,
Honar last decade
1- I have been taking sepia for about one month, but it did not reduce symptoms. How long does it take for a suitable remedy to work?
Ans: It may not have showed its effects as you didn't stop taking it.
2-If it helps in combination with Nux, shall I start it again? If yes, what dose is ok and how often?
Ans: You should follow the dosing pattern that you have implemented for Nux.
3- The first morning after taking Nux(in second week), I felt the odor is improved, but the next days it became worse like before. That is why I thought if I take Nux in daily basis it could help more. If this assumption is correct, shall I take the Nux daily? If yes what dose should I take and how often?
Ans: As already explained if one takes a remedy daily one doesn't know where to stop. So it is better to start and stop and then again start and stop on need basis.
Ans: It may not have showed its effects as you didn't stop taking it.
2-If it helps in combination with Nux, shall I start it again? If yes, what dose is ok and how often?
Ans: You should follow the dosing pattern that you have implemented for Nux.
3- The first morning after taking Nux(in second week), I felt the odor is improved, but the next days it became worse like before. That is why I thought if I take Nux in daily basis it could help more. If this assumption is correct, shall I take the Nux daily? If yes what dose should I take and how often?
Ans: As already explained if one takes a remedy daily one doesn't know where to stop. So it is better to start and stop and then again start and stop on need basis.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
The reason I did not stop taking Sepia was that my homeopath asked me so, however, after consultation with you as you instructed I stopped both Sepia and Cantharis.
Now, if you think it could help I will start it again but my question is whether I can take it the same week as I am taking Nux or I should start it next week? (yesterday I have started Nux for the third week)
I have one more question: It looks curing my UTI by homeopathy is taking longer time than curing by antibiotic. Is there any treat that the infection goes upward to my kidneys in the meantime? (I have this UTI for about 2 months)
The main reason that I am persisting to cure the UTI by homeopathy is that I wanted to get pregnant and most probably this UTI will come back during pregnancy. I hope the homeopathy to cut the roots of this UTI or by finding the suitable remedy, it could be used again during pregnancy instead of any antibiotic.
Thanks a lot for all your helps and supports.
The reason I did not stop taking Sepia was that my homeopath asked me so, however, after consultation with you as you instructed I stopped both Sepia and Cantharis.
Now, if you think it could help I will start it again but my question is whether I can take it the same week as I am taking Nux or I should start it next week? (yesterday I have started Nux for the third week)
I have one more question: It looks curing my UTI by homeopathy is taking longer time than curing by antibiotic. Is there any treat that the infection goes upward to my kidneys in the meantime? (I have this UTI for about 2 months)
The main reason that I am persisting to cure the UTI by homeopathy is that I wanted to get pregnant and most probably this UTI will come back during pregnancy. I hope the homeopathy to cut the roots of this UTI or by finding the suitable remedy, it could be used again during pregnancy instead of any antibiotic.
Thanks a lot for all your helps and supports.
Honar last decade
have you tried staph?
anna_jenkins last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
Please accept my apology for continues and detailed questions. I am still waiting to receive a reply from your good self regarding the Sepia that to take it in the same week as Nux or I should take Sepia next week without Nux?
As you instructed, I will give the report after 7days, but in the meantime (after 3 days) I would like to inform my status:
1st day: no symptoms except foul odor and cloudy color, but at night a stinging pain in urethra started along with pressure and back pain (the pain was new to me; I guess it could be aggravation to Nux-but no problem, the good news is coming next)
2nd day: Normal odor, less cloudy color - less pain in urethra- no pressure
3rd day: the odor was foul again but less than before- the color was cloudy - No other symptoms
It looks, when I get aggravation, my body is healing better!!!(In this case I can tolerate the aggravations)
May god bless you,
Thanks a lot in advance.
Please accept my apology for continues and detailed questions. I am still waiting to receive a reply from your good self regarding the Sepia that to take it in the same week as Nux or I should take Sepia next week without Nux?
As you instructed, I will give the report after 7days, but in the meantime (after 3 days) I would like to inform my status:
1st day: no symptoms except foul odor and cloudy color, but at night a stinging pain in urethra started along with pressure and back pain (the pain was new to me; I guess it could be aggravation to Nux-but no problem, the good news is coming next)
2nd day: Normal odor, less cloudy color - less pain in urethra- no pressure
3rd day: the odor was foul again but less than before- the color was cloudy - No other symptoms
It looks, when I get aggravation, my body is healing better!!!(In this case I can tolerate the aggravations)
May god bless you,
Thanks a lot in advance.
Honar last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,
I forgot to write in above post, that I got the point why the remedy should not be taken continuesly in order to know when to stop. But in my case, the color & odor are improving immediately after taking Nux and after stopping they become worse like before. In this condition is it possible to extend the duration of taking the Nux(1 week) and then stop and watch?
Thank you Dr.Kadwa
I forgot to write in above post, that I got the point why the remedy should not be taken continuesly in order to know when to stop. But in my case, the color & odor are improving immediately after taking Nux and after stopping they become worse like before. In this condition is it possible to extend the duration of taking the Nux(1 week) and then stop and watch?
Thank you Dr.Kadwa
Honar last decade
You should take 5 doses of Nux Vomica 200 next time if there is a relapse.
If there is another relapse after that you should take three doses of Sepia 200.
If there is another relapse after that you should take three doses of Sepia 200.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hi honar how are u ? I have similar case with you as i had retpetitive uti, the remain symptoms now is only the smelly urine and cloudy urine plus urgency when i need to pee ( feel like i cannot hold). How did you go so far ? Dr. kadwa please help. Thank you.
My last uti attack was nov 1, did not take antibiotic, instead chinese medicine and accupunture. So far getting better but only cloudy urine + strong smelly urine if in the morning or i did not drink a lot. And urgency to pee. Thank u in advance for your help.
[message edited by Eve on Fri, 13 Jan 2017 01:06:15 UTC]
My last uti attack was nov 1, did not take antibiotic, instead chinese medicine and accupunture. So far getting better but only cloudy urine + strong smelly urine if in the morning or i did not drink a lot. And urgency to pee. Thank u in advance for your help.
[message edited by Eve on Fri, 13 Jan 2017 01:06:15 UTC]
Eve 8 years ago
I am 70 y/o with PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease with severe PLD Polycystic Liver Disease, so far so good, my kidney functioning is excellent. I have had recurrent UTI with Klebsiella Pneumoniae as the organism x 3 in a year and half, I do not wish to lose kidney function, Help please, I take sepia for my type about once a month,
DianeS 6 years ago
I know these posts are years old and I hope Honor got complete relief. I felt like I needed to add to the forum for any who are reading this now because this was the issue that convinced me of homeopathy efficacy. I had a chronic UTI 10 years ago that was completely healed with very few doses of Staphasagria which is known to be the “honeymooners”remedy. It was prescribed solely on the fact that it would come about after intercourse(especially if you happen to be mad at your husband often!). I’ve seen it work twice on friends with the issue. Worth a shot for sure in that situation.
lallyk 6 years ago
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