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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Rheumatoid Arthritis

My wife 38,is suffering from RA since 2 years. She is a bit overweight but not fat. She experienced pain in knee joints and in back. she was having abdomen ache during mensurations and hair fall. When we consulted a homeopath, a test for RA factor was suggested and it turns out to be positive (46). After 3 months of treatment, it reduced first to 36 and then to 31. But then it shoot to 131.5 and didn't reduced even after taking medicine for one year!
We decided to consult another homeopath and then CRP tes was done. It was positive (16). After 3 months of treatment CRP come down to negative (4.6) but RA increased to 151. I am very much worried and feeling very down for my wife. Even my anxiety and stress level is high due to this. I am desperately looking for a solution because this doctor although brought the CRP to negative but refuses to tell the name of the medicine. previously she was administered calc. carb.
Please advice
  vksingh on 2011-02-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I will appreciate very much if any advice will be given by expert. I understand this is not a substitute for consultation with a qualified homeopath but still I need a sympathetic expert approach to the ailment of my wife.
vksingh last decade

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