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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Kadwa-Tooth extraction which had root canal-how to be sure all infection is gone

Hello Doctor Kadwa.

I once again seek assistance from you.

For the past 3 or more months i have been researching about dangers of root canals, it is said they are very dangerous since they carry harmfull bacteria which feed on the dead ligament bellow the tooth where no blood or imunity exists, and that they lead to many illnesses.

They should be extracted, but only with a certain protocol which guaranties that all infection has been cleared, so the bone could heal completely and not form cavitations (cavitations are wholes bellow the gums, where bone hasn't growed because the infection doesn't let it)

I am probably going to extract two of my teeth in 2-3 months, i first have to find the right dentist and make pre-post extraction preparations, because i want this to go 100% smooth.

What i wish to ask you is, what kind of Homeopathic remedies would you recommend in this situation?

I know i shouldn't take anything that prevents blood, because i need the blood to clear all bacteria and kill them.

I need something that will insure proper healing of the jaw bone, proper healing of the gums, and leave no chance for bacteria to survive and continue creating havoc.

It is said in the protocol that there should be only slight pain when anaesthetic wears of, and that i should in no case take synthetic antibiotics. The pain should decrease with every day, if it increases it means bacteria is back.

Now, i wait for your advices, what do you think about all this.
  DoubleEdge on 2011-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There are some homeopaths who believe in developing protocols of homeopathic medicines that are equivalent to an allopathic treatment.
i personally don't like this method of prescribing. i like the remedy to be prescribed on the basis of symptom similarity.
At the same time i am not averse to using tissue salts or herbs as a follow up to homeo remedies if that goes well with the patient.
In the present case i will prefer to work out the indicated remedy (there are many remedies like Merc Sol., Phosphorus, Staphysagria, Sulphur that work well for teeth and gums; any other indicated remedy may also work).
i will also work out the tissue salts that may be taken as a follow up treatment.
i will ask the patient to see how the above treatment plan works and then go for other options.
kadwa last decade
Yes, thank you for the reply.

I am aware that Homeopathy works in a different way, and only based on the entire picture.

Though this is not really a disease, it is pretty much a surgery which carries a risk of infection, and if infection isn't ''killed'' by the body, there will be no proper healing of the jaw bone, which would leave a whole and a pool of bacteria far away from blood supply.

I know that this isn't something Homeopathy is close to, but in fact people were made for their teeth to last a life time.

It is the modern way of living that is destroying out teeth, and thus the need for extraction.

It is said that over 80% of teeth don't heal properly after extraction and this has a huge effect on general health. It weakens the immune system making it volnurable.

Most risky teeth are the Wisdom, which are seldomly extracted without following the protocol which would ensure removal of all tissue bellow the bone so the bone itself could grow properly.

When tissue is left behind, body doesn't get the signal to grow because ''part of it is still there'', and the gums and thing portion of bone heals over.

This makes a perfect breading ground for bacteria.

The most important thing after tooth extraction is NOT TO TAKE ANTIBIOTICS, because they abort bone creation in many cases.

I have some knowledge about Cell Salts, i know that Ferrum Phos should be my primary tool to ensure proper blood supply to the surgery site and the power to eliminate all foreign invaders.

After that, there are calc phos and CALC FLUOR which work togheter to build new bone (also magnesium)

Finally there is Silica to block any union of foreign materia and burn it.

What i don't know is, are there any Homeopathic remedies that are usually reccomended pre-post surgery.

Something that can ease potential pain, insure proper healing and not interfere will normal regeneration of the body.
DoubleEdge last decade
We can't target the vital force against bacteria or root canal repairs with high level of certainty.
Let us take your case, you have reported that you pass undigested food in your stools. This is a very significant symptom. Now on the basis of this symptom and also looking at your philiosophical approach if you take three doses of Sulphur 200 that should help you overall including your tooth and gums. That may even prevent tooth extraction. Silicea should not be taken here as follow up tissue salt as it antidotes sulphur.
kadwa last decade
I will surely try the Sulphur 200 before the extraction and see how it goes, although i have already made my mind about the extraction of these two dead organs in my mouth.

After reading a lot of book i've seen many evidence that root canals and amalgam filling are to blame for many chronic illnesses which have ''no cure'' and work in the auto-immune fashion.

Dead teeth are a septic pool of poison which leaches down into the body 24/7, and the immune system has to fight it all the time.

All my problems started when i had the first root canal, and they were further aggravated with a couple of new symptoms when i had the second root canal. Also the tooth-organ meridian on the first root canal is connected to every organ i have problems with.

I am 100% sure that extracting them, and than follow up with tissue cell salts and possibly other Homeopathic remedies will bring my body back to normal after many years.
DoubleEdge last decade
Hello again Dr. Kadwa.

I forgot to ask you about the dosage of Sulphur 200.

I see you wrote 3 doses, but how many pellets are one dose, and also should it be taken only for 1 day or more?

DoubleEdge last decade
Please take three doses of Sulphur 200 as follows and see how it goes in next 15 days.

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

You may take 2 pellets each of the tissue salts calc phos 6x and calc fluor 6x thrice a day from 4th day onwards.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Thank you Doctor Kadwa. I will do just that.

DoubleEdge last decade
Hello DoubleEdge, I have done the same research that you have done and have reached the same conclusion - now I'm looking for an Oral surgeon to remove all my 3 Root canal teeth. I don't want to have dead teeth in my body and constantly burden my immune system. Is it possible for me to speak with you? My number is 9900545439. I'm not sure whether posting my mobile number is allowed in this forum. Your experience can help me a lot in my current situation. If you think you can help me please send an sms and I will call back. Hope I can get your valuable insight. (I'm mostly getting my extractions done starting next week...I have got x-rays taken today and 2 of them show mild infection and one of them has more infection)
AH2015 9 years ago
Hello AH2015,

There really isn't that much to say. I have extracted the two teeth carefully (haven't used any stitches, left the space to close naturally. Small amounts of bleeding helps it heal and eliminate any potential bacteria).

After the extraction I didn't eat solid food for 2 days (very important IMO), so just make vegetable/fruit juices, lemonade, and also use honey for some energy.

Dental hygiene - I used a mild lugol's iodine solution, washing the mouth very gently (basically just letting it glide, I move the head and the liquid follows).

Gums heal over fast. I haven't put any replacements (no bridge or anything, left empty space). Surrounding teeth haven't shifted at all, but I am missing those two teeth.

As for my health problems - can't say that anything changed after the extractions (and they were definitely done properly, full procedure).

If you have health concerns I recommend reading "The amazing liver cleanse", a book written by Andreas Moritz. Also "Secrets to health and rejuvenation" by the same author. I believe they are available online (torrent).

That's about all I can say. Wishing you well :-)
DoubleEdge 9 years ago

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