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please experienced homeopaths Help me.eye floaters, pain when moving eye, dizziness, tinnitis Page 2 of 2

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I have the Nux vomica 30. can I use this instead?
anabella last decade
Dr Kadwa
I have another question for you.
Could these symptoms be connected to perimenopause?
I again this month am having very strange periods : very scanty a couple of drops, very dark and dry blood.
I was thinking : the night sweats, the scanty periods, the fatigue, foggy thinking, dizziness ? maybe perimenopause is starting for me at age 41?

Again when you have time can you tell me if I can take nux vomica 30 instead of 200?

Thank you.
anabella last decade
It doesn't matter what name we give to the set of symptoms. We have to work out the remedy on the basis of the symptom picture. Scanty menses point to Graphites but it didn't work.

You may take Nux Vomica 30 thrice a day for 2 days and see how that goes in next 15 days.
kadwa last decade

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