The ABC Homeopathy Forum
lung fluid in 10 year dog
I have a 10 year 15 pound. Vet took x ray explained he has fluid in lungs. Is there anything I can give him to help him clear the fluid? I woud like to try a natural approach. I am giving him Taurine, L-Carnitine, dog greens, Cayenne, ginger, hawthorne, parsley tea and a canine heart tonic. He seems to be doing well but then today he has a very bad cough for the second time in two weeks. I hear a lot of phlegm and he pants. I also have put on a vaporiser to see if it helps. I need help please on what else to do. I don't want him to suffer and I know if I take him back to the vet she will give him meds that will bring on consequences. I hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.vallecm on 2011-03-27
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