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Posts about Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis57Hyperhidrosis16Palmar and Plantar hyperhidrosis12Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis1hyperhidrosis8Severe generalized hyperhidrosis6Excessive facial sweating hyperhidrosis14Generalized Hyperhidrosis7Hyperhidrosis6hyperhidrosis1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hyperhidrosis (Palmar hyperhidrosis -hands and Plantar hyperhidrosis -feet), 12 years old child

Dear Dr.,
My 12 years old, weight- 29 Kg, height-132 cm male child studding in class 9th is suffering from excessive sweating / hyperhidrosis (Palmar hyperhidrosis -hands and Plantar hyperhidrosis -feet)
The main symptoms are as under:
1. Sweating increased in summer every year.
2. Sweating increased in hand at the time of study or mental work
3. Maximum sweating in hands and feet.
4. No smell in sweating
5. Underweight
6. Child feels some pain in joints
7. Thyroid test / TLC/DLC/ Urine test is normal
8. No hyperhidrosis background in family.
9. Currently he is taking Silica 30.

Please help me.
  vidyawati1970 on 2011-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How he is responding to silicea 30.
kadwa last decade
no better responce after taking Silica 30.
vidyawati1970 last decade

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