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Posts about Flu

Flu3For attention of Anuj or Maheeru: asthmatic symptoms after viral flu5Common cold and flu5cold and flu1Flu93yo cough after the flu9left ear blocked due to flu2flu18 months old baby - flu3nat phos 6x dose for 7 week old baby with acid reflu7


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

FLU remedy for 18 mts old daughter

My daughter is 18 months old. She passes her stool every 5-6th day and cries for not passing stool for more than 3 days.

Now she has FLU with little cough but thick greenish discharge from nose. She also has breathing difficulty while sipping milk indicating her nose passage is blocked.

I gave her a teaspoon of kali bi 200 3 drops mixed in 150-200ml water 5 days ago (5-6 times a day) but that has not cured her.

I also gave one dose ( 1 teaspoon of Calc Carb 200 today).

Please advice what medicine to give and how often.

Thank You
  vohra27 on 2011-06-30
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