The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hair loss
hi i m suffering from hair loss past one year ...i had one spot on back head then i started allopethey medicine dicase 2 a week , biotin and some cream then after 6 months hair grow up but regular hair fall now i saw new spot and lot of hair fall now i have started homoptathics med ...phos one a week till three week and silicea 12x tds now still hair falling but im very dipressed what should i do..nidhi mheta on 2011-07-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
List given below is the most important things to tell a homeopathic physician for best result for hair fall.
Please see and note them alphabetically, which things (symptoms) are present in your case.
A. My parents (one or both) have early and excessive hair falling.
B. I had acute health problems within past six months (high fever or any operation or marked weight loss or )
C. Suffered any emotional distress within past six months (any death, severe anxiety, prolonged grief)
D. Lack of appetite, dieting, poor food intake due to any other reason within past six months.
E. Taking any Allopathic medications (i.e. for gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure, and birth control pills) or radiation or chemotherapy.
F. Diseases you are suffering chronically (i.e. diabetes, hypothyroidism, irregular menses, lupus, etc).
G. Pregnancy, delivery, stopped birth control pills, menopause within past six months.
H. Hairs are falling mainly in spots.
I. Hairs are falling in handfuls.
J. Hairs are falling mainly from occiput (Back of the head from the level of ears).
K. Hairs are falling mainly from forehead.
L. Hairs are falling from vertex (top of head).
M. Hairs are falling mainly from temporal area (areas around both ears)
N. Hairs are extremely dry.
O. Hairs are oily.
P: Hairs are painful upon touching.
R. Hairs stick together.
S. Hairs are shine less.
T. Hairs are thin.
U. Hairs are thick.
X. Hairs are light in color.
Y. Hairs are dark in color.
Z. Excessive dandruff
Dr. Rakesh Kumar (B.H.M.S., N.H.M.C., Lko)
Please see and note them alphabetically, which things (symptoms) are present in your case.
A. My parents (one or both) have early and excessive hair falling.
B. I had acute health problems within past six months (high fever or any operation or marked weight loss or )
C. Suffered any emotional distress within past six months (any death, severe anxiety, prolonged grief)
D. Lack of appetite, dieting, poor food intake due to any other reason within past six months.
E. Taking any Allopathic medications (i.e. for gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure, and birth control pills) or radiation or chemotherapy.
F. Diseases you are suffering chronically (i.e. diabetes, hypothyroidism, irregular menses, lupus, etc).
G. Pregnancy, delivery, stopped birth control pills, menopause within past six months.
H. Hairs are falling mainly in spots.
I. Hairs are falling in handfuls.
J. Hairs are falling mainly from occiput (Back of the head from the level of ears).
K. Hairs are falling mainly from forehead.
L. Hairs are falling from vertex (top of head).
M. Hairs are falling mainly from temporal area (areas around both ears)
N. Hairs are extremely dry.
O. Hairs are oily.
P: Hairs are painful upon touching.
R. Hairs stick together.
S. Hairs are shine less.
T. Hairs are thin.
U. Hairs are thick.
X. Hairs are light in color.
Y. Hairs are dark in color.
Z. Excessive dandruff
Dr. Rakesh Kumar (B.H.M.S., N.H.M.C., Lko)
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
i am not suffering from any disease..may be this sopt reason is stress ..but my main concern is hair fall . lot of hair fall,my hair was very thick but now its very thin .which is never done in my life
nidhi mheta last decade
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