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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

frequent urination

I have to urinate aprox every 1 to 2 hrs. Sometimes a very little amount, sometimes a lot. It seems that the tiniest bit of urine in my bladder and I have a strong urge to urinate. I am 25lbs overweight and working on losing that. No pain. Has gotten worse over past 2 yrs. 40yrs old. Thanks for any help! Debbie
  debbiekaren on 2005-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
(I didnt know how to edit)
Is it possible that being overweight would be the cause of this? I am otherwise very healthy.
debbiekaren last decade
Doubt if overweight is the prime cause.

Do you have children?.

At the age of 40 , with the menopause in view , it may be that the uterus is applying pressure to the bladder, and restricting its capacity. .

There are exercises to correct this -- if it is the case.

There are a number of remedies for this condition --

check out ,,
Natrum mur
passkey last decade
thanks for the response!

no children

what would the exercises be? I'm familiar with kegel - but that shouldnt affect the "urge" issue should it?
debbiekaren last decade
Have you been checked for possible urinary infection? And/ or may be post-voidal residue.
Another remedy to consider is Equisteum.
Minsa last decade
No I have not been checked for urinary infection because there has been no pain involved, etc. but I've never heard of postvoidal residue before - I tried finding info on the net about it but no luck - thanks for the tip - any info I can get is much appreciated!
debbiekaren last decade
Nat Phos 6x should help to reduce your weight. Dose 2 tablets after lunch and dinner. You should lose your weight by about a pound per week and Nat Phos is very safe to be used daily.

I have used Arnica 30c to help overcome incontinence in males but do not know how it will help in your case. It is however worth trying it and the dose is 2 pellets Arnica 30c under the tongue twice daily. You can expect results almost immediate results after taking your first dose when the urge should be reduced, but this is the reaction in the case of males and it would be interesting to see how you react.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks to all of your suggestions - I will let you know what I try and the results I get.
debbiekaren last decade

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