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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kindly let me know Doctor

Dear Doctor

how are you.Hoping you are doing well. I have problem of swallowing, after eating last little piace of food stick on my lower throat. I feel very much discomfort and again and again swallow my saliva for this but it feel remain and something there.My barium relux X-Ray is normal.
Kindly give me its homeopathic treatment.
I pray for your good health and success in your work
God bless you always
Sincerely yours
Shakeel Hussain
Peshawar city
  shakeel21b on 2005-05-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
THe most likely thing to help is Pulsatilla try three doses of 30c one tablet on sucessive nights on going to sleep

The other thing that may help is Carbo Veg 30 -- same method.

BUT check both of these out and see if either of them match your character and condition. If they do it will work -- if NOT IT WONT.
passkey last decade

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