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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

help with graphite and eczema

Hi, i have eczema all over my body and after trying joapathy which did not work in my case i looked into which remedy suited my eczema, although i beleive i have different types of eczema all over my body, the most problem areas are the folds of my skin, so chose graphite. Over the past two days uve taken fraphite 30 x wet dose three times a day. Yesterday i noticed on my arms my skin had raosed bumps which had yellow spots underneath, this is now completly dry and for once i dont feel an.itch on my arms -altho other parts do itch. I want to know if this is a good sign, if i should now stop takjng graphite and see what happens ?any advice will be greatly received!
  luckyj on 2011-07-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I would urge you to let someone try homoeopathy on your problem instead - where the remedy is chosen on the whole case not just one part of it.

I cannot tell if that is a good sign or not, because we judge a remedy on its ability to create cure in the right direction. The direction can only be judged when you have taken the whole case, and can see how the various symptoms are moving around and where they are moving to.

Just focussing on one symptom is quite difficult when trying to decide if the remedy is acting curatively. A remedy can act palliatively (just temporarily hides the symptoms) or it can act suppressively (drives the symptoms back inside creating new symptoms) or they can create side effects which might suspend your old symptoms while they are in effect.

Cure on the other hand moves from inside out, from more important organs to less important organs, from top to bottom, from new symptoms to old symptoms, from the middle to the periphery. Typically in ecezma cases, the eczema would worsen while other symptoms in the person's health (mental, emotional, more general ones like sleep etc) improved - this would be a good direction and would inspire confidence in the remedy.

Without knowing much about the rest of the case, we would be as much in the dark as you about the meaning of this reaction.

Homoeopathy is difficult and complex - and although some people would have you believe it is as simple as choosing a remedy based on the name of your condition, homoeopaths over the centuries have shown this to be a very poor path to cure.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 07:55:36 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok thanks for ur response i think i will stop and see if there is any other changes, thanks
luckyj last decade
Thanx David for your Guidance to the patient at right time hope it will be remembered by the patent which will help him to get CURED.


Dear Luckyi,
Graphite was not prescribed to you during your past treatment. Please dont experiment on your self, let a HOMEOPATH take the initiative for solving your skin problem. Your support and cooperation is all that is required to heal you completely.

Pray for your good health.

Nikkie last decade
I realise this but arnica wasnt working and the Remedy Finder pointed to graphites so after rrading other posts i thought i would try. Is there anyone who can advise what i should do nxt? Leave it as it is?
luckyj last decade
Dear Luckyi,
please follow this thread (Message for you).
Nikkie last decade

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