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Oh, this is gonna be hard for me... but I try. I'm sorry I can't find exact answers for a lot of questions.


Tendovaginitis in the wrists

Something like inflammatory pain, if it can be described like that. Using my wrists at all makes it worse, being still makes it better. Not hurting if not moving. Passes over by itself. The trigger might be cold , damp, windy and any exertion in those conditions. These days only bothers a few times a year.


For a few years I have been taking a supplement for this and I have had only slight pain very occasionally. Now I took a few weeks break in the supplement and my hip pains have returned. It is like shooting pain in both hips, more in the left one. I don't know what is the trigger for it as it is almost constant, milder or stronger. It hurts also when lying on either side, even when lying on the back some. It doesn't hurt when sitting or standing still. Keeping legs wider apart makes it hurt less. Some rather normal movements make it worse, like if I am sitting on the floor and getting up. I am very flexible also in my hips, so my movements are not very restricted so I automatically move in a way that sresses my hips. Then pain is very restrictive, I can't manage my every day duties or take care of the kids with it. Is like the hips can't take any weight on them. I started the supplement again and the pain is gone. It is ok this way, but I assume the supplement is only suppressing it, and I fear it getting worse and the supplement not helping.


Knees hurt only when I have been doing something that stresses them like downhill skiing. They recover easily, but I have to have a longer break in stressing them if they get to the hurting point.

The shoulder

Like inflammatory pain in the upper arm near right shoulder. Hurts when I move my arm back and up behind my back. Also can't hold my right arm up very long before it starts aching. It originates from me hurting it in some sport activity, but now I don't know why it sometimes is aching more and sometimes less. Like at the moment it is only hurting in those movements I described but during the last year it was very bad for several months and disturbed me in many ways like carrying anything , picking up anything, dressing and undressing, even changing positions when lying down. I think it has been getting better again so that I just have been so extra careful with it for a while and now it is manageable. I have been under a lot more stress during the winter than now in the summer, so it might have something to do with the stress as well.

Index finger

The problem with this seems now to be excessive bone growth around the bone between the two outermost joints in the finger. And some constant swelling around it. Can't much use the finger, can type with it but even hand writing hurts. The movement of the finger is restricted and hurts. The finger was bad before the operation on it, but is now worse.


Normally not bothering, but there is one vertebra in the lower back which is hurting for long periods of time once in a while. I can feel the spot when pressing and it is slightly swollen. I can't find it when it not actively hurting. But that doesn't make all the back hurt.

Sometimes, first time after some of my pregnancies, I have more over all pain in my lower back like the back breaking down and can not take weight. It has been after pregnancies for longest periods of time and otherwise occasionally lasting max few days at a time. I don't again now what makes it better or worse, it doesn't hurt when lying down, like when it is relaxed. It hurts more when I start moving, like get up after sitting. But it hurts while sitting some as well. I don't know why it comes and goes.


Is not tachycardia, but extrasystoles. Those are considered unharmful and normal for even a heatlhy heart. The problem with them for me is that when I have them, they last for days at a time, approx every third beat is extra. And although it should not be harmful, it is eating up my energy. And with the extrasystoles on, it is hard to relax and get a restful sleep. The feeling is like I am over exhausted and restless. Hard to concentrate. Sometimes they go rather unnoticed though. Excercise don't make it worse, rest doesn't make it better. Easing off makes it better, so that I all together slow down and take easy. Not right away, but that helps them go away. I think (not sure this is always the case) that it is some kind of reaction to stress. My husband always says that I am the kind of person to react physically to stress. That might be true. I have a hectic life, first I have got all kinds of physical symptoms and mental only after that. Or not so, but I myself have noticed the physical symptoms before the mental ones.


Now I have been getting better sleep for a week and the constant watering is gone. It is clearly related to the quality of sleep. Only resting and closing eyes won't help. Normally, cold and wind and sunshine makes it water, but then it is not constant. Sleeping poorly for longer time seems to make it very bad, watering all the time and irritating the eye and the ski around it. Feels like I have sand in my eyes and the tears are burning as well. When I started sleeping better it just reduced gradually and then stopped. But this is one of the reactions I get from sleeping poorly.


Nowadays the sinusitis is not a problem, but the mucus and losing my voice are more. When there is a flu in the family, the symptoms I get are first I lose my voice then I realize I have mucus in my upper air ways, but my nose is not blocked. I get clots somewhere between my nose and throat and it feels like choking before I get rid of it. Usually I don't feel sick at all. The voice losing is complete, I can't get even a whisper out. It might last a couple of days at it worst. The mucus problem is now getting more disturbing as it is not limited only to the flu times but is more constant.

One thing which makes a lot of things worse is wind, and air conditioning. Warm and calm makes better. The most instant reactions which I get is stiff neck and shoulders.


My stomach gets upset and I get diarrhea. It get gets over with one bm usually, but I need the toilet asap. Coffee makes it worse, ice cream makes it worse, all fast food makes it worse, if I keep eating very healthy, that makes it better. Usually very creamy foods make it worse, but necessarily fatty foods don't make it worse. Overeating makes it worse. It is more related to what I eat than to other circumstances. Although I don't always react to wrong foods at all. And sometimes it happens even without any wrong foods.

I have also noticed that when I encounter problems or stressful situations, my joint problems get worse. Or not only joint problems but also stiffness in neck and shoulders and sometimes headache from that. With problems I mean something that I encounter that I would have to do something to, but feel incompetent for it or feel I don't have time or energy or just not being capable of taking care of. And I feel I would have to. When I say something doesn't hurt at the moment, it doesn't mean nothing is hurting at the moment, the pain is present every day, coming and going, not very strong but nagging.

I hope I'm not just repeating myself but that you can get something out of this as well. Thank you very much already.
Riana last decade
Don't apologize! It is a big step going from being a patient of other types of medicine to a homoeopathic one. Just need to guide you along the way :)

I will look over this today for you.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I'm again losing my voice. Since yesterday morning. The night before that I encountered big emotional stress which resulted in crying long and uncontrollably. The next morning my voice was cracked and it still is, getting worse slowly. No flu symptoms. A lot of crying of course created some mucous. I feel that under emotional pressure I feel better if I have some physical symptoms, I think that somehow gives me the right to feel bad.
Riana last decade
It's been a while. Is there some more information I should give to to help your work?

I feel I have a lot more information, but it is hard to get out. Also I don't want to give too much of it without you asking more, maybe specific questions.
Riana last decade
My apologies I am just trying to fit these cases in-between my ones in clinic.

I am not working today so I am working on the forum cases.

brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The heightened sensitivity, reactivity, and aggravation from many environmental factors strongly suggests you need a plant remedy.

The aggravation from movement, the amelioration from sitting still, the aversion to being disturbed and the desire for peace and quiet, strongly points to the Violes group of plants.

Within that group, the most well known, and well indicated remedy for you is Bryonia.

Bryonia belongs to the Typhoid miasm, but there are some indications for the Tubercular miasm here. If that is true, then the remedy from this group would be Cistus canadensis.

I would probably suggest Bryonia 200c first, since it repertorizes quite well. We can look at how things go on that remedy and discuss options regarding the other violes family members after that.


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2-4 granules or 2-4 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 04:16:48 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you very much, I will be getting the remedy in a few days, unless I have to order it from Helios, then in a week. If I end up ordering from there, is there something else worth while ordering with it as by itself it is too little?

I have been studying Bryonia from a few Materia Medicas, and although I'm ready to try it, I wouldn't be sure it is the right one. There are some characteristics which stand out; dryness, swelling, constipation (and the diarrhea is not like mine), total stillness of the body and mind. I'm not dry, I hardly ever get any swelling, I hardly ever have such hard stool or that kind of diarrhea either. For my diarrhea I need to eat something first. I'm also not that still wanting person, actually I'm fast and moving, but just over exhausted. And therefore things around me irritate me very easily. The more long term longing for quietness is that I really get anxious about all the people outside of my family, around me. Like I wouldn't like to see anyone or any one to see me, unless I have something to see them for. That's why I don't like it in the city crowded with people.

Ok, this was long again and on many things Bryonia sounds to be good as well. Maybe I look at wrong things.

I'll start with it. What kind of reaction should I be expecting? Which symptoms should get better if it is the right remedy? And what should I expect if it is a wrong one?

Is it ok for me to keep taking vitamins and supplements while bryonia? Or better to stop? Or have a break? Or to stop something. For example I have a supplement that very much keeps away the hip problems. But on the supplement I wouldn't see if Bryonia made any change or am I right?

Do pharmacies generally sell those dosing bottles with a dropper?
[message edited by Riana on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:29:47 BST]
Riana last decade
What you do not have that is in the remedy is of no importance. It only matters what the remedy does have that you also have. We only match what is similar.

Some of our remedies have thousands of symptoms - you cannot possibly have them all. No one person can. If you go looking for things you don't have, you would never take any remedy, they would all look wrong.

Pharmacies should have those bottles yes.

I actually posted a thread the other day about what to expect from your remedy. Here is the link.

brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks, that is how I suspected it would be.

I'll see the link.
Riana last decade
I am not too fussed about vitamin supplements. Anything herbal should probably be stopped though, and don't start anything new at the same time you take the remedy.

Most important thing is to not do anything so dramatic that it causes an upset, that can get mixed up with the remedy reaction. Try to keep the playing field level - after you feel better we can look at reducing your other medicines.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am heading away for 5 days. I will probably be out of range for my internet connection for much of that time. I will reconnect with all my patients here as soon as I return.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I just received Bryonia today and will take a dose this evening.

Just this one dose, am I right?
Riana last decade
Just one dose initially yes. This is the test dose to see how you will react.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I don't know how many days I should wait.

So far, I don't really see a change. On day 2 and 3 my stomach felt a bit more upset. I have felt a bit less irritated for a few days until today. Today I had two big pimples on my face, not normal for me since teenage. My operated finger has been more painful and stiffer for a few days and so far not getting better.

This could all be standard variation as well. Not so big changes.

Another thing, which has been already before the dose; my menstrual cycle is a mess, I'm bleeding some almost all the time and I don't know for sure when I'm having period and when not. Very disturbing. Don't know what to do. Don't know if something is wrong or not. Or if I should be concerned. As I've had something like this also before my kids, but not this bad.

Riana last decade
The menstrual symptoms might need to be figured into the analysis as well. It certainly should improve if the remedy is right.

Aggravation typically starts within 3 days of the dose. It will usually continue for roughly 3-5 days peaking about 5. After that as the aggravation dies down there will typically be signs of improvement, which becomes most noticeable in the 2nd week. So typically, unless it is an emergency, I wait a week at least to determine if the remedy is doing anything. Dosage may need to be adjusted to get more out of the remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok, thanks.

I'll see where it goes.
Riana last decade
It's been 2 weeks now.

I can't say anything has changed.

I've been quite ok with all my joint related issues, but that can still be considered normal variation.

My operated index finger is worse at the moment, I think there is more excessive bone growth again and because of that the finger is quite stiff.I can get it straight, but not bend properly. But again this is what was assumed to happen.

I've been irritated, frustrated and angry a lot. No change to the better.

My menstrual symptoms are not getting better. I have no pains, but bleeding on and off all the time. Every day.

Riana last decade
Brisbanehomeopath, are you around?

At the moment my most important symptoms are the menstrual symptoms and all the depression related symptoms.

Compared to those, the other physical symptoms are not as important, though existing.

Riana last decade
Hmmm ok, Bryonia may have been too easy an answer.

Let me look at it again. It may be the wrong member of that particular plant family.

Have you given me the picture of your menstrual symptoms?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I can fill in some just in case.

After my last pregnancy, almost 2 years ago, my periods slowly came back to around normal, the cycle being 22-25 days.

Already then I had some bleeding in between, on the later days of the cycle. That was something I had experienced before my pregnancies as well, then it was diagnosed as tissue overgrowth from the uterus and thus bleeding. I had some one time treatment for it and it was ok.

I've had six pregnancies in short intervals, so not having real periods in between until now after the latest. Now during the last month or two the bleeding has become every day. On and off. And I can't say when I have periods and when not. It's the same all month around, not as much as normal periods. I have no pain. It is worrying me some.

I also have some difficulties maintaining my weight, which I have never had before. Now I,ve gained some in quite short time. I'm not overweight, though.

Please, ask if you need more.
[message edited by Riana on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 14:58:15 BST]
Riana last decade
Ok, I'll post this here for now.

The acute back problem.

On Monday morning I was lifting my daughter when I heard a cracking sound in my lower back and just couldn't do anything. It hurt really bad the whole Monday, I even thought about seeing a doctor, but didn't. I slept quite ok the following night when lying on a side. But I couldn't change position.On Tuesday I noticed it wasn't hurting just as bad as on Monday, so I figured it would go by on its own. It is getting better, but still hurting all the time, ow during the night as well, in any position when lying down. It hurts most when coming up from sitting or lying, and quite a lot when sitting, and the least when standing or walking. But I really have to watch my movements and move around very carefully, not bending myself much. When sitting, it really hurts to try to lift my legs. When standing up from sitting, I can't stand straight for a while.

I would be really happy if you could quickly figure out something helpful.

For the earlier symptoms. The bleeding just suddenly stopped. I had a period and no bleeding since. Funny. I have generally been in bit better mood. I still can't get things done. I might start something, remember something else, forget the one I was doing and so on. And I easily see things too huge to even start anything. So there is a growing chaos around me most of the time. And that frustrates and disturbs me, but not just as bad as a while ago.

Riana last decade
To Brisbanehomeopath,

I really appreciate your effort and willingness to help. Also I like the classical approach to homeopathy which you have.

However, I have now already a few times been left without a reply for quite a long time and to my understanding that is not the most correct way to work.

It would be better to tell that you have no time or interest than just leave one without a reply.

Please, correct me if I have understood something wrong. I would really like to continue to work with you as I trust your professionality in homeopathy.

All the best,
Riana last decade
Bump the thread up. Juggling the cases on this forum is extremely difficult, as each case takes me several hours, and those that bump often tend to stay in my sight. This is not deliberate so I can only apologize and ask you to be as 'pushy' as you feel comfortable being.

In my own clinic, people make appointments and this focuses my attention on each client. Here is it a crazy scramble to stay at the top which doesn't seem fair but I have no idea how to manage it so that nobody gets forgotten.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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