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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Biochemic medicine

Dear members

I have the following questions

What are biochemic medicines

are they different than homeopathy.....for example Nutram Mur 6x homeopathic medicine will be different than Nutram Mur 6x biochemic medicine.....if that is so what is the reason

Is biochemic medicine more effective than homeopathic medicine in terms of duration (time medicine is taken) after effects if any, etc,etc

  sazim1 on 2005-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
from how you describe it I do not see a difference between the two.
erika last decade
Homoeopathic : Remedies are potencised. May cause an aggravation. Can alter constitution. Can confusion constitution. Drug action duration is uncertain / unpredictabe. May or may not work for immediate or short term. Alcohol based, hence sometimes not suitable for alcohol sensitive /allergic patients. Most homoeopath's refrain to administer it to infants or very small children. Even the most experienced homoeopath falter / trip while prescribing. No way to verify the base initial substance / material using any lab. or analysis technique. Thousands of Homoeopathic medicines. Definetely neutralises itself of its curative potency when in contact or proximity to Strong odours (perfumes ...), Mint, camphor, coffee, garlic, onion, chemicals. Can cure sure shot, single handedly, single remedy, single dose. 100% dangerous.

Bio-Chemic : Remedies are triturated. Never causes an aggravation. Cannot alter constitution. Cannot confuse constitution. Drug action duration is certain / predictable. Will work for immediate or short term or long term. No alcohol based, hence very much suitable. Non allergic. Highly safe to administer to infants or very small children. Most homoeopath's refrain to prescribe, since it is costly when in comparision to Homeopathic potency medicines. Even the most novice and or non-experienced homoeopath and easily repertorise and prescribe. Initital base substance / material can be verified in an appropriate lab. analysis. Only twelve remedices (tissue salts) - proven. Action of medicine gets neurtalised (as explained above for homoeopathic remedies). Can cure, may require multiple or combination of remedies, multiple / repeated doses. 1000% safe.

* There are lots of other explanation, readers would get fed up / bored, hence ending here.

Keep Smiling ... HA21
HA21 last decade
HA21 your information is very confusing and misleading on the homeopathic - why is an x potency not homeopathic?
sazim refer at best to a book on homeopathic pharmacy - e.g. vithoulkas (author)
erika last decade
ERIIKA : If I can explain in simple n non-medical term (for the benefit of all members) :

Peparation : In Bio-Chemic One part of chemical (raw base material) is taken and triturated with 9 part of sugar of milk. Here the ratio is one raise to 10. And if you can remember, In school days, we were taught that 10 was denomiated as "X" in roman language symbol. Hence conclude, bio-chemically, that "X" is added to Bio-chemic, denoting the way it is prepared. Here the 1st final remedy (ready to use product) will contain one-tenth of the original raw base material (cell salt) that was 1st triturated (and so on). Bio-Chemic salts cannot be prepared using alcohol, as in Homoeopathic. In Bio-chemic the manufacturer cannot and do not add "C" after the respective triturated power of the medicine, simply because the preparation procedure is different than from homoeopathic potency.
!!! Bio-Chemic tissue salts were discovered by Dr. Schussler.

Peparation : In Homoeopathic : One part of raw base material is taken and potencised with 99 part of alcohol or carrier water. Here the ratio is one raise to 100. Here 100 is denomiated as "C", as centesimal. Here centesimal is equal to ONE HUNDRED. Here the 1st final remedy (ready to use product) will contain one-hundred'th of the original raw base material (substance) that was 1st potencised (and so on). Homoeopathic potencised medicines cannot be prepared using sugar of milk, but only in alcohol / water, as carrier base. In Homoeopathic, the manufacturer cannot and do not add "X" after the respective potency power of the medicine, simply because the preparation procedure is different than from Bio-Chemic trituration methods.
!!! Homoeopathic potencised remedies were discovered by Dr. Hahnemann.

Presently, due to commercial reasons, in over the counter readymade combination formulations, certain manufactuers proclaim that they have added 2X in clear liquid form to the tonic or that X is actually C in high dilution and so on. Readymade Homoeopathic tonics or combinations are a farce and have no therapeutic value.

Incidentally, to the same very patient, you can adminster Nat.Mur-6X and Nat.Mur-30C, without interferring with the action of each others medicinal effects. Both and each work on a different platform, without anti-doting or complimenting each others effects.

Also, Incidentally, I welcome all for a debate on the above paragraph.

Example : If you have Pulsatilla (as raw material) analysed in a Laboratory, it will show to contain traces of Kali Phos (as a tissue salt). However, here if Kali Phos (as a tissue salt) is analysed in a Laboratory, it cannot show that it contains Pulsatilla.

The difference in Bio-Chemic and Homoeopathic is conclusive enough by the above example. The sphere or spectrum of drug action is totally different and each work on a different platform, without interferring with each other. Homeopathy acts on a constitutional platform. Bio-Chemic acts on maintaining continuity (tissue molecular equilibrium) and stimulating arrangement of molecules (tissue cellular metabolism).

ERIIKA : REGARDING "sazim refer at best to a book on homeopathic pharmacy - e.g. vithoulkas (author)"
I would say via an example : In Govt. offices or Muncipal offices, they always re-direct (guide) you from one office end (dept) to the other office end (dept) for your work.

Keep Smiling ... HA21
HA21 last decade
trituration is used to make homeopathic medicines that are insoluble- these are then diluted and succussed once soluble. soluble substances are diluted and succussed.
AS far as I understand the C potencies are prepared after the 6x potency has been reached - either by trituration then dilution and succussion or by dilution and succussion.
the reason I refer to the vithoulkas book is that someone more knowledgeable in pharmaceuticals than YOU OR I has written this book and explains this properly.
best regards, erika
erika last decade
sorry - beginning of above should read that trituration is used to make insoluble substances soluble.....
erika last decade
Thanks HA21

That was an excellent explanation of both homeopathic and biochemic medicine......further i appreciate the fact that there are people like me, who agree to the fact that homeopathic medicines can harm as well......
This is a common misconception propagated by many homeopaths (in Pakistan) that homeopathic medicines dont/wont do you any harm....very few homeopath say the truth.......reasons for this fallacy is quiet incomprehensible

Anyway thanks a lot again for taking time and explaining the above query

sazim1 last decade
sazim - HA21 and I have given different responses and I am happy you responded to HA21s explanation. However, if you want the full explanation the homeopathic pharmacists at the pharmacies (you can ring them) know this better than either of us and you will get an honest reply from them on the reactions of homeopathic medcines also.

homeopathic medicines can aggravate a condition or cause unwanted symptoms - this is a remedy reaction which either goes or can be reduced. If under treatment of a trained homeopath this is not usually a big issue. under self-treatment it can be a problem. as the saying goes 'a little knowledge is harmful'. this is why trained homeopaths study for four years or more to learn about this in detail so they can treat effectively and without harming the patient.
pls accept this as an explanation not a criticism.
best regards, erika.
erika last decade
Dear Erika

I am suffering from one of the after effects of a homeopathic medicine prescribed by an experienced homeopath in Karachi, Pakistan...He asked me to take Selenium 30 5 drops 3 times a day for my prostatitis, and within 3 weeks i lost 90% hair on my inner calves (both of them)....it been 2 years since i havent touched selenium and the hairs havent come back

what do you say to that ?

Please dont try to convince me that homeopathic medicines dont have any after effects.....because they do


sazim1 last decade
Dear Sazim
thanks for your reply and I'm interested in your comments. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything - without the full facts and your full case for the treatment and in the 2 years following treatment it would be impossible for me to comment on your case, sorry.
all the best, erika
erika last decade
ERIIKA : for information
Bio-Chemic : I reproduce below part of text for preparation of Bio-Chemic remedies, as described in Dr. Schussler's book, who was the father / creator of Bio-Chemic remedies.

"THE crude, chemically pure article is taken and triturated with sugar of milk, one part of the drug to nine parts of sugar of milk, for at least two hours. This gives the first decimal trituration, each grain containing one-tenth of a grain of the cell salt triturated.
One part of this first decimal trituration is then used, and other nine parts of sugar of milk added and again triturated two hours, which gives the second DECIMAL trituration, and is equivalent to the first CENTESIMAL trituration, each grain containing one-hundredth of the triturated cell salt."

Since the tissue salts are a part of our human cellular structure, there is no drug SIGNATURE involved in transfer of drug signature, hence there is no constitutional altering or modifying being done by the remedies or any aggravation or irritation to the vital force. It will cure and if the bio-salts are inappropriate, the drug action will simply wean away, without curing.

Homoeopathic : (General Hahnemann preparation method)
"THE base material, pure article is taken and successed with alcohol / carrier water, one part of the base material to nintynine parts of alcohol, for at least 100 succession (vertical hammerring). This gives the first centesimal potency, containing 1/100th part of the original base material.
One part of this first centesimal potency is then used, and other nintynine parts alcohol is added and again successed for 100 succession, which gives the second centesimal potency and so on till endless potencies."

There are other ways of potencising homoeopathic medicines, depending on the base matieral being sourced. Here the SIGNATAURE of the drug is transferred to the medium (alcohol). Here this signature is capable of altering or modifying the constitution and to cause an aggravation or to irritate the vital force. This may or may not lead to a full / part cure, depending on endless factors.

SAZIM : Thank you for the acknowledgement. Like ERIIKA, I too would suggest to read an appropriate book on pharmacopeia, if that comes under your acadamic interests. However, it is better to practice remedies (if that's your sphere) otherwise it is like holding a delicious mango - but not eating it and instead counting the mango trees.

Keep Smiling ... HA21
HA21 last decade
Nice discussion.:)

A nat.mur 6X, can be called both as homeopathic, and biochemic.An 'x' preperation need not be trituration alone, it can be in liquid form also.

X is nothing but 1:10 scale.
C is 1:100 scale.

All insoluble materials, are intially triturated,upto 3x, to make them soluble in water/alcohol.

Nat.mur 6X tablets, and 6x liquid potency (if available, at all) have the same effect.

Biochemic medicines; in fact any medicine that contains a few molecules of the original substance; for example mother tinctures, act on a different plane compared to homeopathic medicines.

The real homeopathic medicines, doesn't contain any molecule of the original substance, and start from 6c (around 12X).

You can safely use biochemic medicines, along with homeopathic medicines, and they won't interfere, with one another.

Though, the followers of Schussler claim that all diseases can be cured by the 12 tissue salts, it is not true.

But, it is true, that many minor day to day ailments respond to tissue salts, very well.

bandarbabu2000 last decade

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