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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


hi dear doctor/sir
my name is dr rakesh pandiya and i completed mbbs and i am suffering headache (heaviness on forehead around the orbit ?(priorbital haveiness) and between the eye and lef side and right side also but more on right side
since 2 year .
now i have photophobia and also difficulty in study i also sometime felling to keep my eyes close .i went to ent doctor he told me for contact poin haedache and done conchoplasty , and went to neurologist he prescribed me sibelium and later anti dipresant like cipralex and etizolom but didnt gate relief. i m felling this heaviness whole day i did nt find anything factor which can aggravate it or diminished it ,it s time very hard for me to study i m felling that whole time taht some thinf on my fronatl head as tight band on both side but more on right side , please request to docotrs taht please kindly suugest me that i can come out from this problem please write anbody
  rakesh pandiya on 2011-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Dr. Pandiya,

I suggest you to take following two remedies alternately BD each.
You will have to take 1 & 2 as mentioned above alternately with a gap of about 4 hours (8AM,12 NOON,4PM & 8 PM)Each dose of 5 pills sub-lingual & let it dissolve. Do not eat or drink anything at least 15 minutes before & after each dose.
Kindly report after 7 days of use.
Meanwhile you my get your eyes checked up for any corrections.
daktersaab last decade
tahnk sir , i checked eyes and eyes are 6/6 no error , my age 29 and anything of u requried for my age o any thing i will writ eu ok i will start ur drugs and respons u
rakesh pandiya last decade
Rakesh ji How are you?
daktersaab last decade
are sir cant understand what is happening with me , i tried but no effect yet one day got relif and another day same as past please reply for new medition thnaku for response
rakesh pandiya last decade
Now you take ONLY one dose of SULPHUR 200c in the morning only once & give a gap of two days Then again Start taking the above two medicines BELLADONNA & GELSIMIUM as suggested earlier & then report after one week of its use.
daktersaab last decade

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