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Strep Throat



Posts about Strep Throat

Urgent help needed. Throat Pain looks like Strep Throat12Strep Throat4Please advise for 5 year olds recurrent ear infections and strep throat3Positive rapid Strep test without sore throat1Please Help! Sore Throat/Strep Throat56year old repeated Strep and swollen throat1recurring strep throat14autistic son with strep throat3Strep Throat3Sore Throat / Strep Throat6


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

child with strep throat Page 3 of 3

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To: Bodhitshe

I had overlooked the boy's asthma in my last post. Since he is on the antibiotic, I would prefer not to use the homeopathic remedy as the treatment of asthma with homeopathy is very subtle and the antibiotic may antidote the homeopathic remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
%%%%I was trying to give you a chance because it seems like you actually do know some things about homeopathy. And perhaps partly due to English not being your first language and partly due to some of us like me being novices it seems you are having trouble explaining what you were trying to say so it made sense.

I told, the causation is antibi.
Not germs.

%%%%But scarlet fever was around before antibiotics. So your theory that antibiotics is sole cause has a logical problem in it.

%%%%I asked, "What is your exact suggestion to accomplish that goal and get him well?" And you replied (very clearly this time--the first time for me anyway that it was clear):

Bodhitshe last decade
You may remember that I referred to the lackadailical approach to medicine that some doctors use in the US. This is unfortunately true of doctors in other parts of the world too.

Your post of June 17 which I quote below confirms my point.

"My husband took my son to the doctor. All I know is he did do a swab test and said it was strep. My husband said the test showed instantaneous results that it was strep. I don't know if they do a sensitivity test here in the States. It's Friday night after 6:00 so I can't call the doctor, but I'm going to find out. I'll ask if it was BHS. At least I now know this for the future. "

There is no way that your doctor could possibly have identified a BHS bacteria immediately. I believe that he took the swab because your husband requested it and gave an instant "strep throat" result

His prescribing Azithromycin is another lapse as although this drug may help to kill the bacteria pro tem it will not eradicate it as a long term Penicillin has been proved to do. In any case it cannot be used for a long term therapy.

In your son's interest, I would suggest that you follow my advice and wait for the next episode of a throat infection and take him to a laboratory and ask them to take a swab for culture and identification of the bacteria which they will do in about 48 hours. The ABS test should also be done concurrently to help with the identification of the appropriate antibiotic. This test will take a longer time after identifying the bacteria.
Joe De Livera last decade
Please read lackadalical as lackadaisical in my post above.
Joe De Livera last decade
&quot;%%%%I was trying to give you a chance because it seems like you actually do know some things about homeopathy. And perhaps partly due to English not being your first language and partly due to some of us like me being novices it seems you are having trouble explaining what you were trying to say so it made sense." <
You give me a chance, come on, who would like to belive that considdering the tone and phrases you use ??

I have given you chances, you dont take them, and you dont respect anything.

And you dont understand whats plainly written in most books of homeopathy, i have repeated over and over again, whats to be read there, your hostile mind cant simply grasp it.

That is not my fault, but that dont allow you to behave condescending and nasty.

"%%%%In other words, you yourself have nothing to offer? If you have nothing to offer besides go see a homeopath, then there is really not any more to say, is there?"<< Since you finally understood, i suggest you stop hijacking this thread , stop asking unneeded questions, and stop behaveing like a politician.

Senseless arguing,ridiculing, and slander tactics seem to be your preferred work metode, homeopathy, you dont care for.

It has becom quite clear, you are out on a personal mission,have a hidden agenda , a attack routine going on here.

Care for the patient, you dont have.
Homeopathy , you dont know!

So i suggest you refrain from meddling with the theme, now and in the future.

I do not bother, to quote , every single paragraph in organon for you, or referr you to the discussions, that has taken place ,over years now, both here on this site and elswhere, about the misconceptions of homeopathy,that you so febrile promote.

The posts exsist in thousandfolds, all refuting your wiew.

And i strongly suggest that you act polite , and stop downzizing other people, esp since you dont know to whom you talk to.

If you cant behave, then just stop posting.

Your type of behaviour, is simply not wanted by anyone, you act as a troll.

[moderator comment: Allvis has now been banned for offending too many other forum members]
allvis last decade
I am sorry that my words led you to feel condescended to it was certainly not my intent for you to feel that way.
Bodhitshe last decade
Thanks for your reply on the Puslatilla question!

There are some quick tests now for strep, but they aren't as accurate as doing a culture. If the doc did them tho they might be good enuf to approach the principal with and start search for a carrier without another round of illness.

My own concern with Zithro when it was suggested to me was the potential liver damage issue and some of its side effects including, as might be relevant for an asthmatic child, rare but potential shortness of breath. And then just the newness--not only not having the long proven track record in a postive sense, but also not yet having a long track record to know what the harms might be.

It makes me have a lot more empathy for my own parents and whatever they did that might have been mistakes (including too much antibiotic and vaccination) to realize they were probably always doing their best, and how hard it is to sort everything out.
Bodhitshe last decade
Hi - just got back online after a day or so (computer went awol!!) and read all the above?! What I would really like to know is how your son is feeling now maryo? any improvements?
erika last decade
My son is feeling his old self due to the antibiotics. He has one more night left on them (5 days). I held off on the Puls while he was on the antibiotics.

He's been on the Puls which has been helping him very much with the asthma for a couple of months. We started at 12C and are now up to 30C. We pluss the remedy. Usually, with the 30C we have been taking a dose every two weeks or so, when I see he needs the nebulizer or inhaler. He fits the symptoms of Puls as I said.

He was given Puls in the past by a homeopath about a year and a half ago, but she gave him 12C and said to take two pillules 2 times a day. After two weeks we didn't see much difference at the time and she changed the remedy.

After we stopped seeing the homeopath because we did not get results (gave it over a year), I researched myself and decided Puls did fit him. I decided to try the Puls again, but to pluss it. It seems to be helping him for the breathing. He was on the nebulizer every night after he would lay down to go to sleep and also during the day.

On the Puls he would go weeks without inhaler or nebulizer. It's been about 3 weeks now since I gave a dose of the 30C. He's been using inhaler and nebulizer a little more though now.

I'm going to wait until last dose of antibiotic and then probably go back to the Puls again. Does this sound right?

Astragalus shouldn't be used when you have the infection or are sick. It is used more as a general tonic when you are better to improve your immune system and is used for a period of time, maybe months. At least this is my understanding.

I'm going to try the Astragalus when he's completely better also for a month or so.

As far as finding the carrier in the school, people will not cooperate with that as they are not that open to alternative medicine such as homeopathy here. They think antibiotic is the answer, and they don't want to know any more about it. They think something is wrong with you or you are negligent if you don't use antibiotic and run to the doctor.

This has been my experience when I tell people how we treat illnesses in our house. When I mention homeopathy or herbs, I'm treated with scorn. I went through that and had alot of blame thrown at me when I held off treating my infected finger with antibiotics.

If I need more help with a constitutional-type remedy, I'll come back here.

Also, he has had Phos in the past year, so hopefully that will be helpful. Thanks again.
maryo last decade
Sounds like you're on the right track with Pulsatilla - wait until he has recovered, as you said, then carry on with it. You may find his 'picture/symptoms' will have changed from Pusatilla or it may still suit. See you back here for more help from us if you need it. bye for now!
erika last decade
Forgot to say - glad he's feeling better!
erika last decade
I am very glad he is doing better!!!!!!

Your understanding of Astagalus is prob better than mine esp as regards your own son.

I had been told to use it as tea or chew on the tongue blade like sticks of root in order to boost interferon and adrenal gland(mobilizing "fight or flight" function, I guess) when one might be exposed to something contagious (due to season or direct contact with someone sick). That one doesn't necessarily want adrenal or interferon production revved up when no threat is present. But that is just what I was told. Never really checked into it.

Anyway, again, I am very happy he's doing better.
Bodhitshe last decade

Our son of 15 months shows confusing signs (initially just a cough - which is supposed to actually rule strep out in older subjects)of chronic strep throat. His condition has been compounded by an ear infection two weeks after the initial diagnosis for which we avoided penicillin after conferring with a specialist.

His MD was furious with out decision, but we felt our son just wasn't ill enough to merit what is after all a preventive use of antibiotics in the case of RF. Needless to say it wasn't an easy decision.

He had a fever over the weekend and is ok now, eating and playing, but has this explosive cough again - the one that had the doctor taking strep swabs in the first place.

ANYWAY - how this is relevant to homeopathy is that our MD gave us the name of a homeopathist who is treating us both (I'm Mom). She asked all mannr of questions as expected and told us the medicine would turn up in the mail, which it did.

Imagine my shock when what turned up was 'Tuberculinum Bovinum'. Hum, I thought, not exactly a reassuring name. Having not received a diagnosis per se, I got on the nett and found some interesting info. about miasms. A miasm works like karma, and in our case is the karma presumably inherited from my greatgrandmother who died of TB. The miasm has its seat in the kidneys and manifests in a consumptive disposition and a tendency to chronic illnesses of the respiratory tracts. I have suffered throat infections for years without relief from antibiotics.

So, our son has an explosive cough but is responding well to the medicine. I forgot his dose last night and his chest was erupting again this morning, so I gavehim some pills and he's moderately ok again. However, thanks to reading this, I intend to hitch up with an ear-nose-throat spesialist so we can get a throat culture done.

My understanding is that, if something is chronic, a miasm may be the problem. However, it is up to an experienced homeopathist to make the diagnosis. One does not need knowledge of family illnesses per se, as in our case I'd totally forgotten my great-grandmother's illness. In any case, TB was a shameful/hidden illness way back when, and many may not have access to accurate info. regarding their ancestors. I would recommend respecting the homeopathist's discretion in regard to the diagnosis therefore. However, the importance of treating the patient, not the disease, seems to have been a tad overlooked here, given that it is very difficult to do so over the net. Indeed, to get a good diagnosis i not easy. The patient needs a great deal of self-awareness for a 'disposition' to be correctly profiled. For example, answering questions as to whether one is competitive of bothered by wind is not easy. These are not things most of us dwell on to any great extent.

My advice to anyone is to get to a homeopathist for an interview face-to-face. Such forums are invaluable for random infections and topical cures, but not for getting to the root of underlying causes.

Thanks, BB
Bumble Bee last decade
Hi. I just found and joined this site during my search for information regarding natural treatments for strep throat. I too have a 9 year old son who was just diagnosed with strep and prescribed a round of penicillin based antibiotic for 10 days. Although my three children aged 5 1/2, 8 and 9 have never been on antibiotics and we normally gravitate towards natural remedies, I feel okay with this course of treatment. I was hoping to find out if I could also give ester-C and a combo of lactobacillus acidophilus, biufidobacterium bifidum and lactobacillus bulgaricus DURING the course of antibiotics? I would like to protect as much of the good bacteria in his system as possible and boost his immune system at the same time if possible. It was suggested to me that I could do this 2-3 hours after the antibiotic dosage for positive results. Is this accurate or would I be better off waiting until the round of antibiotics is completed? Please advise if possible. Thank you all and I really look forward to hearing your good advice!
phaedragirl last decade

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