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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

re Arnica and Hairloss

After reading the stuff posted here about Arnica, I decided to give it a try.

I have been taking it for about three weeks now and there is a noticable difference.

I have asked two other people to verify this - to make sure it is just not my imagination - they have both confirmed this, without any doubts.

I am a 32 year old male and my hair has been slowly thinning since I was 24.

The area of my crown was slowly losing more hair and the front was getting thinner also.

I wear my hair very short so this hasn't been too much of a problem to me. I just accepted there was no cure.

My hair feels much thicker. The hair at the front is getting thicker and darker, and new hairs appear to be growing.

The hair on my crown is discernably thicker and this only after 3 weeks.

I have used baby shampoo as advised by Dr Livera, and so far, so good...

I would just like to thank you Dr Livera - for sharing your information. Thankyou you very much, sir.

I have used homeopathy for other illneses and its subtle but powerful (when the right remedy is used) healing never fails to astound me.

A message to those who may not have success with Arnica: Due others' and myself's success with this kind of treatment, it is obvious homeopathy does work for this condition - so if Arnica doesn't work for you, look for one that does.

Obviously it is early days with my treatment and I will post comments as and when other improvements occur.


  GaryD on 2005-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
good news gary! excellent..:)
erika last decade
Thankyou, Erika :)

I should add that I take Arnica 30c, 2 pills every 12 hours.
GaryD last decade
I am thrilled to hear that you have had success!!

I am a female but I have experienced the same condition of hair loss since I was 23(now 33). Keep posting to let us know how much regrowth you achieve after more time has passed.

Best Wishes,

jentoun last decade
Will do Jenn. What remedy are you taking and has there been any success?
GaryD last decade

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