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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

still having pain 4 months after childbirth

hello everyone. I had a baby on the 14th of August and still have very weak muscles in the abdomen, 2 places (one on either side of navel) that I am sure are hernias.. the hernia on the right side seems to be worse, bigger. Also, for the last 2 years, whenever I am not pregnant, I have a pain in left ovary for at least half the month, the second half of menstrual cycle, that is better with appearance of menses. The abdominal muscle pain/weakness seems to be worse on the left side. With this, I also have a dull ache in the uterus, a heavy feeling, or sinking.. This pregnancy lasted 43 weeks before we induced with natural means (herbs, not synthetic drugs).. I had a low-lying placenta which was disrupted during the birth, I lost a lot of blood and almost hemorrhaged. Also, since baby was born, and even for about a month before birth, coitus has been painful. It started as a burning pain but it now is more of tearing raw feeling. I have taken phosphorous 30x one dose; all my symptoms were phos. symptoms (went through the whole repertory) but it didn't seem to make a difference. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I study homeopathy but currently don't have the time to look this one up. thank you
  kvert89 on 2011-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take arnica 200c twice daily for 3 days and report after a week.
maheeru last decade

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