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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pls help with advise on frequent urination problem

Dullo docs,

I am 39 years of age and have been having frequent urination problem for the past 2 months. Condition has improved somewhat recently - but still the urge to want to urine is there. It feels like a leaking tap inside with pressure building up to want to urine often. I have done all the tests with urologist and nothing is wrong. No diabetics, no urine track infections, no prostate problems etc. He thinks it could be an overactive/sensitive/weak bladder.

I wished to have some alternative treatment and so consulted a homeopath. It was my first viist to a homeopath and so I was impressed by the holistic approach to my problem with my lifestyle, major events in my life etc being reviwed to trace links between my problem symptoms and its roots. I have been fighting negative emotions, despair and frustrations for the past many years due to dysfunctional family background, one divorce and work-related problems. I am not sure if these are the causes that have weakened the bladder/urinary track system. The homeopath has given me phos AC 200 one dose and S/L 30 2x2 for the next few weeks. I have been asked to go back again for another visit in a week's time.

What I would like to ask if if these two medicines are for stopping frequent urination problem or to enhance my emotional/mental balance?

  frequrination on 2012-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to add in a few more details. I am 39 years old make who is otherwise healthy and keeps to clean habits. No alcohol, meat etc. I feel no pain when urination just a constant urge to urine. It could also be that it has become a habit of the mind, a sort of preoccupation. The problem occurs in the daytime, at nights I am pretty fine other than the occasional one tiome wake up in the middle of the night to go to urine.
frequrination last decade
Take Ruta 30 that will help you to resist your sensation to urinate frequently .
Torakazi last decade
Thanks - will try Ruta 30. For hoe long and in waht dosages? How abt S/L 30? Shd I discontinue or continue its consumption?
frequrination last decade
Do you know whether AC is antimonium crud? Whether it has helped in your problem of frequent urination and other problems.
Please give adequate time to your homeopath to do justice to the details he has taken from you. Please don't take any other remedy and report him back the changes in you after taking the remedies he suggested.
[message edited by kadwa on Mon, 09 Jan 2012 04:26:29 GMT]
kadwa last decade
Dont quite know what AC stands for. What does S/L stand for? Tks.
frequrination last decade
SL generally may mean Sac Lac.
kadwa last decade
Dear kadwa

It's Phosphoric acid or acid phos.
maheeru last decade

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