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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Miasms? Page 2 of 2

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I do not want to play innocent, since I am bad, but I would believe not that bad either. I also have a good amount of guilt that I experience daily.
starface last decade
Nobody cares about 'good' or 'bad'. That is your issue not ours.

You are being childish. There are 10s of thousands of homoeopaths in the world better than me. Find one of them. Stop making excuses.

Even the smallest child or the oldest most debilitated adult drag themselves to homoeopaths everyday. Some of those people are so sick they can barely move. Show some courage and do what they do.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
nobody cares about 'good' or 'bad'. That is strange.

Well over the internet I could find them but they cost money. Paid my last one for 3 months but she left me a few weeks into treatment without giving me any money back.

I like to believe that in the country I live it is hard to find a good homeopath. I was with one over the internet before I chose one from the USA but did not like her much. She seemed to have just skimmed over my emails and prescribed baryta carb. With follow up after a month. I guess I am judgemental and think only homeopaths from certain countries can be good.

''Even the smallest child or the oldest most debilitated adult drag themselves to homoeopaths everyday. Some of those people are so sick they can barely move. Show some courage and do what they do.''

well respect to them, but they are normal people. There is expectation on me to be a certain way. If I am not there is a problem. People always think high of me. Me presenting myself uncertain, self conscious, no confidence is so problematic. When people think high of you but than see you are nothing or the opposite there is a problem. And I cannot live or deal with this.

Ok seems like you will not change your mind and that is fine. Will not bother to not make this uncomfortable.
starface last decade
Those people have nothing to loose when going into treatment face to face, but I do
starface last decade
there is something I dont understand. humiliation always was a big problem for me and I payed the prize of having a non existant life for many years because of it. It seems this problem affects me more than other people who this does not affect that much. TO me courage in the face of humiliation is not possible. Unless everyone would know that right now I am being courageous and therefore would not make me feel bad by humiliating myself based on how I am appearing etc. But the problem is that people do not know it that I am appearing courageous but they will think that I am appearing humiliating. So a big problem. How can you live when you feel like sh*t. When you think the worst that is possible of yourself when this happens. When you humiliated yourself in front of people.
[message edited by starface on Thu, 12 Jan 2012 04:24:23 GMT]
starface last decade
If I may ask, in what way was the description of emotional weakness for domination/being controlled issue in 'gkumars' thread helpful? In determining just kingdom or more than that? Asking because I have great emotional weakness myself which causes lots of uneccessary uncomfortable situations. With my father most often, so superiors, or people outside my family. Such weakness that I cannot even decline something that is offered to me when the right thing would be to decline it. Or when I get a task that I dont want to do which limits/restricts me greatly but I am unable out of this emotional weakness to say no. I could bear saying no to my mother but not to my father, because I assume it would hurt him greatly, but there is more to that, I can also not say no because I will be critizised, made to feel guilty etc which is to much for me when it comes from my father.

How often did I feel used or taken advantage of because I never could say no. So unhappy with myself
starface last decade
I have a feeling some family members read my posts on here based on something that was said to me one evening. It was that my homeopath told me to go to a homeopath in person. And than I asked 3 times about how they would know without getting any answer.

This I thought would be a big issue for me but it is not so bad as long as noone speaks to me about this ever. I am slightly paranoid now at times and when I hear conversations like just earlier today I thought heard the words 'david kempson' said by family members and wondered whether I mis-heard it or whether I heard it acurately.


This would violate my privacy and my deepest secrets exposed. To much revealed about me which I would not want anyone close to me ever to know.
[message edited by starface on Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:14:40 GMT]
starface last decade

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