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Boiron Arnicare ® Arthritis:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

please help - 23 year old with arthritis

hi, i was hoping someone could read my post titled "Heavy Prolonged Period, Arthritis, Severe Depression"

I need help! My arthritis bothers me so much, and now I'm starting to get extremely low again.

Please post back if you can help.
  Alabama on 2005-07-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try ONE tablet of medorrhinum 1m, wait a week and post any result
walkin last decade
Hi, I have taken Medorrhinum 10M, as I didn't have 1M. I actually tried this same remedy about 3 weeks ago, with no good results, but I thought I would give it another try, as you suggested it. I took it two days ago.

You may be able to help me further if you read my post titled: "Heavy Prolonged Period, Arthritis, Severe Depression."

What do you suggest if the Medorrhinum doesn't work??
Alabama last decade
Try some Bellis per 30c , one a day for a week.
Stop if things improve , only start again if the condition worsens again.
walkin last decade
hi, have tried the bellis, but no improvement... any other suggestions?
Alabama last decade
Does the pain
A) lessen if you move about

B) get worse if you move about.
walkin last decade
post your blood and urine reports and also explain your suffering in detail.arthritis is cureable and will be cured.
sajjadakram635 last decade
arthritis is mainly felt in my wrists and fingers. however my feet, shoulders, jaw, knees sometimes hurt too. Occasionally it affects my back, my hips, and every other imaginable joints!

I have trouble moving when I wake up in the morning and it helps to have a hot high-pressure shower, and move around to get the stiffness to go away.
HOWever... if I OVER-do things. For example walk too far, lift things, the arthritis gets ALOT worse.
I have to find a happy medium. Generally, I can't do much, but gentle movement will help.

My wrists are swollen and hot. It is like there are large lumps on the top of my wrist. A couple of my finger joints are swollen and starting to look bent.

I think it would help heappps if you read my previous post which I mentioned above - this outlines so much of my history, and would probably help you in suggesting a remedy.

Sajjaddakram - I will find my blood and urine reports and post results soon.
Alabama last decade
Have a look at Rhus tox 1m a single dose may help.

BUT if condition changes and the MORE you move the worse it gets , then try Bryonis.

These two often work in tandem.
walkin last decade
dear use lithium benzoicum 3x 10 drops thrice daily,formica rufa 6c 5 drops in water thrice daily alternately.u will be much benefited.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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