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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

is it ok to try multiple remedies?

I am new to homeopathy, is it ok for me to pick the incorrect remedy, and then try a new one a few days later? Any side effects?Thanks.
  1969sarah on 2012-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes homoeopathic medicines can have side effects. Sometimes fairly serious ones. You want to be cautious with them.

However for first aid situations, it is not usually a big issue to try a few remedies in a row, as long as you are able to properly assess the reaction to each previous one. You must never change remedies when the previous one has helped, until it stops helping. You should always give enough time for the remedy to work. How long depends entirely on the situation. For very intense emergencies you might only wait 15 mins. For chronic problems (which you should never treat yourself)you might wait several weeks.

The more medicines you use, the higher the risk of side effects though, so if you really don't know what to give, it is better to get advice from someone who does.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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