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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Showrav Please Adivce me, Ledumpal for my arthritis Pains?

Dear Dr. Showrav Ji I REQUEST YOU TO KINDLY ADVISE ME ABOUT WHAT TO DO with my present Right Knee pain? - Thanks a Lot.

Patient description and Symptoms:

Age 49 years male, from warangal andhra pradesh India, weight 73 kgs, height 160 cms....

Having chronic bi-polar disorder since childhood, Diabetes type II, Hypertension, skin disease on the both feet, no interest in going to office very reluctant and lethargy, fear, nervousness anxiety about work problems and job insecurity, like cold, doesn’t like hot weather when sleeping, like sour curies made with tamarind soup…have severe acidity, I use Nexium 40 mg daily, Lithium 700mg daily, Diabex XR 1000mg two times daily, Noten 50 mg daily, and Fish Oil, Hawthorn Berries,Ashwagandha, Vaha gajankusharas, Shilajith, Vigorex, Ginseng, rheumaartho, chandraprabhavati, sinhanad guggul, glucosamine etc etc many tablets
Right Leg First Toe after the Big Toe Pain Arthritis, Severe Right Knee Joint pain, had cortisone injection twice on right side and once on left knee...Right Knee Severely painful....since 9 months the pain , swelling aggravated.... Ankles swollen pain in right sole on walking. Soles painful, can hardly step on them, while walking very pain ful.
Lower Back pain and Neck pain due to prolonged sitting on the computer desk...
Gouty pains shoot all through the foot and limb, and in joints, but especially small joints. Swollen
Cracking in joints Rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends Easy spraining of ankle.
Went to a homoeopath also here in Adelaide, She gave me GUAIACUM
But didn't help,
Out of my own research started using Ledum Pal from 30 potency THEN 200 Potency, started giving effect, then after few weeks 4 - 6 weeks started 1M Potency , then started 10M potency now, good results but, increase the pain after drinking wine or alcohol again....
Also used Nux Vomica from 30 potency to 200 Potency along with Ledumpal above.
Primary Concern is, Still Right knee joint pain on the right side is severe and right toe also, unable to walk. Right knee joing pain shoots up after drinking wine (unable to stop more than three days),

The LEDUM 10 M seems to be working, I have 200, 1M, CM also with me.
Taking this homeo self-medications since 3 to 4 months with gradual increase of potency from 30 C to 10M now.
Can you suggest any remedy for my arthritic joint pains please?

Thanks a lot in Advance
Best Regards
[message edited by sunfield00 on Mon, 21 May 2012 06:51:25 BST]
  sunfield00 on 2012-05-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any Expert Suggestions for Degenerative Osteoarthritis & Right Knee Right Toe Pain? Please! Why no body answered? Now I am using MSM Crystal Powder and Krill Oil Capsules also.....I found Siddha Makaradhwaj Special very effective.....But still want to use Homeopathy and Ledum seems to be effective, but I would like to know your expert experienced views please?
[message edited by sunfield00 on Mon, 21 May 2012 02:08:01 BST]
sunfield00 last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 01:58:07 BST]
simone717 last decade
No Reply Yet
sunfield00 last decade
Hi me writing on here will bump
this up so he can see the thread-
sometimes they go off the first page
and people forget with all that is
going on in this forum and their
own practice.

Best, Simone
simone717 last decade
Thanks to simone,

The first treatment advice is for the patient is to avoid following self mediation first. U have took Ledum Pal 30c to 10m

If the medicine give u real cure than u did not needed to have that much higher potency. U know a little about homeopathy and pls dont hurt urself trying to practice with that little knowledge bcs it will make ur situation worse than actually it was.

Take 10 days of complete detachment from all medicines except diabetics regular medicine for insulin supplement and if gas tablets are needed. Do not take any kind of sex stimulating medicine like shilajit, Ashwagandha, vigorex or anything like that at all.

Reply me after 12 days about situation. can find a form of Dr. Kadwa or Dr. Nawaz Khan's case taking form and feel it up.

U made the case more complected than it was actually by the disease itself, this is the bad effect of self medication. I m afraid that if it could be possible for me to treat u in here completely or not.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
U can order meanwhile Rhus tox 200c and Bryonia Alb 200c liquid medicines meanwhile for neutralize the medicine u previously taken. Also have to order Sulpher and Nux vomica both at 2ooc potency.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 01:56:53 BST]
simone717 last decade
I m messed up with lots of tough cases at private already. So I will try my best to treat u here at forum, But if two times my addressed medicine fails then there will be no way to treat u in here.

Thanks a lot to Simone for helping out lots of people.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dear Dr. Showrav

Thank You for the Reply, I have got Rus Tox and Brionia with me of that 200C Potency but in Sugar pills form, also I have NUX Vomica 200c taking with Ledum Pal.
One doubt sir, Please don't think otherwise, I don't know much, it is just to improve my knowledge, I ask you humbly, that Rus Tox is when the Pains subisde on Movement right? But on walking my Pains are increasing? That's why I got inclined towards Ledumpal, also I have increased pains whenever I drink Red Wine or alcohol, immediately the Right Knee Pain, and Right Toe Pain Increases....

Thanks a Lot,
I am ready to take the long term treatment from you privately if you can post me the medicines to Adelaide, I have already emailed to you for your private response.
sunfield00 last decade
Thank you Dr. Showrav and Thank You Simone.

I will definitely follow Dr. Showrav's advice and take off those Ayurvedic medicines. And will take Rus Tox and Bryonia 200C, but what abouot Nux Vomica and Sulphur How to take them? What is their Dosage? Please...
sunfield00 last decade
Hi Sunfield,
Dr.Showrav wants you to take

NOTHING ! until June 10th. Then report
in what is going on.

My feeling is he will then tell you What
he wants you to do with Rhus or Bryonia,
or maybe he will want to do something
with Nux or Sulpher. It depends on
what your condition shows when you
report. He wants a clear slate to prescribe.

You also have to check the Nawaz
posts and fill out that intake form
on here on your post.

Best, Simone
simone717 last decade
Can u pls resend the mail to me u did previously. I think I missed it.

resend the mail pls.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dear Dr.Showrav
I have stopped the Homeo Medicines Ledumpal and Nux-Vomica Since >one week after your advise to stop and I am getting severe pain in the right knee joint and Right Toe as described before. I am unable to walk as the Pain has severely increased and I am forced to take pain killers some times. I did not have much pain while using the Homeo Medicines, only when I drank wine it was increasing. Now I can see the marked difference.... Please note this. Now today it is 7th June, after stopping the Homeopathy medicines I see a marked increase in the right side knee joint and toe, that I have to drag to my office very difficultly from the station by walk.
---Thanks a lot in advance for your kind suggestions.
[message edited by sunfield00 on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 10:56:15 BST]
sunfield00 last decade
Please take Ruta G. 200c one dose at night for 5 days daily once 30 min before sleep and take and Colchicum 200c at morning empty stomach 30 min before meal.

Report me after 5 days pls.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade

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