The ABC Homeopathy Forum
My son who is 4 yrs and 3 months old has a history of stammering for last two years. He first started when he was 2.5 years. It continued for 3 months and then disappeared. It again started when he was 3, continued for 1 month and disappeared. This time it started around one year back and presently it is at its peak. He drags for seconds on the first letter of a word. And now he stammers on almost every second word. But amazingly the stammering is not consistent. He pronounces the same word correctly in some different sentence. In fact this characteristic was there in earlier two episodes also. We are blessed with one more son in May last year and it (the third episode) started sometime after that. The child specialist says that this may be due to attention that his younger sibling is getting. But then what was the reason for earlier two occurrences? He also suggested us to wait for some more time .Some more points I would like to add that he is very very active and talkative also. He hardly sits, except when he is watching his favorite cartoon. He is very bright and has got a very sharp memory (I am not saying this as a parent, but his teacher has also noticed this).He started solving jig saw puzzles at an age of 2.5 yrs.Kindly suggest what should I do? Recently we went to see a speech therapist. Although he (my son) did not cooperate much but whatever he spoke he did not stammer at all in his (speech therapists) presence. He only advised us to give him more attention. He completely ruled out that it is an ADHD case. We are totally confused and dont know what to do. Should we intervene at this stage or wait to get it over by itself as in earlier cases?Can it be treated by stramonium 200?harry_lunhial on 2012-06-02
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Please give him a single dose of Stramonium 200 and see how that affects in next 15 days. Please note that he should be given only one dose and should not be given doses daily.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thanks.but I have contacted a homeopath online with the same question and she has prescribed 4 pills of stramonium 200 twice a day for 10 days .After reading your suggestion i am confused whether to go for prescribed doses or to give just one as you suggested.
harry_lunhial last decade
If a remedy is given for 10 days, it may lead to remedy proving. i generally advice 3-4 doses over 2 days. i think that it is too much to give the remedy for 10 days without waiting for it's response.
♡ kadwa last decade
Considering your suggestion I met a local homeopath .She has advised instead of stramonium 200 it would be better to give stramonium 30 (four pills thrice a day for 7 days).I have started the prescription.Lets hope for the best.
harry_lunhial last decade
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