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Pilonidal Sinus- Wound not healing- For NawazKhanh Page 2 of 4

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No, use a spoon, stir and wait for 4-5 minutes. It will be dissolved, God willing.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Sir....
I just want to tell u that i have seen no improvement in 2 days after having a silicea 1m.
its the same like before. so what should i do now . Pls let me know.

gurizo last decade
'its the same like before.'
I would like you to explain again here in detail????
nawazkhan last decade
its the same like bfore ...
i am talking about pilonidal abscess. bcause i have not seen any change on that effected area.

gurizo last decade
Hello sir ...

I am waiting for ur reply . I want to tell u that it got some hard now. Now i feel pain when i sit or press that area . Pls sir let me know what should i do now . I think remedies given by you is working . So pls doctor reply me asap.
gurizo last decade
Hello Doctor...

i am waiting for ur reply ... pls pls doctor reply me ASAP.
remedies given by you is working now .... i had taken 1 dose of silicea 1m last week and that area become hard . now i dont know what to do. u r the only hope doctor pls help me and let me know that what should i do now. do i need to take silicea 1m again or not. pls pls doctor give me reply. i will ve very thanksfull to u .

gurizo last decade
Please do not take Silicea 1m any more at this time.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi doctor
I need ur help pls rely me sir ......

I am ripanjit singh .... As u know my problem that i am suffering from pilonidal sinus. My sinus draning from 22 days . Nd i am taking these remedies
Calcerea flurica 6x
Calcerea sulph 6x
Natmur 6x
2times in day

Hydrastic can 1m 1st day
Thuja 1m 2nd day
2 times in a month

And silicea 1m once in a week ..

So i just want to know like sinus is keep draing from aprx 3 weesks. When some day it dont drain it again become like big lump. So pus formation still not stooped. Can u please help me in this case .... Should i continue with these remedies or change it. Pls sir let me know .

Thnx very much
[message edited by gurizo on Wed, 23 Jan 2013 03:00:15 GMT]
gurizo last decade
What is the color of Pus? Any pain or bleeding?

Stop these remedies.
nawazkhan last decade
Thnx very muchfor reply sir......

Pus colour is little bit yellow with little bit bleeding...... And no pain at all ....

gurizo last decade
So as u told me sir i have stopped these all remedies....
Now pls tellme that which remedy should i take now.

gurizo last decade

Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Sir.....

As u told me i took berberis vulg 1x for 3days. I have notice that pus colour changed little bit from yellow to watery and now not very bad smell comes from pus . So now should i coninue with this remedy or not.

Thank u sir
gurizo last decade
So, there is no bleeding anymore?

Is the color of pus right now is clear white/watery?
nawazkhan last decade
Hello sir

Thanks for reply sir....

Actually sir last week the colour of pus was white watery and there was not bleeding for 2 days.... But again yesterday when pus came out after 2-3 days it was mixed with 50% blood . This is first time that too much blood came with pus. So exactly dont know the colour of pus this time and from yesterday pus is continuesly coming out with blood.

And one thing more sir pus does not come out continuesly ...... When that area fills with pus in 2-3 days and become like a lump , then it start draning for 1-2 days. So what should i do now sir?

gurizo last decade
Hi Ripan,

Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 more days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi sir...

I took berberis vulg 1x for 4 days ....... Now i have seen some improvement . There is just little bit swelling ... And from 2 days very less pus coming out ... yesterday no pus came out. Pus colour was very light yellow. So now should i continue with this remedy or need to take any other remedy.

Thanks very much for help sir

gurizo last decade
How about the bleeding and pain, if any?
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for quick reply sir..

No bleeding or pain at all now.
Today when i pressed it hardly the light yellow colour pus came.

[message edited by gurizo on Tue, 12 Feb 2013 10:38:38 GMT]
gurizo last decade

Please take Silicea 1m, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, only one dose.

Also, do you have Alumen 30c?
nawazkhan last decade
Thank u sir ....

i dont have Alumen 30c right now but pls let me know how to take that remedy , i will buy today .
and i will take silicea 1m today..

gurizo last decade
Ok, we will see the response from Silicea 1m first. Then, we will go from there.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Sir...

As u told me that i took silicea 1m one dose on wednesday. yesterday (sunday) sinus increased little bit in size and at night when i pressed it hardly the light yellow pus came out. otherwise no bleeding , no pain at all now.
So now i need to take any other remedy or not ?

Thank U Sir
gurizo last decade
Hello, Please take Alumen 30C, 2 times a day, for 4 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello sir ......
How r u ???

I was in india for 2 months so i could not contact with you for 2 months.
Actually as u told me in feb to take ALUMEN 30c . I took for 4-5 days in india but the sinus keep draining little bit daily . I took silicea 1m again in march . But the problem is same still. Only maximun 10 to 20 drops of light yellow pus comes out daily.
Can u pls tell me which remedy i need to take now ..

gurizo last decade

Please take Calc Sulph 12x, 3 times a day, for 1 week.

Also, Calendula 200C, 1 time a day, for 5 days.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade

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