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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can Homeopathic help me grow taller ? Baryta Carb 30, Silicea 12 & Symphytum Q.

Hi first soory for my english. I am 16 old girl and i am just 4.11..its really depresive.my sister(10 years) is tall like me :/ my second sister is 8 and she has normal height..My mom is little bit taller than the other womans but my dad is little bit short than the others.Maybe are my sister taller because they are dancinge 5 years,they skipping..MY doctor said that my HGH test is OK but they did this thes 10 years go when i was 6 years..

I sleep good(9 hours),i go sleep before 10 PM,eat right(no junk food), too much meat,eggs,milk,youghurts...2 weeks ago i started do stretching.

I read this forum: http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/43229/43
and they write that homeopathic medicine can help me. Is it true?Try anybody this hmp?
1)Baryta Carb 30
2) Symphytum Q
3) Silicea 12X

Really thx fot answers...If i dont grow taller i kill myself because i dont wanna be evverytime the smallest.
  petra878 on 2012-07-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Don't worry about your height. Jesus Christ the son of God still loves you and everyone is equal.Matthew 23:11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
[message edited by rperry on Tue, 06 May 2014 00:51:58 BST]
rperry last decade

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