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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

21 year old female with rash

I have a rash that at times has covered most of my upper arms, parts of my neck and lower face as well as random spots on my body it is light red rough and kind of circular patches ive had it for around 6 years and shower make it really hot,red and inflamed it is sometimes itchy. Along with this following the birth of my first child I have noticed my hair greying in a spot. My skin is so sensitive I can not use soap as it irritates the rash nor can I use fragranced lotions due to burning sensation,my skin is very dry as well and I get bad acne right before a period. Any help I can get would be appreciated as ive suffered with this rash for so long
  motherofone on 2012-10-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A few things I forgot to add I am breastfeeding and get car sickness very easily I get overheated easily and prefer cooler weather but hate being wet. Also I am irratable,impatient and aggitated by loud noises as well as multiple noises all at once, any sort of pain makes me very angry. Again thank you in advance for the help
motherofone last decade

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