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Painful Skin Problems

female, aged 56

fragile, 'tissue-paper' skin. legs sensitive, sore, stinging, often feels as if tearing. spider veins and varicose veins in lower legs. skin of legs often feels pulled tight but isn't dry. lotions, oils, etc do not help. contact with water worsens, hot baths make intolerable. blood spots beneath skin (of legs) wherever there is pressure from clothing, appearance of brownish-red stain around spider vein sites. skin very pale compared to natural complexion. wearing of stockings (socks) cause itching relieved temporarily by scratching but causes small red scabs to arise.

skin on hands and arms is also fragile, like tissue paper, with 'age spots' but not painful or otherwise bothersome.

also prone to rosacea (of the flush/butterfly pattern type), particularly in autumn and winter seasons.

have sought attention of homeopath who has administered Phos, Nat Mur, Ledum, Silicea, Sulph, Causticum, Carc, Rhus Tox in various potencies. none of these have helped.
[message edited by bumblebean on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 01:29:40 GMT]

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  bumblebean on 2012-10-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- you may wish to send an email to
revav6At gmai dot com- she is a homeopath
who volunteers on here, but does not have
time to read all the posts. She is very good
with women's issues, skin and so on.

Send her the thread title and browser number
of this post.
simone717 last decade

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