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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Plz read it nd reply back

My aunt is having so many different kinds of problems due to loss of hair. I am going to tell some facts about my aunt below.
She lives in Canada and.......
37 years old
4 kids (3 girls and 1 boy)
Whenevr she brush her hair, so many hairs comes off.
Too much dandruff
after her fourth child was born a year ago, she started having black spots on her face and most of the hairs statrs turning into gray color.
She is using herbal shampoo and its not affecting at all.
Please help her to tell a correct remedy that would help her to cure her loss of hair, fades on face, gray hair, and dandruff.
I would apprecite it and thankful to u.
thank you very much.
  Wazeema826 on 2005-08-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have used Arnica 30c in the succussed dose to help with Hair Loss for some years and have discovered that about 75% of the cases that I have treated were successful in arresting the loss of their hair in a fortnight and in about another 6 weeks were able to observe the growth of new hair on their scalps.

Please follow the simple instructions set out below precisely:

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid Arnica 30c into the 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy and sip it twice daily with the last dose taken just before sleep. You will observe that you sleep very deeply after the Arnica.

You can also use Arnica Q (Mother Tincture) dissolved in Coconut Oil in a 20% solution and this should be shaken up to mix well before a few drops are massaged on the scalp.

Use Johnson's Baby Shampoo on your hair as this is the mildest shampoo available to help with hair growth.

No coffee and cola drinks and preserved meats containing saltpeter may be used during treatment as they all antidote the remedy.

Please post your response to this therapy in 2 months.
Joe De Livera last decade
you will need to get her to a homeopathic person,she needs constitutional remedy
alangail1 last decade
Dear Wazeema826

It isn't be enough information about the symptoms of your aunt, all what you tell points to Lycopodium, Early gray of the hair, liver spot on the face, lost of hair, etc. but is she begining her climateric period, she have craiving of sweets in the afternoon, how are her moods, how does she feel, I need some medical history of she and her family.

sergiorvil last decade

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